Our little dream :) Had a mc???

oh no amyrose :-( :hugs: i hate seeing a BFN it kills me
oh bored bored bored ben at work all day but systems are down so been spamming pf forum and what did i go and do...................mope in the BFP section.........what a dick now i am sad and just wanna go home santa better bring me my BFP or else i refuse to be a good girl ever again
good morning :)

its freezing today and i barely got myself out of the blanket this morning :(

i start believing that i will never get my BFP. i have absolutely no symptoms again this month...
waiting for the christmas to come now, hopefully we can relax a little then.
i feel like that too hope, i felt sick this morning but i know its not a symptom :-( i just get travelsick thats all **sigh** TTC is a hard business isnt it :hugs:
:hug: hope and lynette. AR have you tested yet? I saw your thread in GR! How is the spotting,? did it get worse and develop into AF or just finish????
Good morning :)

almost weekend. can't wait for some relaxing. waiting for the next weekend for maybe some christmast shopping too after we get paid. :D

i just looked at the calendar and realized that we don't really get too many free days this time around for christmas :(

anyone got any plans yet for this weekend? we will probably stay in the house most of the weekend renovating the bedroom and if it will stop raining probably some long walks with the puppy.

my oh today woke up wanting banana bread. i never heard of that in my life lol but i suppose after work i am off to find recipe for banana bread... so is banana bread yummy? do you eat that by itself like a cake? or sliced and with gem or honey or whatever on it?

have a nice day everyone :)

dysco thank you for the hugs. waiting for you to start TTC, maybe you will come with some baby dust with you :D.
i make a nice banana and oatmeal bread/cake thing its so easy to make, youneed mushny old bananas would you like the recipe hun.

I am in my 2ww cross your fingers for me girlies xx
I have 2 gigs this weekend, plus as much of a house as we can possibly paint to paint AND i am going out Friday to help my friend score a lovely dreadlocked man ;)

so i am going to be in very little this weekend...

bit gutted coz what i would really like is to spend the weekend with Liam, on the sofa cuddling

but i cant!

Oh well, lifes too exciting to act like an old lady so i will be out and about!!
oooo good luck for your gigs hun i am sure you will be great xx
yeah i will post it tinight when i am home its a fmaily recipie so you are all very lucky girlies! is so easy to make i always make it when we r skint as you just chuck it in a bowl and mush it up in your hands. it will be on here about 7pm xx
cheers sweetie! have wanted a good reciepe for banana bread with OLD bananas for a while, i have only found em with new bananas up til now!
Lynette where are you? My oh is waiting for your recipe lol.
omg my OH took my lappy and played footy manager on it all night ladies i am sooo sorry, 2 secs I have the recepie here
oh fuck my life i forgot it :-( sorry i PROMISE i will post it over the weekend lol i am such a spaz!
lol good job you lot do!! i am a tuppance arnt i lol
ok as promised banana and oatmeal bread:

120g oats ( brekky oats are fine )
100g self raising flour
100g brown sugar ( but any sugar works fine )
3 old mushy bananas
2 eggs
120g melted butter
1 teaspoon baking powder ( not bicarb it tastes funny )
1 teaspoon vanilla esscense ( spelling argh )

ok the above is for the cake, the below is optional and for the topping of the cake, i dont always do it but it is nice

bag of crushed walnuts ( or any nuts ) about a large handful
30g plain flour
30g brown sugar
teaspoon of cinnamon

so.........when mixing the cake there is a method... but i just throw it all in.... mix with wooden spoon then at the end put the bananas in by getting them in your hand, squeezing and letting it come all out your fingers. once you add bananas dont mix them up too much or the mix will be runny and ur cake wont set do not whisk this like a cake
the mix should be lumpy and thick

line a standard loaf tin wth baking paper ( u can pick em up for about a quid in wilkos ) throw in ur mixture fill to half way then if you made a topping grab a handful and sprinkle over the top lightly pressing the nuts into the wet cake mix

180 degrees about an hour TA DA done, tastes good cooled or straight out the oven with custard

if ur not sure its done stick a knife in and if it comes out clean its cooked if its sloppy om the knife leave it in, cooking time varies dependant on cooker mine is fan assisted and cooks like a beast so just keep an eye on it
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My best friends dalmation has decided to try and 'get' on the cooker and smashed it :( :(

my £450 halogen cooker is completely smashed up

I dunno what we are going to do!
Can't believe a dog smashed your cooker Fi!

Just found out my ex is expecting a baby at the end of next month, one month before i should have been due. not a big deal but a bit weird.

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