Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Hi girls,
Lynette, i'm so glad its going well, its so nice that someone shared their experience with you, i had that here and it made such a difference to know others know how it feels in the real world. Hope oh dear, coco is really making her presence felt! My dress is bought and hanging up, i haven't been able to upload a photo yet because of phone issues so will try and get that resolved! but i sooo want to wear it all the time! i can't believe it fits so well as a second hand dress :)

My parents are driving me nuts about the wedding, its so stupid, my Dad is really hung up on inviting the daughter and her husband of his best friends. I will not give way because we are making so many compromises as it is and had to get really shirty with him on the phone which i hate! Its all resolved now but i was fuming yesterday and didn't sleep well because of it so v tired now. I woke up to a email which resolved it all but i wish he'd done that last night! I am determined not to get stressed or turn into bridezilla but my parents may not survive that resolution! It wasn't meant to be a low blow but in the end I said look, the reason the wedding is as planned as it is is because i miscarried. I should be worrying about by bump getting bigger, knowing the sex, planning the birth, instead i'm distracted from all that by planning my wedding. I would far rather be pregnant than getting married as much as I love OH and want to tie the knot, its really not a big deal in the light of an mc so back off!
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friend of ours got married recently and the wedding ended up not even being anything like they wanted as everyone else got involved. They didnt know half the people at the reception Stick to your guns hun x
there is so much conflicting information flying around isnt there.....why cant they just say ummmm well we really dont know
Well i would go and check, i remember something about fibriod tissue being mentioned but thought nothing of it, this is my first MC however but i would like to have this checked.
Good morning :)

Excited is Friday! Though tomorrow we have to wake up so early because we are going to visit oh parents (5 h drive) and we will come back the same day.
I hope for a lazy Sunday after that :)
Dysco how does it go with the marathon training?
Did someone see kanga lately?
Have a nice day everyone!
Hey hope you have a nice weekend, OH's mum invited us to watch a film on her projector outside with booze and BBQ tonight so that shoud be good.

Cant remember seeing Kanga latley hope shes ok x
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Hey ladies im still around, I was away at my sisters for a few days with my 10month old niece. It was so nice being around her, playing and feeding her banana got very messing! I even did her night time bath and bottle and she was falling asleep in my arms, so cute made me cry as it made me realise what Im not getting anymore! But has made me broodier than ever!

Also yesterday seemed like it was lets moan about our pregnancy day on Facebook, why cant they just appreciate they are pregnant at all! Also someone who knew about our mc got pregnant a few weeks after my mc and posted up a scan picture yesterday, very sad and jealous that they got to there 12 week scan and every thing was fine. Made be re live my visit to the hospital and be told the bad news! :(

But today I am feeling happier it's sunny outside and hopefully we will be going dog shopping tomorrow :)

Hope it sounds like coco is keeping u on ur toes after some very long hours at work! I think an older dog is definitely the way forward :)

wow hope thats a long day for you guys! can't you stya over somewhere?
We are painting the house still and have a long training run (11 miles) planned for some point in the weekend. Last long run before the race in 2 weeks!

early finish for me today, house painting then a bbq with OH, his sister and some friends. making the most of some late summer sun :)
kanga i am glad you had such a good time :)

Facebook and pregnancy sucks completely....

believe me get an adult dog lol, they re so so cute the puppies but such a pain...waking up and dressing and going outside in the garden every night, 3 times per night.....
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we could stay to the oh parents house but with the puppy after us its probably wiser to come back home.

summer sun you say dysco, i took the winter clothes out 2 weeks ago....

have fun at the bbq :hug:
Sounds like coco is a right handful! :) I'm really hoping my oh doesn't change his mind tomorrow, or I will go down on my own and get one! I have told him that he can help chose or just come to a dog being there :lol:

I have been quite good today with my studying and managed to start typing up my mock exam ready to email off to be marked. Hopefully finish doing that tomorrow, my deadline is coming up fast only 8 days before my tutor support runs out, eeekk, really got to get moving!

I'm taking the relaxed approach with ttc this month, not going to use my opks just going to go with the flow and enjoy myself, after all I didn't need opks to get pregnant before and the relaxed approach worked for us.

So jealous of all the bbqs going on tonight :)

Hope everyone has had a good Friday! Xx
Feeling rather deflated this afternoon after going to the RSPCA, why do they have to make it so hard to adopt a dog! Apparently my garden fences are too small so have to replace them! Only problem is I would probably need about 40 fence panels! So looks like I won't be getting a dog as buying a puppy is far too expensive and we can't afford it! :(

How's everyone else on this lovely Saturday afternoon? Xx
Evening ladies, how are we all doing this lovely day?

I have had a rather chilled out day with my oh, although he is out at the mo! can't win to keep him all day! We have had a good old chat about our finances and how to reduce our outgoings so we can pay off some of our bills. but generally feeling good.

Hope how was the visit to the inlaws? hows coco doing? u got any new pictures for us?

Dysco did u manage to fit in ur 11 mile run? ur braver than i am doing a half marathon! :)

Lynette how was ur bbq with the inlaws, hope u have had a good weekend

Hey kanga :)
It was a busy weekend. The day with the in laws wasn't so bad and coco was really good behaved. Kanga I can't believe you can't get a dog if your fence is not as tall as they want :( my yard dosent even have a fence.did you ask at the local vet, pet store etc? Often people with not pure breed doggies put announcements there that they give away puppies.
So how was everyone's weekend?
Have a nice day :)
hey guys, popping by to say hello. when you think life has thrown all it can why is it something else happens. last night i found out someone i used to be freinds with and work with with died 3 years ago, of bowel cancer, he leaves behind his wife and his 2 girls now age 8 and 4yrs, i feel so awful i didnt know until now. cried so much and am beating myself up for not keeping in touch we never fell out even we just drifted apart with time, the freinds who did stay in touch via the odd phone call or txt or facebook, never said anything before to me and when i asked why they said they thought i knew and thought i just didnt come to the funeral for some reason. i cried so much last night about it and in general about sad things, and about being a rubbish freind, ben was only 23yrs old at the time he died. i am determined to not let any other freinds slip away and will do whatever i can to meet up with them my life seems like some kind of soap opera at the moment full of highs and lows that i couldnt even make up.
oh that so sad. Really makes you value that contact with friends. I know that soap opera feeling, real life can feel so surreal sometimes. :hug: xx
hi ladies,

weekend was good, and boozey. Got super emotional when stupid in-laws little girl ( they adopted a girl from a cousin who is a heroin addict long story ) who is 8 so she is not stupid, turns to me and goes.......errmm so wheres your baby then....dead is it bet your so sad coz your baby DIED. I could have dropkicked the stupid shit through the floor. OH's mum m ade no effort to scold her, the little girl is evil she knew it was wrong to say. Then kept asking me why my baby was dead and poking my belly i ended up going fucking ballistic and ONLY THEN does something get said and someone gets smacked arse and bed....great. BUT the night was ok once she fecked off to bed and his mum was quite nice to me for a change. OH's brother proposed to his girl of like 6 years so excited for her wedding we are close friends.

Hope everyone else is ok, Kanga I used to work for the RSPCA and i wonder how they ever rehome any dogs the rules they hold lol.

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