Our little dream :) Had a mc???

hey ladies

hope omg that dog is sooo cute! I rent so no dogs allowed :-(

Got doctors today to see when i can go back to work, tbh i could have just gone this morning but i totally chickened out and i am having an upset day it seems god rollercoaster or what?!

I think I am going to ask to go back Thursday so I just have a couple of days then can have the weekend i am being a total coward about going back
aww coco is lovely! :) lucky you! :) its been my birthday yesterday so sorry i havent been around, had a lovely weekend my best freind and her 8 month old (my god daughter) evie, stayed with us for the weekend, i thought it would be really difficult but actually it was really nice having a baby to fuss over and love and cuddle i miss them now they have gone home though :( had family and freinds over for a bbq yesterday adn the sun shone n was a gorgoues day and today am off to see got to dance auditions with adam garcia judging it, (swoon and drool!!!) with my other best mate, (husband refused to go to what he calls "that drivvle off the telly" ) but should be a nice day out, so im keeping busy and trying to stay positive. hope everyone else had a nice weekend, sorry iv not been around as much felt i needed a bit of a break from the sad stuff and to go do things ya know? anyways im back with a new found positivity towards the future and wanted to be there for the rest of you plus my bleeding seems to have finally stopped so that constant reminder isnt there. hugs to all xxxxx
hey ladies

hope omg that dog is sooo cute! I rent so no dogs allowed :-(

Got doctors today to see when i can go back to work, tbh i could have just gone this morning but i totally chickened out and i am having an upset day it seems god rollercoaster or what?!

I think I am going to ask to go back Thursday so I just have a couple of days then can have the weekend i am being a total coward about going back

lynette its always a roller coaster sweetie dont beat yourself up, i am feeling great today but about 4 days back i was crying at everything im sure there will be other sad days for me too, i think partially its the grieving process and partially its the hormones being all muddled for us all now that does it big hugs xxx
cheers hun, happy belated birthday also xxx
Good morning, how are you doing?
Dysco did I miss the news for the wedding dress?
Kanga how is it going with AF? Was it normal? It was much heavier for me the first time.

Life with a small puppy is hard lol. It's crying every time you put it in it's crate, some times for an h. It wakes up during the night up to 3 times to go potty meaning I have to get it out in the garden...puppies are cute but can't wait to be older lol.
So that's where all of our free time goes...
Supposingly I am in my 2WW , though we only DTD 2 like 3-4 days before ovulation, so no idea if we have a chance but we will see. I hate the 2WW lol.
Lynette, k8 how things are for you? Back to work?
Corinne, I think I saw on a thread that you are not feeling so good, I hope its better already :)
Have a nice day anyone :) :hug:
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hello things are good today, back to work thursday so using these days off now to blitz my house.

Believe it or not i cant wait for the witch to come for me, then everything is back in working order and i can carry on properly
you sound so positive this morning, fabulous! good luck for work on thursday, don't feel you have to be super woman, just try and carry on as 'normal' and see how it goes. :hug:
i feel much more positive about things. Still feling a deep deep sense of loss and i have a few tears at least once a day but i dont think i can do anything about that, besides i want to feel these emotions as i dont think i should supress anything that comes with losing this baby. Doctor gave me knockout anti depressants and i have not been taking them as i dont wanna numb myself.

im still scared about work but the longer i leave it the worse i feel
Morning everyone

Hope the witch was a complete bitch, so so heavy on sat and sun (tmi) I was leaking out of the orange super plus tampons within 2 - 2 1/2 hours!! Ridiculous and the cramps were quite painful so had a hot water bottle most of the day. I'm sure it was worse than the mc as that was only bleeding while sat on the loo. On cd5 now and it's really light again, normal AF length is about 7 days.

Having a puppy sounds like hard work! I will probably end up with a slightly older dog anyway as not many puppies come into the RSPCA and when they do they are first adopted. Hoping to go this weekend :)

I'm going to see my sister and niece tomorrow and stay over night as they live about 2 hours drive away, should be a nice break from work.

Glad to hear u are more positive today lynette, just take each day as it comes. I got myself worked up yesterday about everything, the witch arriving was a good and a bad thing! I didn't want it because I wanted a BFP bit quite glad to know I am more normal again now.

K8, happy birthday for Sunday and glad to hear u had a good day. I agree with hearing all the sad stuff sometimes it can get a bit much. But then I always come back to speak to everyone.

Have a great day everyone xxx
you look after yourself lynette. Feeling the emotion is good but reconsider the antidepressants if it stops you functioning, if you can cope, well done you! this is a huge blow for anyone, let alone someone that fights depression anyway. I dreaded going back but once i got there it wasn't as bad as i'd feared.

Kanga the :witch: sounds awful! my af isn't a good one at the moment either, sat in a meeting all day yesterday in an over air conditioning room was torture, i just wanted to be warm! was that really too much to ask?
Hey all,

My tales of woe are well documented here (sorry - I have been banging on a lot)

I had a M/C in late May and a chemical pregnancy (very early M/C) at the weekend.

I look forward to all you ladies that have suffered losses moving up the boards from here all the way to tri 3 and beyond :)

I am trying to be as positive as possible and I hope that sometime soon I am blessed with a viable pregnancy.

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Kanga that first AF was a total pain for me too, the second was a little better, let's hope you will never get to see your second AF :hug:
On duty tonight :( and I am already tired. Puppies are very hard work....

I know it's early to ask but I need to hear some positive thoughts lol. So what are your plans for this weekend?
God weekend can't come soon enough...
painting the outside of the house again! just like we did last weekend and an 11 mile run :( which means no booze (I've found i really can't drink the few days before i run, dehydration is a b*tch).
Hi ladies,

Back to work tomorrow, today i am going to see a close friend for some wine and giggles. She has a 1 year old who was born day after my birthday and i am actually looking forward to cooing over a baby.
aw have a nice day lynette, sounds like just what you need, and a good way to relax before tomorrow. I think you'll be amazing and just don't beat yourself up if emotions take over, tomorrow or any other day come to that. :hug:
i will try, i think a good old girly wine fuelled chat will help today. Havnt actually seen any of my close female friends as they are all either waiting to have a baby or already have one so they have stayed away. I dont blame them though, i dont think i would have been up for seeing them anyway the way i felt
Good to hear everyone positive this mornin its so strange to be carrying on with our lives but we must I'm having a day enjoying the sunshine and not doing to much after these days off I'm back Friday I am now waiting for first af after the op n then I am going to make appoint to see gp. I don't feel ready to before then. Hope coco has settled in well n lynette big hugs.hope seeing your friend and their Lo goes ok I actually found my god daughter of 8 months was lovely to have around n miss her now her n her mum gone home xx
hi ladies, back at work and being cheeky sat here on PF forum lol. Its actually lovely to go back everyne pleased to see me, i was shaking when i first went in but now i feel fine. A girl went for a cigerette with me ( yes started smoking again ) and told me she lost her baby at 12 weeks back in march it was so nice to speak about it to someone. phew.....so glad to be here i almost feel normal again.

Oh apart fron yesterday when i bought somne earrings from this little shop and whilst on the till the lady goes to me...'' oh do you have child?'' then proceeded to show me these mother and daughter candles that she had in for xmas......cryed all the way home :-(
Good morning
Linette I am glad you are doing fine at work :) sorry to hear about the incident in the shop, sometimes I happens to me too. :hug:
Dysco you still didn't hear from the wedding dress or I missed it somewhere??

Had a tough night at work, got only 10 min sleep :( and I even have to work until 5 o'clock today. I swear sometime I feel I don't trust my own judgement after a hard on duty night....can't wait to go home and o to bed. Oh wait...I can't do that coco most definitely is not read to go to bed lol.
Plans for weekend have been made,on Saturday we are going to visit oh parents, that means 5 h to go. 'and 5 h to come back car drive again lol.on Sunday hopefully we will just relax and study too....I didn't have much at all of that since we got coco. I can only imagine how having an LO will be lol....
Have a nice day everyone.

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