Our little dream :) Had a mc???

oh i forgot k8, so sorry about your friend its a real kick in the teeth when you lose touch and this happens. A close friend of mine died from a blood clot in his leg due to poor maintinance of his severe diabetes. I used to go round and make sure he took his insulin then gradually drifted away as we all do. Then he died and i felt so so awful but its not your fault hunny xxx
Good morning .

10 days post ovulation today and I have no symptoms at all. Wonder if I will get upset when AF arrives.
Tomorrow is oh birthday and I need to come with an idea of a present. So any ideas?
How is everyone doing?
morning girls. I'm OK thanks k8, my most surreal time was a few years back when I seemed to lurch from one emotional rollercoaster to another. Thankfully, apart from the mc things are pretty calm although work is hectic now the students are back. I still find myself quite up and down and wishing the time away so that we can start TTC after xmas.
Fingers crossed for you Hope and BB too! Kanga where are you at, could this be your month?
hey ladies, i am dying for the witch to come it has been 4 weeks now since i lost the baby. Has anyone else struggled with terrible skin and hair after MC, i swear my hair is falling out :-(
morning everyone, im doing good this morning not long woke up definitely needed that lie in!! im cd 12 today so a few days off ov yet but oh is really wanting it to happen now so im sure we will get plenty of bd'ing in.

dysco, i bet it is crazy now the students are back after the holidays, my work has got quieter now the kids are back in school! but does mean there is less cleaning to do as not getting as mucky, so get a bit bored at times!

Hope, fx this is ur month, i think the less symptoms u have the better, i thought i had loads last month and it never happened! I think with every af visit u will get upset but somehow u do manage to pick urself up again. I have no ideas about presents for u oh, i find buying for my oh hard enough :) xx
hey ladies, i am dying for the witch to come it has been 4 weeks now since i lost the baby. Has anyone else struggled with terrible skin and hair after MC, i swear my hair is falling out :-(

i had quite alot of hair fall out, but apparently when ur pregnant u dont lose as much hair as normal, so its all probably coming out now ur hormones are normal. not sure where this is from but my oh came out with it!!

fx the witch comes for u soon lynette. how long ago did u stop bleeding cos it seems the witch arrives around 21 days later? xx
I stopped bleeding on the 16th/ 17th September so the witch should be here by next week!

My OH said something about my hair not shedding too when i was pregnant, thats weird lol. I just want this bloody period to come so as I can attempt to get my hormones back to some normality, just got over Pregnancy hormones only for AF to come and bugger it up my skin is soooo dry and oily I just dont know what to try. NOne of my makeup stays on and no facewashes have worked boooo its making me sad
how strange that both our oh's knew that random bit of info :) i would say that by the weekend the witch should have made her visit. I only had 18 days after i finally stopped bleeding before the witch came in full force, i wasn't best pleased to be bleeding again but i do feel so much better in myself as i feel it really sorted out any remaining hormones!! xx
I have terribly long hair so I shed all the time....even when I was pregnant. I m still amazed how I still have tons of hair in my head lol.
I had no spots or oily face, hair, whatever during pregnancy. I would say that I got that glow even from the beginning but all those that you describe Lynette are due to hormonal changes and are normal.
Your hormones will go back to normal after you have your AF but it may take a month or two for you skin and hair to be like before.
It's been months now thati want to go for a haircut, just to shorten it a little but my oh every time begs me to not lol. He really loves long hair. Though even if I cut 1/2 of it it will still be long...
I got no idea for oh present. I am starting to get desperate :(
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My hair is really long too so its just everywhere!!! As for a pressy for OH I usually find something electronic does the trick, Ipod/mp3 player or some random thingy part for his PC. Or usual man-gifts like wallets, belts, nice tshirts or if all else fails a sexy favour........... lol
you may even get away with buying YOURSELF some sexy undies and passing it off as a gift for him, winners all round!
my OH likes active things. I got him a nice pair of binoculars one year (which he took sailing/to malaysia etc) and prob for xmas I'm getting him a 'top gun' experience in a fast jet!
OMG thats so cool!! How much is that, thats like the best pressy ever. Boots do great packages for pressys like hot air balloon rides and Formula 1 experience
Not sure where to post this so sticking it in here as i talk to all of u ladies most, but didnt think it appropriate to start a new thread about this in this section.

As some of u know I wanted to get married for, but put it off due to costs. I was always adamant was going to be married before having kids, but decided earlier this year that i would never get ttc if i waited for marriage first. Now after my mc i'm not sure what i want. i just cant get the idea of getting married out of my head.

i have recently looked into getting a loan to consolidate all of our outgoings as currently only paying back 2 out of 6 things we owe on. so thought a loan would make it easier. then i got thinking we could increase the loan a small amount to cover the costs of getting married!! :) (not told oh yet tho)

im not one for being centre of attention, or wearing dresses, or dancing so it seems like a huge waste of money to me just to be married. i was looking at doing it abroad but even that is complicated, then u have the whole do u have family there or not! wish it was easy, without the family expecting u do to it a certain way because of tradition!! why does something so special like confessing ur love and commitment to each other have to be so stressful!!

I am hoping to talk to my oh re weddings tonight, i think i did numbers a while back and it was around 50 - 60 people tops, but hoping to cut that down a small bit. i was also thinking of having a late afternoon wedding therefore no wedding breakfast needed just an evening buffet. my oh and I have done loads of talking re weddings and how we can make it cheaper just need to act on it and find out costs.

photography - we have a couple of friends we can ask
wedding car - borrow a friends campervan (oh's choice )
wedding cake - nother friend bakes cakes
catering - we know someone who could do this in return for oh working on their car!!

the biggest problems would be a dress as i dont do dresses! the wedding venue do we do a church or civil location? and where do u do the wedding reception cheap!! im getting myself stressed about it and we haven't even agreed to get married yet!! i want to get married on 5th march 2012 so might have to pester my oh soon!! he would probably freak out knowing i was writing all this down xx

dysco - if u dont mind me asking how much have u spent on certain things and what else do u need to sort out? what are the hidden costs of weddings u dont think about?
ooooo I hope you do get married then, its the day after my birthday! I am dying to get married, OH's brother proposed to his girl in Venice on a gondola this weekend just gone.............sooooojealous
it would be our 10 year anniversary of being together so quite special!!

are u engaged lynette? not sure if u have said before!

I wish my proposal was that romantic, i was pestering my oh around our 8yrs together mark about getting engaged and he was asking what i wanted. i said i wanted to get engaged, so while in the garage sorting out my rabbits he was faffing around doing something. i turned around and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him with a black zip tie that he had made into a ring :) we went to the shops after and got a proper ring :) xx
oh that proposal sounds sweet! we were up a mountain in malaysia! (but i had been going on about it for w while, he was just worried that people would think it was cos i was pregnant, but then now i'm not, so). Costs - def look on cheaper websites for dresses, you can get some proper bargains (sellmyweddingdress.co.uk or preloved.co.uk). Also start going to wedding fayres NOW they are all on over october every weekend and they are doing sales, also some shops do as well getting rid of last years stock etc at rock bottom prices. you might need to fix them/clean them but youmight find a really good deal.

It is very trendy at the moment to have an afternoon tea wedding (is just have afternoon tea, everyone likes cakes and sarnies!). If you have a good church hall and can get it along with the church or just have a civil ceremony and go there after, MUCH cheaper than a hotel. Also you can probably take your own booze which we can't! Civil ceremony costing us about £500 some for registrar, booking in and also a bit on the venue, cheeky buggers just for getting married there.

We are doing an afternoon wedding, afternoon tea with pimms followed by a BBQ. THis is about £18 per head for all food, not inc booze. A hog roast is a nice way of doing it too, around £500 gets you a hog roast which can make up the whole meal if you have salad, potatoes, etc etc, although march might be a bit chilly for that. Other costs...oh stationary isn't cheap, I made my invites on Jessops website with some nice photos of us. You can make your own posh wedding album from other peoples photos online, Jessops is a cheaper one, but when you have the cash could splash out on a really nice one for £2-300. hmmm can't think of anything else right now but ask away and i'll see if i looked into it recently! All I can say is the wedding sales etc start about now so get going :) hope OH agrees! I so glad we are doing it, even though it means TTC is on hold just so as i can get in that dress!
wow dysco your wedding sounds sweeeeet.......i think we should all gatecrash and come see you lol
and kanga, not engaged yet......lots of talking about weddings though so fingers crossed!!
om thats amazing kanga :) more weddings on pf <3 :hug:

my oh proposed me at a sunset in a beach near the ocean, it was bloody cold and was blowing so much but i found it rather romantic !!!
i have no idea when the actual wedding will be, sometime after the baby, as orthodox greek weddings are very very complicated :( it will probably be the same day with LO Christianizing. one major problem that we have until then is that my oh hasnt be christianized so we need to do that first to get married in a church in Greece. you can only imagine how stressed and unhappy is my oh about that aspect :p
we will have though a very simple townhall wedding before the LO in born as i want to do that before we have the LO. love to hear for more wedding plans :D :D

dysco, we never met but i dremt about you :hug:
we were both having LOs. me and oh visited you in uk and we were having a bbq while our doggies and kids were playing near us. nice dream, really positive and nice it was :)

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