Our little dream :) Had a mc???

I dont know!
Im not due back until Thursday anyway next week.
I have docs appt on Tues am so I may just see how i feel about everything then.
Can you make one for Monday morn - and go from there? xxx
i am going to see if I can get in today and see someone, its annoying as i thought i was ready and now i dont know
Kanga lived in sweden for work for 2 years about 5 years ago now. I'm from london original, did my studies there, then went to sweden, then to cardiff so moved around a but, you have to in my job if you want to make a career out of it.
so ladies just did a hpt as told 2 weeks after losing baby and its a BFN, sort of relieved and gutted at the same time. :-(
At least u know things are getting back to normal lynette, as I had positive ones for just over 10 weeks after my mc. Big hugs though because it is a horrible feeling knowing it is final:hugs: xxx
thanks, i was kind of dreading either result you just cant win in this situation :-( well hopefully back to normal soon, i do feel a little better but just now I was browsing my pictures on laptop and found a folder i had made with bump pics :-( i had about 4 and that upset me
Ahh , that will always happen hun, feeling good and strong and some little memory will come in to remind you what could of been. xxxxxxx
I had my pregnancy confirmed then started bleeding (not much) for 5 days. Hcg level low (185) considering I should be 6 weeks and digital test puts me at 4-5 weeks. Just wondering if its possible that even though my period was 6 weeks ago I am still only 4-5 weeks pregnant? Anyone know if this is possible? Otherwise I have to wait another week to get a current hcg level - cant wait that long, am going crazy!
Benny55 It is possible u ovulated later than u thought in ur cycle so could be not as far along as u think. Best to just wait and see what ur hcg is at next week. Got my fingers crossed for some good news for u xx
Benny, you could well be this pregnant. your period was 6 weeks ago adn digi's use post-ovulation rather than post-mentrual dates. In the UK we date pregnancy from our last period but we actually get pregnant 2 weeks later which would make you 4-5 weeks pos-ovulation which is what a digi detects. I hope that makes sense! A little bit of bleeding is ok in early pregnancy, if you are worried phone your early pregnancy unit. Hope you are ok xxx
How are you all doing?

Quick update: it's a puppy!!!!!

The surprise was a puppy. A goldendoodle, is so so cute, ita a little girl and we named it coco.

I will catch up with all you later and maybe upload a photo when we have one.
Oh wow Hope that is so cool, I'm so so jealous :) can't wait to see some pics!

Today I'm off into town to get my oh a new phone and to get wood to make a shelf in our store cupboard so we can fit the tumble dryer in there too and get our kitchen back! As it's currently sat right in. Idle with only just enough space to walk around it xx
OMG what a darling! is she toilet trained? soooooo cute! xx
She is trained but she is only 8 weeks old so she can really hold it for long. But when I am going in the yard for her to pee she is so distracted that she forgets what's all that about lol, so we are staying outside in the cold waiting for her.

First dog so I have no idea what I am really doing, I hope it will be ok. I will buy a training dog book this week
and find puppy training classes if they have them near you :) oh she's adorable!
We didn't find any that is near us :( and they are so so expensive anyway. I will have to find some material on the Internet and do it by ourselfs somehow.
a good book will prob have all you need to know. I was a complete dog novice when we got Gizmo and we found the main things was consistent and persistent! A bit like with kids, he is always told off for the same things, me and OH tell each other if he's in trouble and we both ignore him for a little while if its something naughty or longer if he's been really bad. He bit OH once, by accident really but he still did it and was ignored for several hours. He hated it! and has never done it again!
Aww Hope she is gorgeous! My oh deems to be fighting me with regards to getting a dog, but has said he would prefer a puppy over an older dog. Whereas I'm not bothered really, just want to rescue one from the RSPCA. Xx
Get an adult dog if you can. Puppies are cute but hard work. It dosent stop crying all night and when it is in it's crate..I don't think I slept more than 2 h lol.
Have a nice day everyone. Hope o catch up later.

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