Our little dream :) Had a mc???

yes I am! I should of been at work today so have enjoyed just chillin and playing games with my little boy. xxx
Aww lovely. After working this morning 5.30am til 9.30 am I felt so tired, not even sure why as I usually get hardly any sleep the night before my early shifts. But I slept really well, I went to sleep at 10.30 and woke up at 3pm! :shock: and that was only because my oh came into the room! Couldn't believe how deeply and long I slept, usually I have a small nap of an hour to an hour and a half.

I'm sat watching a DVD right now with some grapes and a satsuma. Xx
good morning :)

how is everyone?

kanaga sorry you don't get to spend some time with your oh :( thats awful, i see him every afternoon and i still feel we don't spend too much time together. how about some vacation a long weekend maybe?

i had a nice day yesterday.

we went on a road trip to see the fjords and some waterfalls :) it was lovely. we grilled and had a picnic on the grass looking at a waterfall! we also visited a museum :)

back to reality today, me enjoying a coffee and studying, made french toast for oh and for later a movie i think :)

have a nice day everyone :)
Hope - your day yesterday sounds lovely!!!

Kanga - glad you are eating healthy snacks with your DVD!!!

Im still on my un health kick - Tomorrow its all over!! All food is banned!
OH is just making us bacon sandwiches!! (when im bad im so bad!!)
last night we had chicken kebabs, chips, wine and watched friends with benefits movie - anyone seen it?
I really enjoyed it!! xxx
never seen that one Corinne, we had dinner with friends and OH made a LUSH treacle sponge for dessert with custard.......so yummy.
K8 glad to hear everything settled down, that must have been quite scary!
OOh corine I'd have killed for a bacon sarnie this morning. thats often our weekend treat but no time this weekend.
your day sounds fab Hope. We dodged rain showers going for our run after i'd done my radio thingy, then quick dash to tesco back home to see our friends and little boy, took them and dog to the park then cooked a lush greek(?) dish called youvetsi followed by the treacle sponge, so it was a busy day and was up early to drop OH at golf so sofa, dog, book and trash tv for me for the first time since my mmc.
Aw girls I'm eating my weight in chocolate!! Help!

Bought a pack of minstrels earlier, not a big bag but not a small one either, found they sell treat size ones which is still too much but hey it's not the biggest bag!!

I am eating healthy as from tomo as feeling back to myself really, once mc bleeding has stopped I'm going back running, stopped about 12 months ago this year has been mad so that's it baby making body is coming back as from tomo! I hope! X x
Omg. Back to work and I have 4 on duty days until the end of September :shock: and 7 during octombe :shock:
I mean seriously? How I am suppose to study like that? Never mind making babies that will not happen with me working most of the nights.
Going to see the director now. I certainly hope it's a mistake as I don't even think is legal to have so many on duty days, nights.....:wall:

Good morning btw, cath with you all later.

Kanga I will pop in soon looking for your BFP good luck !
can't wait for an fmu update kanga! Feel like a blob after slobbing over the weekend, so healthy eating again this week and a run tonight with OH and little dog. Hope it doesn't rain!

Maybe we should have a healthy eating thread to keep us motivated ? xx
Morning ladies, bfn this morning must have had a dud test yesterday :( but it is still early days! It has sapped my motivation to do anything remotely healthy. Although I have just had shredded wheats for breakfast, and couldn't eat it all! Maybe it will reverse my eat anything in sight mood! Xxx
Hope, I don't understand ur on duty days? Is that on ur days off?

A healthy eating thread sounds like a good idea dysco, might help us all out! :)
i started cambridge diet today! only allowed 3 x milkshakes a day!
i need something else to focus on and will feel so good when i shed these extra pounds so will all be worth it!
i went on cambridge before to lose baby weight after my son and it really works lost 2 stone in 6 wks and kept it off!

so yes dysco, i think a healthy eating thread is a great idea!!!
ooh corinne, started the thread so hop over and tell us more about the cambridge diet. I looked at the Dukan diet last night, might give it a try in the run up to xmas any one know anything about it xx
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sorry kanga for your BFN :( maybe try again in a couple of days? i really hope this is your month. thats why i don't do early hpts. so much stressing with those.

sorry i don't really know the term for those that i call on duty days in english language. practically after you work 8 h from morning to afternoon, you will have to stay in the hospital during evening and night taking care of the patients and any emergencies that arrive. after that horrible night you still have to keep working next day your normal program till afternoon.
usually after i go back home with like 36 h of no sleep i am nearly dead, everything hurts and the only thing i can do is sleep or trying to sleep. so 7 of those days per month will be practically that either i am in hospital working at nights or i am at home recovering from those... :(
the normal amount is usually 2-3 per month or more if you are only on call.(meaning at home and they call you if they need you-but thats not the case in my hospital)
anyway the director dosent really knows why that happened, he thinks its a mistake but they do have a shortage of people because still people on vacations so it may be even necessary to actually do them all :wall:

i never did so many in a month. even with 4 i am almost dead usually...now with 4 in 2 weeks and 7 next month i dot know what to do with me.
Wow that is awful! 4 in the next 2 weeks, u hardly get chance to recover from one before ur in again doing another! What a welcome back to work that is! Xx
we will see hopefully i don't have to do them all. my contact says that i do on duty nights only if i want to do them and usually people that have their final exams they do 0 of those.

also we just looked at the law with my boss that actually says that is illegal to do so many so i hope it was a system mistake and they will find a solution soon.

i mean as i was singed off from work the whole september they couldn't even know that i feel better and decided to come back to work earlier.

so much for TTC this month or the next one if they don't find a solution. i am on duty on most of the fertile days lol or home and so sleepy try to recover.....
Let's hope they can sort it out then, got my fx for u. Xx
Good morning

So so tired after working all night...I see yesterday was a tough day for everyone here. I wish this section of pf was empty and we were all back to trimester 1.
I saw a pregnant woman yesterday. 5 months. With an undiagnosed cardiac disease. I had to tell her that she must have an abortion then get a heart surgery and then try for a kid again. So heartbreaking it was :( she is scheduled for this morning already. That poor girl....
How are you holding kanga? Any news, symptoms etc? I saw that yo had a tough moment yesterday. Are y feeling better today?
Dysco how ar y? Did you finish the chapter? When is the marathon? Are you training already?

Also dd anyone hear from Lynette ?
Coinne how s the diet going?

Have a nice day everyone. I hope to be able to catch with the othe threads too.
heard nothing from lynette, especially after her last posts about feeling so dead inside I'm quite worried about her.

Hope i think that would be the thing i'd find hardest, telling people bad news, that must be heart breaking, especially in these circumstances. poor poor girl.

The half marathon (13.1 miles is enough, would never manage a full one, she says, although i have put my name down for the london marathon but don't expect to get a place) is in 4 weeks and counting...argh! did 7 miles at the weekend, we'll do 9 this coming weekend with a few short runs inbetween. I did 3 miles last night, will prob do 3 again tomorrow morning before work and then 3-4 thursday or friday. i think i'll manage it but I htink i'll hurt a lot the next day and I don't think i'll beat last years time. Before i got pregnant i was really on track but being inmalaysia for 4 weeks with nowhere to run, then the mc when i got back meant about 8 weeks without proper running so am really behind in training. ah well.

Ooh pick up my wedding dress tomorrow hopefully from this girl selling it second hand, fingers crossed it fits girls :)
yes that sounds awful hope.xx

Dysco - good luck- sure it will fit,if not extra miles for you.

Im starving!!!!! But yes its going ok thanks.xxx
hello i am ok, just read you ladies worrying about me.

I am not coping too well so gave myself a break, got another week off work so laid in bed with laptop.

I dont know why i stopped coming on here you know coz now i am bck on i hve actually missed you ladies, i mentioned to corrine in a PM that sometimes i dont wanna hear people saying to me that time will make it better and i will be ok etc etc as i would just like the whole world to satnd still and feel the loss that i feel. does that sound weird or awful?

Not that i dont appreciate all your support thats not what i mean at all! Its just when people say to me '' its ok you will be fine '' sometimes i feel like saying ARGH this will never be ok, sounds selfish doesnt it :-( sorry.

I dont cope well with emotional things, hence a long history of substance abuse. Really struggling not having somthing to take to escape this, but thats what i always do and this time i actually have to deal with this! Be strong NO drugs, sorry to take the tone down i sound like a junkie urgh i make myself sicvk sometimes

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