Our little dream :) Had a mc???

lynette I'm so glad you have an understanding GP and don't feel guilty about any of your feelings. we are all different and are experiencing this process in our own way. If you need time alone, take it if you can and if OH is able to support you taking a bit more time off, take it if you need it! I know what you mean about meeting up, would be lovely to meet everyone xxxxx
it would be so nice corrinne lol i can imagine lots of wine and lots of tears.....just what we all need lol
I think we would make each other feel better though seeing how hurt we all our and really understanding the pain, we'd all end up laughing I think and feeling inspired! xx
That would be wonderful ! And then in a couple more years with LOs and bumps :D
yeah thats a nice thought hope :) i gave my memory box to my mum today as i keep looking in it and torturing myself so she said she would look after it and give me it back when i am ready
Wow, I have missed quite a bit today! :)

Lynette I am glad u have an understanding gp, mine was too, didn't even need to see them to get my sick note extended just had to pick it up. And do take as much time as u need off work. I was off for 3 weeks and I don't get sick pay from work, plus they have messed up my ssp for the last 2 months pay. So things have been a little bit tighter, but we are managing with the pay drop, and I am glad I didn't rush back to work.

It would be so cool to meet everyone, as the people on here have been my rocks through the last few months and it would be lovely to see how everyone gets on and helps each other in real life! I know I have said it before but I would be so lost without all of u, and I'm so glad to have "met" u all xxx
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Oh yeah, as for me today I give up completely with this 2ww it is just to much hassle and I don't know what's going on! 3 days of really light spotting which comes and goes! I preferred my 2ww before I was proper try as I was more chilled out! Maybe if I had a dog I would be able to concentrate more:lol: payday is 2 days before testing so might be able to cheer myself up with a doggie :) xx
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ahhhh yes get yourself a ickle puppy dog. bless xxxx
anything to take your mind off ttc, and 2ww and blahhhhhhhhh! is good. xxx
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good morning...

i couldn't get myself out of bed today...being home already makes me so sleepy and lazy so as i am feeling a little better i think i will go to work on monday :) and then hear me complaining about that....

kanga a puppy!!!!that would be so nice! how are you feeling? nay more bleeding? or symptoms if we think positive? :hug: i hope this is your month and if not for that to come really soon :D

dysco how are things are going for you? did you test? and how are things are going for the wedding? everything done?also sorry if i missed it but what happened with that lovely dress that you saw second hand on the internet? are you getting it? i can't wait to see photos :)

corinne how is your day today? does everything look brighter?

lynette did the pain and bleeding stop?i hope you are already feeling better and that you enjoyed the afternoon with your mum.

k8 how are things for you? did you do a memory page, box etc?

and i hope i didn't frget anyone that comes in this thread :hug:

i need someone to come clean my house, d laundry and cook, is that much i ask for today????
Hi, didn't test, but might tomorrow. just so that i can have a drink at the weekend with a clear conscience. I think i deserve to celebrate both handing the grant in which i did on monday and hopefully submitting the book chapter tomorrow. Going to look at the wedding dress/buy dress on wednesday, so excited! wedding wise we have seen 4 photographers so decision time once the quotes are in. I like and trust them all so its based on album style and price. Everything else is booked, bar the marquee which i'm waiting on til the lenders have seen the venue.

Hope everyone ok, won't repeat Hope Qs but keen to know the answers too!
Hope, I have a cleaner, it caused so many rows at home cos we both work full time and i was NOT going to do it all. When OH was in the Navy it was particularly bad as he'd want the house clean when he came home but i'd been working all week, then leave it in sh*t tip on a sunday night which i would then have to tidy up! Its an indulgence I know but so worth it!
would be nice wouldnt it - a personal house cleaner.
My housework never ends.....
Ill let you know later hope, after my healing session. xxxx
dont blame you dysco, if it makes your relationship better than its a good thing. xx
Hey Hope glad to hear ur back is a bit better, going back to work is probably good to keep u busy. If we can't moan about stuff, we wouldn't be women :lol:

I'm feeling very up and down about my 2ww. Yesterday I only had a small bit of pink in the afternoon and nothing again today! So proper confused! Keeping positive by trying to think its ovulation bleeding as read on the Internet some ladies have it for 3 days. So as for symptoms not really noticed anything, had maybe a few twinges in my belly yesterday and tmi but I am quite windy, good job they don't smell :rofl:

Have a good day everyone and I'm interested in the answers of Hopes qu's too :)

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dysco so excited about your dress!!! and your teasing, i hope you get the results you want though we will celebrate whatever it is :hug: and girl you have been busy the grant and the chapter done WOW!!!! now i feel like a lazy cow. someone to kick me off pf and slap me please :slap:

as about the cleaner, i wish... but here the costs is around 150 pounds for a day and we can't yet afford that until i finish those stupid exams and get a permanent consultant job. (now that i finished my residency i am payed from the grants money until i have those exams and i can apply for a new job with the consultant title) and with the LO planning house renovating and then moving wherever my new job will be....it will get a while until i will be so happy because someone else does the cleaning. i am so so so so jealous dysco lol.
kanga i don't really know what to says bout that bleeding, i hope its ovulation bleeding, though thats very rare but i suppose nth is impossible. you so deserve a BFP :hug:
but don't get too excited yet we don't want you depressed if you see a BFN (easier to say than done)
Wow dysco u have been mega busy! Can u send some of that motivation this way when ur done? Wow can't wait to hear about ur dress, I hope u get it then we can see pics of u in it :)

I would love to have a cleaner, because I work as a cleaner for 28 hrs a week I so can't be bothered to clean at home. Not that my house is dirty but it could do with being done more often. :)

I am trying to not get my hopes up too much, but either way I will be disappointed when the witch shows up mainly cos I don't want to have more bleeding so soon after it stopping! So sick of the sight of it! Xx
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