disco how are you? we heard about some very bad weather at whales.
kanga how is the 2 WW going? i suppose you can't wait to see you in next week already
lynette how are you feeling today? did you take the day off work? i hope you are relaxing with some tv or a good book and some chocolate!!!!
we spent the yesterday afternoon securing things in the yard so they don't blow away with the storm thats about o come tonight and all day tomorrow, moving pots of flowers inside etc etc... hard work and my back didn't like it...
i finally have internet, for now at least and hopefully will stay like that even when the storm comes here.
i didn't do anymore htp i am sure i am not pregnant and now waiting for AF to arrive. i really really hope that once AF is here i will stop getting up every night to go to the bathroom, assuming that maybe that was because of the higher progesterone.....if not i will not drink anything anymore after 6 afternoon lol because i can't stand it anymore getting up and then not being able to fall least while i was pregnant it was because of the baby.
all that and the sore boobs really made me think how cruel are things some time, like my body is punishing me... a constant reminder to what i lost and i don't have anymore...ok a little dramatic but i suppose you got the idea how i feel. i could use a brake even one only day that i stop thinking about my mc and how much i wish i was now at viability day....
though i perfectly know that i will be regnant again i can't stop me but feeling a little sad that this is not the month...
someone to slap me please
have a good day everyone and stay safe those that are affected by the storm.