Our little dream :) Had a mc???

wish i could be there for you! how is OH doing, has he spoken about it much, it must be hard with his aspergers xxxx
Sending you fantastic ladies a big fat hug today, it's such a shame that all you have had Mc and losses but in a funny way - it's so good that you have each other to talk to and support as you have all been there and understand what you are going through - the 1st anniversary of my lost due date is coming up in 2/3 weeks and it still feels really strange, we do spend too much time on what if don't we.

Hang in there girls - I think fate is only half of it, you make the other 50 % of your destiny , you will achieve your dreams X
Thank you so much JJ

Sorry for your loss :hug:
goodmorning :)

disco how are you? we heard about some very bad weather at whales.

kanga how is the 2 WW going? i suppose you can't wait to see you in next week already :hug:

lynette how are you feeling today? did you take the day off work? i hope you are relaxing with some tv or a good book and some chocolate!!!!

we spent the yesterday afternoon securing things in the yard so they don't blow away with the storm thats about o come tonight and all day tomorrow, moving pots of flowers inside etc etc... hard work and my back didn't like it...
i finally have internet, for now at least and hopefully will stay like that even when the storm comes here.

i didn't do anymore htp i am sure i am not pregnant and now waiting for AF to arrive. i really really hope that once AF is here i will stop getting up every night to go to the bathroom, assuming that maybe that was because of the higher progesterone.....if not i will not drink anything anymore after 6 afternoon lol because i can't stand it anymore getting up and then not being able to fall asleep...at least while i was pregnant it was because of the baby.

all that and the sore boobs really made me think how cruel are things some time, like my body is punishing me... a constant reminder to what i lost and i don't have anymore...ok a little dramatic but i suppose you got the idea how i feel. i could use a brake even one only day that i stop thinking about my mc and how much i wish i was now at viability day....

though i perfectly know that i will be regnant again i can't stop me but feeling a little sad that this is not the month...

someone to slap me please :slap:

have a good day everyone and stay safe those that are affected by the storm.
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hey ladies

I took the day off today as i feel so sad, also though i was up for a good 3 hours last night with the same pain as friday morning and have been passing more big clots, not sure if tissue or blood as i darnt look. When i called the hospital it turns out that i only passed the gestational sac not the baby so i have more to come i think why the hell would someone tell me it was all over??!!! So i am still where i was friday, i am an emotional wreck today. Plus i am running out of painkillers so that means i have to face going out to hospital to picvk up a repeat presription. when will this be over
awww so sorry lynette that you are still in pain. i hope it will be over soon. did you try with paracetamol and ibuprofen? and also a hot bottle? maybe it will not be necessary to go to the hospital again for a stronger prescription. :hug:
i havent got anything in the house at all for pain relief plus OH has gone to work :-(
nothing at all hun? can you walk to a local pharmacy or is it too far /not feel well enough? try a hot water bottle for now and find a comfy position maybe stick on a chick flick comedy dvd as that would take your mind off things a little? hugs xx
first day back at work today and bleeding has started not heavy at moment but enough i need to wear a pad for it. feeling apprehensive but otherwise ok, i know once i get back to it ill be ok, and i hope to ring the hospital later and find out if there is anyone we can be reffered to as well fingers crosed im going in for 3 for meeting i dont know if il stay until midnight which would be a normal shift or if i will just go for meeting and come home but will see, hugs to everyone i feel im coping much better this time around (despite my earlier wobble a day or two ago!) and fingers crossed can move on soon and look to the future more xxxx
gonna have to call OH's mum and ask her to bring me something i reckon. Is it super windy where people are now as it sounds scary out there
gonna have to call OH's mum and ask her to bring me something i reckon. Is it super windy where people are now as it sounds scary out there
thats a good idea, get her to bring a few things, such as paracetamol and ibruprofen etc as you want to be able to take a diff one if the other doesnt help xxx
i'm thinking of getting the doctor to sign me off for a few days, i just cant even think about work i nealy had a panic attack this morning just imagining going back. today i just feel so run down, i have periods throughout the day where i think i am ok and do a bit of housework then i just break down as i feel awful that i feel ok if that makes sense. In a way i want to be in pain so at least i feel something argh
Lynette please take the time you need. DOn't feel you have to go back to work its a big physical trauma, not to mention emotional rollercoaster! I hope you MiL can bring you painkillers huney, paracetamol and ibuprofen alternately will get the pain under control a bit, and maybe then you will feel ok to get something stronger. Pharmacies hold stronger medications like diclofenac (voltarol) and paracetamol/codeine combinations which are better if you can get them without needing to got to hospital. big hugs hun, i really feel for you.

K8 I really hope you get referred, there must be a specialist somewhere who can talk you through your options or look at how to monitor the folic acid levels if they think thats the problem. I hope they can point you in the right direction!

Wales is getting battered in the wind but more i the north than where we are in the south although pretty windy, we;ve got the start of what is to come for you Hope!
Lynette - like dysco says, go and see your GP - I spoke to mine when I found out I had lost the baby (before I had started mc-ing so I knew I had lost the baby but was still carrying waiting for the body to realise) and explained I couldn't face work right then expecting him to sign me off for a few days but without even questioning it he said I needed at least three weeks with the situation being so unpredictable etc. waiting for either mc or ERPC/D&C.... by the time I go back to work next week I'll have had a month off in all - I feel so glad I could be at home for this period of time, and feel really ready to go back now and that normality will be a real luxury. Your doc will understand - don't force yourself to 'get by' when you need time and space physically and emotionally. Hugs xxx
glad you had a good GP abby, thats so good to hear! I agree with everything you said xx
Morning, I had a mc last Friday, im back to work tomorrow, I think I really need to go back as staying at home is driving me mad xx my boss told me if I go back n decide I need more time off then that is ok. I've had great support from family and friends xx
glad you've got so much support hun. work might be a good distraction, i think my undoing was primarily that on the first day i did a lot of experiments and was on my feet all day and physically it was too much. if i'd taken it slower i probably would have been ok. Hope it goes ok for you xxx
spoke to doctor on phone and he has prescribed me codeine and paracetamol, he said i shouldnt go back to work until i have stopped passing the big clots as the cramps could strike at anytime. just got to get my arse outside and go get them. Fresh air may do me good, very weepy today though
hey guys, work seemed like the hardest thing today, i was so tired. Probably getting up at 5.30am yesterday doing 6hrs shift then spending all day in the garden weeding and tidying and i was up again at 5.30am today for work :(

Hope, sounds mad that u had to tidy everything down and bring ur plant pots inside ready for the storm coming, i hope it doesnt get too bad and u get to keep ur internet! i also know what u mean about being pregnant and wanting what u've lost. The gir at work is gettig quite a bump now and u can proper see it, i wish it was still me getting that far :(

Lynette, I cant believe they told u that u had passed everything and just sent u home, :hugs: I hope the pain is a lot better now u have some strong painkillers from the doctor, u did go get them didnt u hun?

As for my 2ww, i am now a bit confused as im getting some pink/bloody ewcm but not sure what that means? my opks are definitely negative again so i probably did ovulate just dont know if this will affect my chances this month? xx
hey kanga, doctor gave me lots of codiene so that will do me, he advised me not to return to work until next week and i said i shouldnt be in pain by this time but the cramps will be random as whats left passes through. I was writhing about last night i thought it was going to end up like friday again but i sat on the loo and ( sorry tmi ) passed something largish with lots of blood. Just hoping tonight will be better my stomach hurts though its sore to prod

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