Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Thank you girls :love: my little monkey finally decided to open its legs :love:
So 6 :faint: scans later we know what team we are :pompom:
Next scan in 4 weeks :) and then 3D at 27 weeks :love:
:yay: little lady after all! Any names picked corinne

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We like name Erica, holly, Molly, Chloe, jade etc... We have long way ahead us until we actually decide on a name...
I love holly, but I like it spelt hollie lol! Are you using martina as a middle name.....after ur aunt....or do I have that totally wrong? X

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I have no idea what are we going to do with the middle name :( you for it almost right. It's matina.
I can't believe that's 3 o clock and I can't sleep :wall:
It Dosent help that my back hurt and never mind my oh snoring :wall:
Off I am I suppose to finish an article :faint:
I have pregnancy insomnia hope it's awful when your tired and just can't nod off isn't it.
Btw I love all those names x
Hey Amy :hug:
I hate that I can't sleep :( and my back is killing me, no position is comfortable.
I can't imagine how you cope with lack of sleep and the kids :(

Our last name creation was Erica Amelie... But nth is certain yet...
Did you pick any names? Or having sth in mind?
I just run on auto pilot half the time having really low iron is not helping haha
I'm kind of like you still throwing names about and finding girls names alot easier then boys as I have 4 boys and have used all my favourites haha
I like Lola and Lilly for a girl and like max and Alfie for a boy but I'm sure I will change a million times over. I have my scan on the 22nd I can't wait! X
morning girls, nat i love my water too, always have so right with you there! juice and sparkling water are treats :)

You poor insomniac girls, nat, AR and corinne all awake so early! I was awake at 5.30 but just browsed and had a cwtch with OH when his alarm went off at 6. feel so super bloated AND constipated at the moment TMI i know but eurgh!
Hey dysco :love:
I remember thy bloated feeling :( I could barely breath at nights in bed because of that :( it went away a little somewhere at around 11 weeks so here is some hope for you :love:
I had an awful nights sleep!

Went to bed at 10.30 and slept to 12.30 and that was me.

OH came to bed at 1am [he is a night owl] and at 2.30am I gave up trying to sleep in bed and took to the sofa. I was a awake at 4am, 5.30am and 6.30am!!!

I am shattered!

Our new pillows and mattress are going to take some getting used to!

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Good morning

Not a happy bunny today :(
Sometimes my oh is worsts than a toddler...

So we got up ( he ofc stayed in bed for 15 more min) I made breakfast, coffee, empty the dishwasher and he got the puppy from its cage and then I asked him to being the load of clothes that I washed yesterday up from the basement. He complains about that but he goes and then he comes back and discovers that the puppy Dosent have food. ( we got a 10 kg bag food that he left in the car to carry it in when needed....) so he goes to the car to get the food and he feeds the puppy complaining that he has to open the bag and poor the food in some smaller bag etc...
By the time he finishes that and still 20 min left until he has to go he reuses to eat breakfast saying that he Dosent have enough time and that he is sick of the same breakfast every day ( but yet he refuses all the other choices every single day :roll:)
But ofc no time for breakfast but found time to whine and tell me that that's too much to do in the morning :roll: and why don't I help him???? I mean I was making breakfast and emptying the dishwasher and making him coffee on my maternity leave that I do t even have to get up anymore at 6 in the morning...
And do what I mean? Carry the heavy wet clothes up the stairs? Or carry the huge dog food bag that he left in the car for 2 weeks to get it when needed....
Anyway I told him to stop being grumpy and so inconsiderate and that when the baby will be here chances are that does by himself everything including breakfast and the coffee and the dishwasher... To what he respond NICE I told you that's not the right moment to have a baby....
So here it's me sad crying because of my oh that when in pressure he can't think before speaking....
Oh and nobody knows what the right time to have a baby is... I mean we are both 30, doctors we decent salaries, living in a decent country, having 3 cars, a house, a huge garden, and a puppy...
Excuse me that we don't have slaves yet to do all the housework....
Anyway that's me ranting the very morning... I day before vacation starts....

Have a nice day everyone :hug:
:hugs: men are such children sometimes :roll: let him have his sulk dont be upset sweety xx
Awww Hope hun! My OH is a right grumpy sausage in the morning, however luckily we normally get up at different times so I can avoid him :shock: :shock:

I'm sure your OH will be all sweetness and light when he gets home later

Omg Hope ur oh is very lucky u get up with him in the morning and make him breakfast etc. My DH gets up on his own, does his own breakfast and makes his lunch for the day. Granted he doesn't wash up or tidy after himself, but at least I'm not having to get up. As for the washing I get my DH is carry it up and down stairs too and he complains about it too! Men have it far too easy really xx
Good morning :) well vacation starts today :)
Still lots of things to prepare, load the RV and off we go to epic adventures :love:
I will have Internet so I will catch up with everyone probably this evening.

Have a nice weekends ladies :)

P.S talked to dysco yesterday she is doing fine but obviously tired and she wants home :hug:
Have a lovely trip sweetie and yay to Dysco being fine (albeit tired!)


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