Our little dream :) Had a mc???

aw he/she really wants to keep you guessing! glad your bp is normal, and the they are happy that the tightenings are nothing to much to worry about xxx
Morning everyone :)

Glad ur bp has come down now Hope, but till take is easy, don't want to going back up again! Baby Hope is being a right madam not letting u see their sex still!! Do u have any more scans coming up?

Roo was a right wriggler all last night after being poked on the machine! Bloody typical male, kicking up a storm once we got there :) midwife thinks he now lying transverse :shock: o might explain the lack of me feeling any movements. I dd notice while strapped to the monitor that my belly was moving even though I wasn't feeling anything :eh: and we heard him kick the monitor thing but I didn't feel it too. So I think my anterior placenta must be cushioning loads of his movements in his current position. Xxx
Just back from the hospital, bp is normal so that is not a problem anymore for now, they called me though to go for check on those tightenings.
The machine registered different small things that I couldn't feel them so they were quite please and they told me to rest and go back on Monday for one more check.
Looked at the bean one more time and yep it had its legs close yet again :shock:
I think I
Had 1million scans until now and 1 more million to come and I will still don't know the sex :roll: that attitude at that early age....

Glad to hear you BP has come down sweetie, that must be reassuring and I am glad the hospital are taking such good care of you!!

Hope bean is very naughty though, I think you are going to have a handful there :lol: :lol:

Morning everyone :)

Glad ur bp has come down now Hope, but till take is easy, don't want to going back up again! Baby Hope is being a right madam not letting u see their sex still!! Do u have any more scans coming up?

Roo was a right wriggler all last night after being poked on the machine! Bloody typical male, kicking up a storm once we got there :) midwife thinks he now lying transverse :shock: o might explain the lack of me feeling any movements. I dd notice while strapped to the monitor that my belly was moving even though I wasn't feeling anything :eh: and we heard him kick the monitor thing but I didn't feel it too. So I think my anterior placenta must be cushioning loads of his movements in his current position. Xxx

Did you know you have anterior placenta hun? (stupid question but has your placenta moved or has it alway been there??)

At least you know all is well with bub!!

I am so glad you are both OK and your little beans are safe!!

I found out in my notes after my 20 weeks scan I had an anterior placenta, but it didn't really seem to make much difference in feeling movements. Maybe he just kicking a more padded bit of placenta now he isn't head down but lying sideways! I always felt my movements low down below my belly button and I have a high placenta, and most of the kicks are now above my belly button. Well that's my logical thinking about it :) just got to spend more time staring at my belly to see if he is moving rather than rely on actually feeling him xx
I have an anterior placenta and didn't even flutters yet :( it Dosent make it easier that everyone is keep asking me of I felt the baby yet :(
I think I was between 18-19 weeks before I felt anything definite flutter wise, so I wouldn't worry yet Hope xx
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I hope so... I have a very chilling out baby too... At every single scan I had and I had way to many until now the baby was sleeping.... With its legs crossed of course lol...

I am happy that roo decided to come out of hibernation though for you :love: it's probably so reassuring to feel them
Move and yet so upsetting when you don't :(
I think now, although the movements still freak be out, I am so used to feeling him move around. That is isn't right when he doesn't have his usual routine of jabbing me. He is being a good boy this morning though and letting me know he is ok :love:

I think when I was at ur stage though the movements were hit and miss, I definitely didn't feel him move everyday. Plus I had to sit in quiet and really concentrate on feeling anything. And even then it was a case of was that baby moving around or just my belly gurgling. Xx
Good morning everyone :love:
One week left until vacation yeeeey :love:
And meantime I have a scan and my gynecologist appointment on 8 may and a baby monitoring at hospital on Monday and probably blood tests too before we leave for vacation heeeh....
Oh and all the shopping and organizing that we have to do before that road trip lol beginning with the idea that we are heading towards the mountains and I have no winter jackets that fit my bump anymore :roll: vicious I will be :(

Dysco I know you spent some time in Sweden, were you in Stockholm? If yes any places that you recommend us to visit? Or any yummy foods to try???

Can you say that I am excited lol?
First time camping and first time on an RV and that will actually be our last vacation without the baby.
It's a little sad and I had the epiphany the other day: oh crap we will be parents in no time and never alone again lol....
aww it is a scary thought though isnt it? im sure once baby hope comes you will never want to be without her ( or him )
Hi Hun, stockholm is brilliant, do a boat ride out into the archipelago, eat buttered sweetcorn on the dock, we just mooched about and it was a fun city to wander in! we also went to the big palace in the the centre. I wasn't there for long, just a couple of weekend visits cos i lived in the south.
You'll have wonderful time, good luck looking for bump clothes, if I can send you anything cheaper from here for baby or you just let me know!
I can't wait :love: hopefully my back will let me walk around that beautiful city :pray:
Because for now 30 min at the mall knock me out and I spend the next day with pelvic pains :roll:
Dysco thank you for the offer to help me with clothes :hug:
For now I am ok, I will probably not find a jacket anyway as its not the right season and he stores are not having them anymore( that in a country that barley has summer :roll:) let alone maternity jackets...
I will just wear my old one open at the front lol and put some good layers on me....
Finding bigger size maternity clothes was a hell too as the biggest that I found here is 16:shock: so I had to order some from America actually and that costed a hell lot but couldn't do any different and can't really stress you girls with sony shopping while you have so busy lives.
I am all ok now hopefully I will not need more clothes until the end...
I sound a little selfish now but I can't wait to have the bean and start loosing weight and hopefully go back to my original 51 kg weight...
Ffs I have a room full of tiny size 6-8 clothes that are waiting for me to love them again :(
So unfair and sad what happened...I am still amazed that my oh even stayed wit me or made love with me after that....
Ok ok , I better stop crying now lol....
:hug: you'll get that figure back, I reckon breast feeding will do wonders and the weight will drop off you running round with a little one. I can't imagine how you must be feeling, but you will get back to it :hug:
Oh Hope sweetie, don't be sad!!

You are growing a little person in there, you are bound to have physical changes.

I have already put on 3kg (or well over half a stone) and I am only a third of the way through....

My OH is very fit and naturally very slender and I know he prefers me when I am at my lower weight (He'd never dream of saying so but I know - and of course I prefer myself at a lower weight too) however my job at the moment is to keep out little bambino strong and healthy! I'm going to get bigger, a lot bigger and I accept that, OH also does as well and so far has been very complimentary about my expanding body!!

I'll worry about getting back in shape at a later date

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My OH ran a marathon this year, can't compete with that can I, especially now?!?! Carnat is spot on hun, OH clearly loves you, cos you made a baby as you are now, and he loves you regardless of the physical you. Yes I'm sure he did love you slimmer too but he also know what you've been through and why this happened. getting pregnant, having a baby all changes our bodies, I'm sure you'll get back to a happier you just as soon as you can :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:
Besides my old clothes and figure etc it's the athletic part I miss quite a lot. I used to jog, go to long hick walks, climb mountains etc...
I obviously can't do those anymore until I loose all the weight or I risk to damage my joints :(
I still went hiking quite a lot even like that and I can only thank for that my previous fitness for still being able to climb mountains with all that weight :shock:
Well now the biggest sport i do is walk 30 min at the mall and I am half dead lol but that's a complete different story...

Roll on October...
Btw my oh dreads that moment because he likes his snacks way too much and we are not buying more of those until I fit again in my clothes ....
He is 65 kg btw :roll: and he eats like a piggy all day and night... Hate him lol
Just got an email from an old friend from university that I did t speak for years saying I am sorry that your baby died :roll:
Regardless to say I got completely sad?
So sinister :(
My news for the bean are not on the facebook and for my mc only you and my parents know?
Maybe a wrong person email but I mean really even like that only those words and nth else in the email :(
God that ruined my day completely
Wow that s bit out of the blue, not surprised its thrown you! :hug:

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