Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Hmm I don't know, see what happens today too and i you can't feel the normal amount of movements that you usually get maybe you call our mw tomorrow? Maybe he is just having a lazy day and has a lay in? Those beans really like to make us worry :(
Right... Off I am back to the hospital as my blood pressure is skyrocketing and also my pains are back not bad but they are here. Regardless to say I am shitting it properly now...
Oh no, I really hope everything works out ok :hugs:

I'm currently sat waiting for Roo to have 4 movements in the next hour or I have to phone the hospital up! :( so scared something is wrong :cry: xxx
Those babies :( are going to kill us before even make their appearance :(
I have a thread in tri 3, but I'm waiting for a call back from the hospital for a time to be monitored. Roo is bein very very quiet today, trying another cold drink now and seeing if I can get some sort of movement out of him xx

How are u getting on Hope? Xxx
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At the hospital baby is fine for now my blood pressure is not though... 185/85 :shock: anyway nobody knows what is it with those pains. Picking some meds from the hospital and going home to hopefully relax and things will improve?
There is not much they can do for now as I am not in labour (they think :roll:) they have no idea what is with the pains :roll: but the priority for now is to lower my blood pressure as that's putting in danger my life so as the baby is not viable yet, and even if was, mums life has always priority.... (according to medical ethics)
Anyway terrible things were said like if the bp Dosent go down and protein in urine they will have to deliver :roll/ but we are not there just yet so positive thoughts everyone for my baby bean.
Also please all keep it on this thread as after the Charlotte episode I don't need any bad thoughts from anyone believing I am a troll...
Right I am armed with positive thought, picked blood pressure meds from my office at the hospital, we are picking ready made diner in our way home and off we go for a relaxing evening,night and hopefully good result with the bp.
We will see later tonight or tomorrow morning if any more actions need to be taken.
We know you are not a troll sweetie!!!

Don't be silly....

What are the Dr's saying about your BP? How do they propose to reduce it? Do they think it is is just because you are so scared for the baby at the moment?

So sorry this is happening!

There was a potential prem labour in tri2 yesterday hope, people dont think that plus you may be able to get advice rather than in thiss thread

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Well the gynecologists know less than i do about bp so they didn't say much other than I need to lower it down...I picked some of the meds hath at we give to pregnant woman at my department for lowering the Bp and we can only hope it will be ok. I don't have any symptoms and that's a positive thing.
We will never know if it is because I am so scared but it Dosent even matter so much as it has to go down anyway...
The gynecologist told me that if it can't be controlled we need to deliver...but I doubt that will happen. (or wishful thinking at least...)
About the pains now they don't appear worst than this morning on their Machines but they don't dare to give me any meds just now as those can raise bp even more.
They agreed with my choose of bp lowering meds as one of those is also used to stop premature labour...

I am so scared out of my mind...
:hugs: sweety I hope its all ok, guess its hard to calm ur bp down when you are scared :-( massive hugs hun

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Heading home now so talk to you all later :)
Lunette I doubt any advice can be given in this situation other than rest and pray :) and positive thoughts and we are full of that :love:
I also hate the drama of those premature labour threads as they make people worry to much and they often proven to be nth :) hopefully the same for me too
Hope so sweety xx

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Don't you worry baby bean hope is resilient :love:
How about you check my pregnancy journal until I get home? You will all feel much better :hug:
Thank you loads for all of your positive thoughts
Oh dear hun, it all sounds very scary!!

Is it your BP that they are concerned about or the pains or a combination?

They can't be serious about needing to deliver if your BP remains high? Surely they would try to control it...

I think you are obviously scared and panicked right now, so get yourself home and chill out a bit.

Do you check your own BP hun?

Carnat no God no, only if it can't be controlled with meds and or protein in urine=preeclampsia ( that puts my life in danger and only option is to deliver) but that's a scary scenario and we are far away from that for now.
And yes I can check my bp at home.almost home now, my oh says that he is cooking fish sticks and rice for us:shock:
It needed to have a high blood pressure to get him cooking lol
I hope the tablets u have can help bring ur bp down hun, sounds very scary telling u what they need to do if it doesn't go down. Just go home and take it as easy as u can! Rest, rest, rest xxx
I hope once you are home and rested a little your BP goes down darling

At home now, waiting to be served food like a Quinn :)
Got the meds and we have to wait now a couple of h to see how those will work.

Kanga it was scary to hear it but I knew it already...

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