At the hospital baby is fine for now my blood pressure is not though... 185/85

anyway nobody knows what is it with those pains. Picking some meds from the hospital and going home to hopefully relax and things will improve?
There is not much they can do for now as I am not in labour (they think

) they have no idea what is with the pains

but the priority for now is to lower my blood pressure as that's putting in danger my life so as the baby is not viable yet, and even if was, mums life has always priority.... (according to medical ethics)
Anyway terrible things were said like if the bp Dosent go down and protein in urine they will have to deliver :roll/ but we are not there just yet so positive thoughts everyone for my baby bean.
Also please all keep it on this thread as after the Charlotte episode I don't need any bad thoughts from anyone believing I am a troll...
Right I am armed with positive thought, picked blood pressure meds from my office at the hospital, we are picking ready made diner in our way home and off we go for a relaxing evening,night and hopefully good result with the bp.
We will see later tonight or tomorrow morning if any more actions need to be taken.