Omg Hope how scary that must have been!

these baby's love giving us a scare don't they? Glad to hear all is ok, even if they weren't sure what they are, just take it easy.
Can't believe baby Hope had 'her' legs crossed yet again! They really don't want u to know the sex do they?
First day of ml is going well, got up at 10am and just checking in on the forum

got loads of jobs planned to do, but need to space them out and work out where to start

think today is gonna be a get the house in order day, so clothes washing, hoovering and polishing and clean the bathroom.
Although I am panicking a little bit about Roo, he wasn't moving much last night like he usually does. Got the Doppler out and his heartbeat was fine and got a few kicks in return but still not a normal amount. And I am yet to feel him this morning, and I didn't get any kicks waking me up like normal either. Not sure if I should worry or not? Xxx