Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Kanga did you look at that pram? What do you think?
I'm not sure I saw the link, I was on tapatalk when I saw the post. Will go off and check it out now :) xx
I can't see the pic in my journal hun? U got another one? Xx
Thank you so so much :) :hug:
Also Do you think that he brown with flowers will be too terrible if the baht turns to be a boy???? :shock: you can see the colors at the right of the page
Aww I think I post a link at your journal not a picture. Let me see
I can't copy only the picture from the page :( you probably have to click on the link when you are at your pc rather than the phone? But no hurry on that ofc.
Or just google emmaljunga and look at the city cross pram
Did you decide on getting a new pram after all? Or keeping your mils?
I think the brown with flowers one is really nice, and not too girly if u do have a boy. Seem to be a very sturdy pram, do u not get much choice in Norway then for prams? And at 1000 pounds :shock: that is so exspensive I can see why u are wanting to make sure it is a good one before buying one!

We have 2 prams now, the one my mil brought us which we will use for walking around town etc as its too big for the car. But we now have a smaller one which fits in the car, and I will probably use the most. I will go and post the pics in my journal xx
Off I am to see. There are quite a few prams here too ( well less than uk ofcourse) but none of the ones that you have there.
I think we will go for that one then. Hopefully will be fine. Those prices here will kill me :(
Messaged Esperanza and she told me that In Norway full term is considered 40+4 or 40+3 in some places :roll::shock: that makes me 18+6 for real today with a due date of 25 September and 40+3 gestation age :wall:
So so confusing!! Glad Espranza was able to clarify it a bit better for u. But yay for being 18+6 weeks :) xx
Good morning :) how was everyone weekend :) I am so happy that tomorrow is a free day :love: I hope the weather will be super and hopefully we can go for a picnic or a grill in the yard maybe???
What are your plans for tomorrow?

Kanga how is the first day of ml going??

Off I am to my doctor to see what are those pains that I get in my bump that seem to be every 15 min :shock: it's probably nth but all those premature labors and things at trimester 2 probably made me paranoid as well :roll:

Have a nice day everyone :love:

P.s decided to plant roses in the front yard and also one more tree in the back yard :love:
Right the pains were some mild tightenings. They were more concerned that I could actually feel them at all rather than they are there.
After a short drip (as they said not necessary more as a trial :roll:) they went away. Apparently there is no risk for preterm labour just yet but they advised me to take it easy anyway at least until the baby reaches 26 weeks :roll:
Asked if they were Braxton H and they said no. So I got a little confused about what they actually are but glad it Dosent seem to be another trimester 2 drama :shock:
I saw the baby one more time. It was sleeping and it had its legs closed yet again :shock::shock:
My blood pressure was a little high yet again but the amount of worried I was I would expect to be even higher:wall:

All in once I had tightenings but is nth to worry about????

I swear I can see more gray hair on my head already :shock:
Oh and apparently the whole last weeks drama with my gynecologist storming in my boss office and as a result me on early ml was apparently triggered by the idea that I had some tightenings back then too but thankfully I couldn't feel them... Apparently they are triggered from physical effort sth like the first trimester pains.
I will be damned I am a Doctor and still have no idea what all that means...
Bloody Hell Hope - what has been going on???

You poor thing, although it sounds as though everything has calmed down now??

I'll be online properly later sweetie, hope you are OK?

I am just fine it needs more than that to scare me just confused big time lol.
Yep we will talk later go have fun and see your little belly bean :love:
Omg Hope how scary that must have been! :hugs: these baby's love giving us a scare don't they? Glad to hear all is ok, even if they weren't sure what they are, just take it easy.

Can't believe baby Hope had 'her' legs crossed yet again! They really don't want u to know the sex do they? :)

First day of ml is going well, got up at 10am and just checking in on the forum :) got loads of jobs planned to do, but need to space them out and work out where to start :wall: think today is gonna be a get the house in order day, so clothes washing, hoovering and polishing and clean the bathroom.

Although I am panicking a little bit about Roo, he wasn't moving much last night like he usually does. Got the Doppler out and his heartbeat was fine and got a few kicks in return but still not a normal amount. And I am yet to feel him this morning, and I didn't get any kicks waking me up like normal either. Not sure if I should worry or not? Xxx

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