Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Aww hunny the scan will go fab, and u will get another lil pic of baby Hope! Can't wait to see ur update :) xxx
Preparing to go soon as the hospital we are going is 45 min away :faint: makes me think that we will not even make while in labour in time there :shock:

Please keep my bean in your prayers :(

I must look a completely crazy woman reacting like that at every scan but I swear I can't help it:( I would have been a whole different person without the last years mc :(

I will let you know the soonest I can get Internet
You'll be fine and bubba will be fine too!!

Best of luck hun and we'll catch up soon!

The bean is fine, but it had its legs closed :roll: yet again so we couldn't confirm the sex. It was chilling with its hand on the forehead and waving at us :love:
This bean is so naughty LOL!!

I am so glad all is OK though hun!!

The bean is fine, but it had its legs closed :roll: yet again so we couldn't confirm the sex. It was chilling with its hand on the forehead and waving at us :love:
:yay: but naughty bean? when can you have another scan to find out?
Aww naughty naughty baby Hope :) half all is well though xxx
Thank you girls :love:
Next scan at 20 weeks. I finally got my due date. 25 September :love: got moved 1 day forward.
But I hold no hope lol... That bean will have its legs closed yet again then lol...
Hmmmm? Looking at my papers she dated me 18+5 but due date is 25 September ? God I am so confused here???? Does anyone understand anything??
I don't know Hope. What was ur weeks and due date before ur scan today?

What due date should u have for 18+5weeks? Xx
I stalked you hope, hope you don't mind lol just had to see how scan went! Glad baby is well but naughty baby not letting you have a peek lol! No that doesn't make sense, I'm 19+2 (I think) and my due date is 18 sept xxxx
You are welcome to stalk me lol :)
I think they have different way to date pregnancy in Norway? I will ask next time I suppose
Ok so u were 18+1 weeks, due Sept 26th?

Due date of 25th sept, would put u at 18+2 weeks.

18+5weeks would give u a due date of 22nd sept.

But did some research as I remember esperanza had a different due date due to being in Norway. And apparently they give u a due date of 40+2 weeks! So I calculate that to be 24th Sept!!

So so confusing!! Xx
Oh dear lol :( so what am I now lol! 18+5?
Why would it be 40+2 here :shock:? :faint:
Maybe I just keep the 18+2 ? I am so confused lol
I don't know, I don't understand it, it never said why. I would say ur 18+5 weeks and due 22 Sept on the tickers :) xxx
Aha :faint: I advanced almost a whole week??? Bloody hell? You understand that's almost impossible as my cycle were 26 days 4 more days would have make that even before ovulation ??
Apparently I ov'ed on the 3rd October according to my new dates, but from using opks I know I ov'ed on 9th Oct, 6 whole days later!! It doesn't make sense :) xx
Well i suppose it only has to do with how fast the baby is developing?
Not that it matters if sure date is 24 or 22 or 26 but I suppose for my psychology matters when I reach 24 weeks?
We must have baby's that are just growing really really well :) although at my other scans since 12 weeks Roo has always measured a couple of days smaller than my dates. I wouldn't worry to much about the date. I suppose if u stick to 25th Sept like ur notes say at least u wouldnt be expecting to go into labour as soon. Xx
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