Our little dream :) Had a mc???

I might tack some annual leave on the end so I'll finish at 36 weeks?

I guess it all depends, at the moment I feel fine so hopefully it lasts?

Well it depends how stressful and demanding your job is. I'd you feel ok and you have a desk job then stay as long as you can?
Unfortunately my job implies me standing on my feet almost all the day and also drive 40 min there and 40 min back :( but surely I wasn't expecting that it will all happen at 18 weeks???
oh wow Hope, that is an early maternity leave!! But u have got to do what's best for u and baba now!

I only have 4 more shifts to go :dance: Tomorrow, Fri, Sat and Sun!! It's so scary now that is has come around! I don't feel ready to leave work, but I am happy that I don't have to work if that makes sense! If i didn't have the spd I would have continued to work til about 36 weeks and maybe reduced hours from 34 weeks. But instead I'm going to have completely stopped by 32 weeks! What am I going to do with myself for 8 whole weeks!! :shock: I don't have research or presentations etc to do!! xxx
Oh hey maternity leave buddy :lol:
Well I am home and already in front of the pc with some articles...
I have no idea what I will do with so many weeks ahead... My oh got so happy with the idea thinking of warm food twice per day :shock:
I am still in shock as I was completely unprepared and strange of the idea of ml let alone a so early one.
Money wise I am payed as much as before as I am signed off work and then on vacation and when on ml from 36
Weeks I will be paid even more:shock:
Anyway pressures were made since the beginning to me to go back to work at 3-4 months when bubs is born so i suppose it's not so bad to rest now...
yeah definitely get the rest in now, especially if u have to go back to work soon after having baby. It's good u don't lose any money either being signed off work. I lost loads of money just before xmas due to being signed off, my work don't pay any sick leave!!

I don't have to go back to work til the end of february next year :faint: Seems ages away. xx
Omg how come you are not paid if you are sick ???? Until next February :faint: that will be fun lol:love:
My work just don't pay it. After u are off sick unpaid for 3 days u are entitle to statutory sick pay (SSP), which is about £85.85 a week, I earn £195.72 a week doing 28 hours!! So lost around £110 a week for 8 weeks :shock:

I am using 4 weeks of annual leave to have May off, then my maternity leave starts at the beginning of June and I will only be paid £135.45 a week for 39 weeks and then I have to return to work. That''s if we can survive on so little money until February, if not I will have to return to work sooner. xx
Heeeh :( hopefully you can manage it so you can stay home with Roo. I know you work some funny h. It will be quite hard to short child care I am thinking like that...
God knows what we will do with child care with a 3 month old :shock:
yep my hours are all over the place at the mo. But my work will have to be accommodating for me to return, even if it means completely changing my hours. It has got me thinking though that I really need to finish my bookkeeping and find a job doing that for when my maternity leave is up, rather than returning to work as a cleaner. Childcare for a day job would be so much easier to sort out!

Finding childcare for a 3 month old sounds quite hard!! :( xx
I was Just thinking that you should finish your bookkeeping and find a different job.
Yep the child care bit scares me to death...no idea what are we going to do :( we will see I suppose.

What are you all having for diner tonight? I am out of ideas again ....
I am contemplating whether I will go back to work after maternity leave (at the moment in a very abstract way of course)

Childcare alone will be £1300 a month - that is a huge amount considering it is just to allow me to go back to work!

I earn a decent salary but take home each month will be less than what we will pay in childcare!!! I am not sure if it will be worth it?

We do have some options though - I am hoping I can go back part-time, but if not I will look for work in a school / uni / college (be it admin work, or training as a teaching assistant in a school) so at least childcare won't be a problem when bub is older.

My other option is to do a conversion course at Uni (I have a 2:1 in Media studies) and retrain as a teacher.

We have a fair amount saved and I am hoping I can afford to take a whole year off but futher than that I am pretty sure I'll have to work?

Carnat I can believe that child care will
Cost more than you are paid!!!!!!!
Don't you have some child benefits too and some help with child care?

Who knows what I will discover too when I will try to sort child care :doh:

First day at home today and I got up still at 6 as I have to sort breakfast for my oh too and the puppy...but I did nap a little later :) so I am feeling a little more
Human already.
Off to do some work soon I suppose and then cool :shock: it's sounds like weekend lol,. I am completely Confused ...No idea though what I am going to do every single day:shock:
I was up at 4am this morning after a really crappy nights sleep! Lasted 3hrs at work feeling dizzy, lightheaded and sick and came home to bed. Just had 4hours kip and some breakfast and starting to feel normal again. Having to work tomorrow now for 4hours on my day off so I don't lose the pay! Plus I feel stupid going home sick on one of my last shifts at work! xxx
I must be a mad woman really...

So last night we went to bed and I just couldn't settle down. It was so hot in there and I couldn't breath trough my nose at all and that was driving me mad.
So off it went my oh downstairs to get the nose spray and a towel dump in water a little to cool myself.
He come upstairs he gave me the spray for my nose and then I felt cold water sprayed on me. And then I started crying and couldn't stop it. Probably got scared? Nobody knows what happened really as we often use that spray bottle to raise the humidity during the winter in the hot room and was nth new...
My oh that didn't understand what the hell got wrong he cuddled me in silence for like 2 min and then turned to the other side and went to sleep, still leaving me crying...
This morning the alarm went off and instead of morning cuddles I got nth. He probably thought I was mad at him or sth. Then I got up and I cried some more...

All I have to say is seriously???? That can't be only hormones I must be a mad woman to overreact like that :(
It has to be hormones sweetie!!!

Try not to worry, I've had just a wee touch of the hormonal tears and they are scary!

Important scan day today :( feeling sick in my stomach already... Couldn't actually sleep either thinking of that and all the things that happened here yesterday night :sick:
I just hope some of all those prayers will be redirected to my bean today...:pray:
I am sure all will be well darling, I know that each scan is as scary as the last BUT your bean is cooking nicely and will be fine!!

Look forward to seeing your update soon

Important scan day today :( feeling sick in my stomach already... Couldn't actually sleep either thinking of that and all the things that happened here yesterday night :sick:
I just hope some of all those prayers will be redirected to my bean today...:pray:

i was thinking of you this morning xx what tim eis your scan sweets
Scan it's not until 13.30 so long time to go. That's 12.30 in uk though and remember I can't post immediately.

Thank you girls I pray it will be perfect

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