Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Right... Nice start of a day...
Going to get the puppy from its cage and it had vomit all over. Making breakfast and calling my oh to come down that he was still snoozing.
When he comes down i tell him what happen and I ask him before he leaves to clean the puppy cage cause I can't bent to do it.
And then I got so confused... He tells me that that's unfair and why didn't I wake him up earlier if he has things to do this morning :shock: because I didn't want a shit day tell him to leave it and I will just do it but he keeps going on until I start crying and tell him to really drop the idea because I will do it.
He then has a shit fit like a teenager:shock: gets out of the kitchen punching his fist on the microwave and slamming the door? Goes on the basement cleans the puppy cage and then comes in he kitchen says he Dosent have time for breakfast (still 15 min left :shock:) he kiss me and says have a nice day and he leaves....

I am still crying my eyes out?? Do I miss sth here? I mean wiping clean a puppy cage? What the hell is going to do when the newborn will cry all day all night have explosive poos, pee and vomit all over and generally having a shit tantrum?

Storming our of the room kicking whatever in front of him in front of LO?????

Anyway have a nice day everyone, sorry for the early rant :( stuck at home waiting for the furniture to come all day and with a sick puppy that smells vomit :sick:
Awwww don't be upset sweetie!

If your OH is anything like mine then first thing in the morning is not his best time of day :shock:

It's rubbish that your OH couldn't just clean up the puppy sick graciously without the tantrum!!!

I don't think this is an indication of what he'll be like with the baby though, so try not to worry!

I told my OH last nigth that from now on he'll do the cat litter tray as it's dangeorus (I was exaggarating of course) yet who did the cat litter tray yesterday?? me

I think it will be a huge shock to the system when baby comes but ti will be a good shock and our OH's will surpise us

He did ruin my day though...
Also I think my oh is the only person that would never say he is sorry... I mean to actually say it... He may give me a kiss or buy some flowers or who knows what but he will never say he is sorry?
Btw how are your ohs towards you while you are pregnant? I mean do they jump to help you? Not let you clean or carry groceries or try to not upset you? Because mine does nth of all these :shock::shock:
I am probably over emotional because of all those hormones but still he could just clean that cage and shuus I mean....
He did ruin my day though...
Also I think my oh is the only person that would never say he is sorry... I mean to actually say it... He may give me a kiss or buy some flowers or who knows what but he will never say he is sorry?
Btw how are your ohs towards you while you are pregnant? I mean do they jump to help you? Not let you clean or carry groceries or try to not upset you? Because mine does nth of all these :shock::shock:
I am probably over emotional because of all those hormones but still he could just clean that cage and shuus I mean....

Sorry that you have had a crap start to the day sweetie, but hopefully things will pick up now?

Try not to let a bad morning make a bad day!!

My OH is pretty good in general - he does all the heavy stuff (putting rubbish out, bringing the shopping up) and he'd never let me do any heavy lifting before BFP.

Since BFP I think he has let a lot of my moaning slip. Normally if I am being a cow he tells me so but since I've been preggers he has let me have my hissy fits in peace :shock:

I still think he is a million miles away from understanding how his life is going to change though!

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Sorry ur oh acted like a child this morning :hugs:

My DH hasn't really changed either, still expects me to do everything around the house, do the shopping etc He hasn't helped out with anything like that, and doesn't understand why some stuff keeps getting left because I just don't have the energy. It's like because I finish work at 12 or 1 cos I start at 4 or 5 am, he thinks I have the whole afternoon to do everything. When in truth I need that time to actually sleep!!

Although he has started making a huge effort to be home straight after work during the week for dinner rather than still working on cars. And he really wants to stop all his jobs helping his friends for pretty much free so that he will have his weekends free too for when lo is here :love: it's taken a long time but I think he is starting to realise the huge change in our life that will be happening in a few months!! Xxx
I am pretty sure that when the mw will put LO in my oh arms he will still wonder whose is that baby and why is he holding it lol.... I hope he will eventually realize what's happening but I don't hold too much hope...

Kanga that's really nice of your oh planning to have more time when the baby comes :love:

My oh was wondering yesterday when i was explain him that newborns may cry for h inconsolable without being able to make anything to comfort them why can't we put it in its room and close the door and only watch the video monitor without voice if we can do anything to make it better anyway :shock::shock: I was so speechless that I couldn't even respond to him as logically it sounds correct but emotional no mum would do that. But it was no point to explain that now lol. I hope it will get it when LO in here ????or I am doomed...
My OH reckons our baby is going to be "good" as he was an excellent baby! His Mum does say out of all of her six my OH was the most prefect, sweet, docile little bub!

Here's hoping he is right as I was a nightmare baby and didn't start sleeping through the night until I was 4 :shock: :shock:

My OH is going to have such a shock LOL, although I shouldn't mock as I am going to have a shock to the system as well :roll:

I think I am in serious denial on how hard it actually is going to be!! I see things in a rather logical way, so as soon as baby is crying for no reason I think I will go crazy lol

It's like our friends have just had their baby 4 days ago and they have already called nhs direct 4 times!! 1- about her coughing up mucus, which is apparently normal. 2- about her having forceps headaches! :shock: how can u know that is why they are crying? 3- about her being awake all night and asleep all day! Normal baby behaviour in my eyes. And recently 4- because she coughs up her milk! Some babys are just really sicky.

In my eyes they are just normal baby things and nothing to get worried about, I think I'm in for a big shock as to how paranoid I'm going to get about Roo! Xxx
I don't have a maternal bone in my body so I am fooked!

S-I-L's baby is due in mid May and I just know OH and I are going to get handed this baby every time we go and visit "for practice" :shock:

I think other people's babies are harder than your own? At least I hope they are!!

Aw hope, sorry oh was such an idiot this morning. My poor oh got both barrels, I was crabby and tired and he ate the last bagel which was the last straw, ended up sobbing his arms cos work and blah is getting to me. Who though planning a wedding for the end of exams and getting pregnant for it was a good idea ???? I then nearly got knocked off my bike by a stupid woman opening her car door into me and cycled to work in tears. Spent the day on a course and the same bike incident happened on the way home! Oh and I got locked in the car park at work for half an hour :wall: got home and had to speak to a students mum cos she struggling to cope on the course. OH cooked me dinner though which I love him for!
Dysco what a day you had :hug: I would sob for that bagel too lol, and the work and the wedding ...
A little overprotected bump buddy here but cycling is not adviced during pregnancy, exactly because other people are total idiots and they can knock you down xxxx
Today is the first time I've been even close to being knocked off, stupid tw@ts, and it happened twice! I've got mixed feelings about it, right now I'll carry on cos it's quiet roads etc and it's by far the easiest way to get around Cardiff but not sure how long it will continue if I don't feel safe. I think it's a nice way of keeping my fitness going too xxxx
Good morning :) we have new sofas yeeey. Its a corner sofa actually it looks perfect and it is so comfy, well it was anyway when we chose it because now I realized that the sofa is so soft that I can't get up because of the bump :doh:

And it's almost weekend anyone has plans for this weekend????

I need to clean the house, if I will not be too tired dead again to do that :wall: and we need to go shopping this weekend and hopefully now that coco is feeling better to go for a walk with it. That poor puppy wasn't allowed for a walk for almost 4 weeks :shock:
Rest of the time I will probably spend resting again ... Hopefully some work too meantime as I have some deadlines approaching fast and furious :(
Oh and I want to make a pound cake this weekend to maybe have some for lunch during the week...

Have a nice day everyone :)
Morning :wave:

Sounds like u have loads to fit in this weekend. I bet coco will love being able to go ou for a walk if it is nice out.

I have work tomorrow morning and then plan to clean the house too! We will see hw far I get. On Sunday I might be going to a car show thing with my DH, well it's that or be home alone all day. I think I will see how tired I feel on the day.

Enjoy ur Friday everyone xxx
I need to buy a new laptopn :shock: :wall2:

So annoyed as I don't get paid until next week and where the Hell do I go and just buy a laptop from?? I want it up and working immediately!

I am meant to be meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow but if not I'll go and see my nephews?

Need to go to New Look to return some shoes on Sunday! I also want to buy some lightweigth summer cardi's!


:shock::shock: beginning of tomorrow I am in maternity leave :shock: we'll short of... I got signed off gynecologist for 5 weeks and then the leftover vacation and academic free days and then proper maternity leave from 36 weeks...
Well ofc I will keep doing research and academic work from home all the time but no more every day work for me :shock:
It was quite unexpectant so I don't really know what to think about it...
Anyway the gynecologist was unhappy with how tired I feel and all the pelvic pains I get when I stand up or lay down or stand on my feet for longer period of times ( define longer like 30 min) so she went raging on my boss and tell him that no more hospital work for me or she will refer him to whatever council. I am properly gobsmacked as I didnt even complain too much ifykwim :shock: and I certainly didn't complain at my boss ever lol.
God knows what he thinks right now or there is probably a law here that I have no idea that pregnant doctors shouldn't so certain things that he ignored to apply?
God knows lol.
Anyway I am not sad as I have more than enough articles presentations and abstracts an who knows how many deadlines to keep me busy( though sitting in front of my pc for longer than 30 min is a challenge too..)
I feel so guilty that I don't enjoy the whole pregnancy...
Ok I did t finish ranting but I will tell you. All later our drama with the toilet drain at home...
Oh and 4 days to morphology scan and I am feeling sick with the idea :sick:
Have a nice day everyone...
eek 4 days to go lovely, glad they said you need some rest are you looking fprward to relaxing at home with little hope bean?
Well I don't know really lol. I have no idea what I will do at home for so long :shock: I will probably flip out :wall: but we will see.
Not looking forward at the scan either... Properly terrified about that one :(
Wow Hope - that came around quickly!!!

At the moment I plan to work until I can - maybe until 38 weeks?? :shock:

We'll see, I say that now LOL!


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