Our little dream :) Had a mc???

Sounds like u have a busy weekend ahead, hope u enjoy ur trip away even with the long journey there and back.

I am taking it very easy today, and so far so good. I'm able to walk around the house without hurting too much and without really struggling too much. It's really hard to just sit here and do nothing, so I have decided to be productive and write my wedding thank you cards! Lol only a few weeks behind in doing that! :D

I have also just blitzed my downstairs/ outside toilet. Thought it would be a good idea to use irons the weather isn't as cold and saves me having to go up and down the stairs every times need to pee. There were spiders everywhere in there as its not been used all winter as it was far too cold to get ur bum out and pee :lol: it does smell lovely and clean in there now, and I plan on not doing anything else too strenuous.

I have a good weekend planned with my sister and neice coming down to do some baby shopping :love: can't wait to see them both and have a good girlie catch up.

Hope everyone else has a good weekend planned xxxx
What is up Hope? What do you mean you are not feeling so good?

I know you have a hectic weekend but rest when you can - also have fun telling the OH's parents :lol:

No plans for me, I am just chilling. Will see my S-I-L and youngest nephew tomorrow and maybe visit my sister sometime on Sunday to see her two little monsters.

Other than that eating and sleeping :)

Ooh i know paris is going to be fun but i would kill for a chilled weekend! i just feel a bit bleugh in general and i think its just tiredness, settle in cramps and general pregnancy but i don't fancy sitting in a car for several hours, meeting people i don't know, then trying to catch a glimpse of OH running amongst thousands of people. Just hope its not cold over there! Great excuse for some chocolat chaud and pain au chocolat or croque monsieur though :) The french DO do good street food :)
Good morning,
God that was a busy weekend...I managed to survive but I am so excausted that I can barely move.i also think that I got a bit of SPD :( but only seems to bother me if too tired or I walk long time (by long I mean like 30 min at the mall...). My legs also got super swallen bu thankfully after 2 nights of constant peeing they seem to be back to normal :). I pretty hope all those annoying things will go away after LO is born...

Anyway enough ranting, my oh parents we're beyond happy lol, they actually became like rockets :lol:. They loved the baby frame and the card and they decided that they are moving in Norway and they only go back to Canada for vacation so they can be closer to the baby :)
We both got so happy when we heard that but I couldn't stop myself or thinking selfish things; will they press me to bottle feed the baby so they can feed it and take it for sleepovers?will they do things like I will do? Do they know about SIDS... I almost kicked myself for thinking those things as they have 4 children at their own and they are very kind with me so I may be crazy, paranoid and selfish to think those things and overprotect a child that's not even born yet lol?
Anyway we are going at som pint in 3-4 weeks in a bigger city to order the pram and some other baby shopping and they will meet us there to spent the day with us :) they didn't offer to buy anything for the baby but who knows they may surprise us :)

I hope everyone had a great weekend, off I am to check all of your journals :)
Ooo sunds like u had a great weekend hun, thats nice of ur oh's parents x dont worry about things like bottle feeding lovely, im sure they know u will be having bubs to urself at first, u can always express then oh can feed her too

sent from my MiniPro using Tapatalk 2
Morning hun,

Glad your OH's parents were thrilled!!! Yikes that they have decided to move closer though.

Although saying that OH's parents live 90 seconds away and my Mum and Dad are a 2 minute walk away.... :shock: :shock:

I had a lovely quiet weekend, just chilled out and relaxed!

Had a nightmare this morning though.... We've got 13 people here for a big meeting today and I am in charge of hospitality!!!

Well it's been chaos, our coffee machine is broken so I have manually had to make coffee [whilst swearing the whole time], we've got people coming and going, no enough chairs etc...

I give up already!

As I got in at 8am though I am leaving at 4.30!!

Afternoon everyone! :)

Glad to hear u had a great weekend Hope, and that is so nice of ur oh parents to decide to stay closer so they can see baby more! I think u will always think of what other people will say or do, I am like that with my inlaws. I am dreading it thinkin that my DH's mum is gong to interfer to much and want to be around all the time!

Nat, that does sound like a hectic Monday morning at work :shock: hope u are back home now at relating :)

I have had a mad weekend, had my sister and neice down since Saturday and they have not long gone home. went shopping for an outfit Saturday for the wedding reception we went to in the evening as I had nothing to wear, then baby shopping for Roo yesterday and got loads of nice bits and pieces. Xxx
Morning everyone :) I have been up over 4 hours already at work and feel so tired :nap: home time isn't for another 3 hours though :(

Hope u are all doing well on this wet miserable morning :) xxx
mornng ladies! i was a total knob and looked at my old tri1 posts last night WHY!
mornng ladies! i was a total knob and looked at my old tri1 posts last night WHY!

Why indeed missy, naughty you!

Don't do it again!!

It is wet, windy and cold here today and I cannot wait to get home! I finish early so will be home by 5pm and no doubt bathed and in my jim jams by 5.15 LOL

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Good morning everyone, a glorious sun here but it's very very chilly. I had a complete crap nights sleep. I woke up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep :(
I also kept having weird/scary dreams that I don't even remember what are they about...
Anyway I am stack at home today as I wait for the electrician who was suppose to be here at 8 so I could go to work after that... It's 11 and ofc he is not here... My oh called him and he says he is busy???? Because I wasn't?????anyway he said he will pay for my days paycheck I suppose he will so regret not coming here at 8 when he will hear that I am a doctor :lol:

My oh yesterday decided to give me a present. I got so happy at the random present and the box was huge!!!!
I open it and inside was a chemical capping toilet. I complain every night that I wake up for a pee and I need to go downstairs for that as that's te only bathroom for both the floors; but what I really meant is to actually build a toilet upstairs too certainly not to buy a camping one :shock:

Anyway I couldn't but lough and I also had to pee in it during the night as I knew he will get upset if I didn't ...
I must say men have a weird way of thinking presents lol...

Have a nice day everyone :love:
mornng ladies! i was a total knob and looked at my old tri1 posts last night WHY!

Why indeed missy, naughty you!

Don't do it again!!

It is wet, windy and cold here today and I cannot wait to get home! I finish early so will be home by 5pm and no doubt bathed and in my jim jams by 5.15 LOL


Oh dear Lynette why would you do that?:(

i know i am naughty :-( :bum: smack my bum
hope willl you pm me your address so i can send monkey
Good morning everyone, a glorious sun here but it's very very chilly. I had a complete crap nights sleep. I woke up at 3 and couldn't get back to sleep :(
I also kept having weird/scary dreams that I don't even remember what are they about...
Anyway I am stack at home today as I wait for the electrician who was suppose to be here at 8 so I could go to work after that... It's 11 and ofc he is not here... My oh called him and he says he is busy???? Because I wasn't?????anyway he said he will pay for my days paycheck I suppose he will so regret not coming here at 8 when he will hear that I am a doctor :lol:

My oh yesterday decided to give me a present. I got so happy at the random present and the box was huge!!!!
I open it and inside was a chemical capping toilet. I complain every night that I wake up for a pee and I need to go downstairs for that as that's te only bathroom for both the floors; but what I really meant is to actually build a toilet upstairs too certainly not to buy a camping one :shock:

Anyway I couldn't but lough and I also had to pee in it during the night as I knew he will get upset if I didn't ...
I must say men have a weird way of thinking presents lol...

Have a nice day everyone :love:

It is horrible here in London today - cold, wet and windy!! Not April weather at all...

In fact it's made me want to go back to bed and stay there all week (it's going to be horrible until at least the weekend :shock:)

I had to laugh about your present Hope, that is so sweet but so weird at the same time.

I hope your electrician is here soon!!

I can't believe that he is not here yet:shock::shock: I am close to tell my oh to call him and tell him we don't need his services anymore and find someone else? Those things never really happen in Norway so no idea what's all thy about?
aww Hope there is definitely some love behind the random gift lol!! Although I am sure it would be quite handy at night so u don't have to go up and down stairs.

It seems to have cheered up here weather wise, really sunny but freezing cold as very windy!! Although I did get soaked earlier at work taking the rubbish out as the rain just threw it down out of nowhere, soaked me then stopped by the time I had made it back inside!!

Lynette u were very naughty reading ur old tri posts, although I have done exactly the same many times before, including reading our mc thread from the start. xxx
Love that your OH bought you a camping toilet, thats just what my OH would do and be so proud of it! Miserable here in cardiff too, although i rarely get to see out the window at all stuck in my office grrr.

Soooo tired. i don't feel like me being this tired all the time. just can't be bothered with work either, motivation is hitting the floor, just want to be at home on the sofa! with i had a weekend off but we are going to my parents this weekend, then i have to teach monday so back up to cardiff, but have a meeting in london tuesday so back down monday night, then florida wednesday, :yawn:

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