OPKS detecting early pregnancy - help!

I done an opk...i think but then all hpts lol. Yeah hun hang in there! At least if it was OV you have got some BDing in eh xx
Yeah I did, not as much as I wanted to though but couldn't cos of being unwell. Didn't BD tonight either so have now missed 2 nights in a row. :( Trying to think positive! x x
We only BD 2 times the month I fell pregnant. After months of BD really often!

Hi girls. CM has changed from pinky to teeny bit of red to pale brown. Feels thin and stretchy so BDed tonight just in case. OPK still has that dark line as well so really confused!! Will keep doing my opks, will miss tomorrow's as I am out all day. x x
I am CD50 now and longest cycle (that I know of) was my last one - I got AF on day 66.

The CM went clear yesterday, I had another blood clot yesterday morning, felt it slip out when I went to the loo. Have had no bleeding so not AF. :confused:

Will do an OPK later and post it on here. x x
I know! I've had three so far. Small in size. Hmm!!! I've had the v. mild cramping as well, it never lasts for very long and is never followed/accompanied by bleeding. Implantation? Ovulation? Argh!! x x
Updated OPKs. Today's is a bit pants cos I didn't need to pee again so forced myself to!

Here we go...


CD41 and 43 compared cos I'm not sure which is my surge? If they even show my surge? :(


x x
lol my gosh i have no idea lol so many dark lines ur confusing haha :)
try another today with the full strentgh pee and if its faint then you have ovulated if it was detecting pregnancy all this time by now i presume it would be dark even with weak urine so it looks like its deffo ov so you are in your 2ww id count the last dark so cd43 as your surge so you might of ov on cd 44 thats if cd 44 is lighter xx
Piccie from today....

Top opk is yesterday's, bottom is today's.


x x
it looks fainter compared to the others to me does it to you when you hold them all together?
Will try and get a pic of them all together. It does look darker in RL. x x
Thanks Shauna, looking at it in RL it looks like the control line almost.

First half of my Opks for this cycle


Second half..


Sorry for crap quality, they all look darker in RL. :(

x x

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