pregnancy and hcg levels~please help


Active Member
Mar 26, 2005
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This is very long and I'll start by saying sorry and THANK YOU in advance for you help!!

I was just curious if someone could ease my mind. I am new to this forum and so glad I found it tonight. I am not sure how quickly people respond, but I look forward to any assistance you could provide.

I haven't had a menstrual cycle since Dec. 10th, 2004, which is normal for me, I am 37 and have a very irregular menstral cycle. I only have a period about 8-9 times a year ...which means it is very difficult to determine ovulation. I use the "fluid" test of clear and spongy ... I think that was the 3-6th of this month March. It usually last 2-3 days. Around Feb 14th I took prego test and it was negative ... but on March 15th took a First Response test and it was negative. On March 18th Friday night I used First Response test and had a veryfaint pink line with a dark pink line. I retested on Saturday March 19th, same brand same result. On Sunday, I took an EPT test, it said "pregnant". I should point out that I think conception took place the 5th, 7th or 8th ...

On Monday the 21st my labs said hcg 149. Does that seem like a normal range?

I must also tell you, I take prometriem the 10th through 20th every month, accept this time, I started on the 5th to be safe, when I knew I was ovulating. My lab came out 121 for progesterone level on Monday. The doctor said it was fine and because of the meds. Thursday the 24th I had labs again and my Hcg was 286 and progesterone was 35.80 ... My question is ... is this a normal increase??? I was told I am suposse to double ever 24-36 hours ... some things i read say 48 hrs ...some say not eveyone doubles and some have low hcg levels .... have you heard this? I should also add ...according to prenatal labs, I have a slightly elvated MPV 9.9 ... Is this serious?? According to our lab, normal is 6.0-9.0 ...on the internet, I have read 7.0-10.6 is normal??? Does anyone know??

Another question, my urinalysis was noted "moderate" for bacteria and mucous, what does that mean? And Lastly, my urinalysis posted epithelial cells ...25-50, chart says supposed to be 0 ...? does anyone have any answers?? The DR office was closed today for Good Friday, so I have been driving myself nuts all day.

In Nov 2002 I had a miscarrige at 8 weeks (6 weeks I heard the heartbeat and at 8 weeks nothing) I had a tear in the placenta. I had a D and C at 10 weeks. In Oct 2003 I had a Blighted Ovum (an empty sac) and carried it for 10 weeks and then, again had a D and C.

So, now you know why I am worrying. I pray often and ask G-d to please don't let me get pregnant again if I am going to have a miscarrige ... So now that I am, I have to beleive all is going to be alright, and I am worrying for nothing.

Do my levels "seem" OK? Has anyone else had a slow increase in Hcg?? Thanks for letting me vent. It sure feels good. I look forward to ANY help or advice anyone can give. I definitely feel pregnant, potty often, moderate cramping, NO BLEEDING, breast are tender, and tired.

I will being having labs again on Monday and go for all my prenatal stuff and U/S on April 12th. I am very blessed with 3 Wonderful miracles ...10y boy, 7y boy and 5 y girl ... yes I am very thankful!!!!! I just have felt it my heart I was going to have 4 or 5 kids and never thought my baby rearing years would in end in miscarriges.

I lookk forward to reading your answers. God Bless all! Happy Easter!

For how far you are- that may be normal- make sure they test often- I just miscarried and my levels were at 42 then 36 then they spiked to 114 then back to 64, then 51, and finally 45 yesterday afternoon. Best of luck to you...mine wasn't so great.
I don't know what to tell you because even though I'm pregnant I don't totally understand all this stuff.....but I'm sure you're fine; couldn't you go see a doctor or gyno to see what they say? Only because they probably have a much better understanding on this stuff since they went to school and studied this for however long!
Hello ... at the time I wrote the first post was back in March, was Good Friday weekend, holiday weekend DR offices were closed ... I wanted ansers, now! Especially because I was newly pregnant and had a M/C in the past ... I can tell you now, I am doing great ... all the usual prego symptoms ... but all is good.

I am alittle leary because I am over 35yrs of age, 37 ... and I need to have genetic counseling and I high density U/S sound done to confirm that the baby is doing OK and there are no abnormalities. In my heart I know all is fine, but, I am nervous. I go for this testing in about 2 weeks.

Best of luck to all of you! All we can do is pray and have hope ... HE knows what is best for us.

Take Care and God Bless!

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