
New Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Can anyone please advise.

I came off the depo last year which messed up my periods so they are pretty irregular and arrive anything up to 42 days apart.. Anyway, the first day of my last period was 4th July. On the 4th August I did a HPT which was a clear positive. Repeated test again in shock and got 4 more clear positives using digital test. Got pregnancy confirmed at Dr last Thursday 7th. (All urine tests). On the 21st day of this cycle I also has my progestrone levels checked and they confirmed that I was ovulating.

Had HCG levels tested last night (blood) but the results are very low 56. They want to test again in 2 days. I am so worried that I have had another missed miscarriage as had 1 in May plus 2 more complete miscarriages. I've not had bleeding or spotting.

As my cycle is all over the place it's hard to figure out the length of my cycle etc but I am just really concerned that I've had a positive urine test now for 1 week but the blood level is only 56 I know deep down it should be higher. I am so confused as my body is playing pregnancy tricks again, huge swollen sore boobs, bloated stomach, nausea, tiredness and mild cramping.

Please help I can't go through this a fourth time!!
It could be that you conceived later than you thought and your pregnancy test results where therefore showing early, before when your AF was due.
I had this problem - had my HCG levels done at 5 weeks and they said they were low, but two days later they'd doubled. They said i'd obviously ovulated later in my cycle than i'd thought, so the pregnancy was a few days newer than i thought.

Fingers crossed for you...

Low hcg isnt a problem in itself, it's not the number it's at but the rise it has. So please try not to worry. Once you have a scan they forget about hcg altogether.
I kind of know all about hcg lately, and have found it being on the low side isnt really anything to worry about, it's when the number goes down. You also dont have to neccessarily double every 48 hours either, they found 60% was usually ok. :hug:

have you only had the one hcg test?

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