This is very long and I'll start by saying sorry and THANK YOU in advance for you help!!
I was just curious if someone could ease my mind. I am new to this forum and so glad I found it tonight. I am not sure how quickly people respond, but I look forward to any assistance you could provide.
I haven't had a menstrual cycle since Dec. 10th, 2004, which is normal for me, I am 37 and have a very irregular menstral cycle. I only have a period about 8-9 times a year ...which means it is very difficult to determine ovulation. I use the "fluid" test of clear and spongy ... I think that was the 3-6th of this month March. It usually last 2-3 days. Around Feb 14th I took prego test and it was negative ... but on March 15th took a First Response test and it was negative. On March 18th Friday night I used First Response test and had a veryfaint pink line with a dark pink line. I retested on Saturday March 19th, same brand same result. On Sunday, I took an EPT test, it said "pregnant". I should point out that I think conception took place the 5th, 7th or 8th ...
On Monday the 21st my labs said hcg 149. Does that seem like a normal range?
I must also tell you, I take prometriem the 10th through 20th every month, accept this time, I started on the 5th to be safe, when I knew I was ovulating. My lab came out 121 for progesterone level on Monday. The doctor said it was fine and because of the meds. Thursday the 24th I had labs again and my Hcg was 286 and progesterone was 35.80 ... My question is ... is this a normal increase??? I was told I am suposse to double ever 24-36 hours ... some things i read say 48 hrs ...some say not eveyone doubles and some have low hcg levels .... have you heard this? I should also add ...according to prenatal labs, I have a slightly elvated MPV 9.9 ... Is this serious?? According to our lab, normal is 6.0-9.0 ...on the internet, I have read 7.0-10.6 is normal??? Does anyone know??
Another question, my urinalysis was noted "moderate" for bacteria and mucous, what does that mean? And Lastly, my urinalysis posted epithelial cells ...25-50, chart says supposed to be 0 ...? does anyone have any answers?? The DR office was closed today for Good Friday, so I have been driving myself nuts all day.
In Nov 2002 I had a miscarrige at 8 weeks (6 weeks I heard the heartbeat and at 8 weeks nothing) I had a tear in the placenta. I had a D and C at 10 weeks. In Oct 2003 I had a Blighted Ovum (an empty sac) and carried it for 10 weeks and then, again had a D and C.
So, now you know why I am worrying. I pray often and ask G-d to please don't let me get pregnant again if I am going to have a miscarrige ... So now that I am, I have to beleive all is going to be alright, and I am worrying for nothing.
Do my levels "seem" OK? Has anyone else had a slow increase in Hcg?? Thanks for letting me vent. It sure feels good. I look forward to ANY help or advice anyone can give. I definitely feel pregnant, potty often, moderate cramping, NO BLEEDING, breast are tender, and tired.
I will being having labs again on Monday and go for all my prenatal stuff and U/S on April 12th. I am very blessed with 3 Wonderful miracles ...10y boy, 7y boy and 5 y girl ... yes I am very thankful!!!!! I just have felt it my heart I was going to have 4 or 5 kids and never thought my baby rearing years would in end in miscarriges.
I lookk forward to reading your answers. God Bless all! Happy Easter!
I was just curious if someone could ease my mind. I am new to this forum and so glad I found it tonight. I am not sure how quickly people respond, but I look forward to any assistance you could provide.
I haven't had a menstrual cycle since Dec. 10th, 2004, which is normal for me, I am 37 and have a very irregular menstral cycle. I only have a period about 8-9 times a year ...which means it is very difficult to determine ovulation. I use the "fluid" test of clear and spongy ... I think that was the 3-6th of this month March. It usually last 2-3 days. Around Feb 14th I took prego test and it was negative ... but on March 15th took a First Response test and it was negative. On March 18th Friday night I used First Response test and had a veryfaint pink line with a dark pink line. I retested on Saturday March 19th, same brand same result. On Sunday, I took an EPT test, it said "pregnant". I should point out that I think conception took place the 5th, 7th or 8th ...
On Monday the 21st my labs said hcg 149. Does that seem like a normal range?
I must also tell you, I take prometriem the 10th through 20th every month, accept this time, I started on the 5th to be safe, when I knew I was ovulating. My lab came out 121 for progesterone level on Monday. The doctor said it was fine and because of the meds. Thursday the 24th I had labs again and my Hcg was 286 and progesterone was 35.80 ... My question is ... is this a normal increase??? I was told I am suposse to double ever 24-36 hours ... some things i read say 48 hrs ...some say not eveyone doubles and some have low hcg levels .... have you heard this? I should also add ...according to prenatal labs, I have a slightly elvated MPV 9.9 ... Is this serious?? According to our lab, normal is 6.0-9.0 ...on the internet, I have read 7.0-10.6 is normal??? Does anyone know??
Another question, my urinalysis was noted "moderate" for bacteria and mucous, what does that mean? And Lastly, my urinalysis posted epithelial cells ...25-50, chart says supposed to be 0 ...? does anyone have any answers?? The DR office was closed today for Good Friday, so I have been driving myself nuts all day.
In Nov 2002 I had a miscarrige at 8 weeks (6 weeks I heard the heartbeat and at 8 weeks nothing) I had a tear in the placenta. I had a D and C at 10 weeks. In Oct 2003 I had a Blighted Ovum (an empty sac) and carried it for 10 weeks and then, again had a D and C.
So, now you know why I am worrying. I pray often and ask G-d to please don't let me get pregnant again if I am going to have a miscarrige ... So now that I am, I have to beleive all is going to be alright, and I am worrying for nothing.
Do my levels "seem" OK? Has anyone else had a slow increase in Hcg?? Thanks for letting me vent. It sure feels good. I look forward to ANY help or advice anyone can give. I definitely feel pregnant, potty often, moderate cramping, NO BLEEDING, breast are tender, and tired.
I will being having labs again on Monday and go for all my prenatal stuff and U/S on April 12th. I am very blessed with 3 Wonderful miracles ...10y boy, 7y boy and 5 y girl ... yes I am very thankful!!!!! I just have felt it my heart I was going to have 4 or 5 kids and never thought my baby rearing years would in end in miscarriges.
I lookk forward to reading your answers. God Bless all! Happy Easter!