OMG just booked my early scan! :)

I am apparently getting all my SIL's second hand stuff as she has had all her babies now. I don't mind not having everything new, but I feel like it's being thrust upon me a little bit! When we told OH's parents, MIL said, "oh that's great, you won't need to buy anything...." but I do want some things new!! It's my first baby! And I am picky and have very specific taste. Think I may have to tread carefully...

Accept it all, sell anything decent on Ebay (or give to charity) and bin any crap :)


Good plan - better than offending the in-laws! Will just have to make sure she doesn't want any of it back afterwards! xx
Good plan - better than offending the in-laws! Will just have to make sure she doesn't want any of it back afterwards! xx

LOL, in that case maybe store it in your loft ha!

I hope so mrsmc! Actually letting myself get so excited! Xx
My midwife has just phoned me up and I have my appointment on 2nd dec at 6pm! :dance: today has been a productive day! :) eeeeek, excited much :dance: xx
Yay!! That's great hun, another date to look forward to. I think when you have these dates in place it makes the time go faster. With all this excitement I've kind of forgotten I'm supposed to be Christmas shopping - oops! I'm thinking the family will be over the moon with a scan piccy for Christmas - done :) xxx
I know Christmas is totally in the back of my mind! Scan pics will have to do for most family. Got a few ideas for my oh just need to buy them xx
i like the babystyle TS2 travel system :) got everything i need and love the style! Even though i am thinking everything pregnancy related i havent let xmas wonder out of my mind, already started buying odd bits every week :) think i am on the ball this year hehe!! xx
Hi girls. Just read through the pages - blimey you guys can talk!!!!

I'm super excited for our scan on sat and I promise to post lots and lots of pics!!
Can't help worrying that there is more than one!! Husband has triplets in his family and I have twins in mine!! I'd literally die if they said there is more than one!! I'll put one on eBay lol!!!
Seriously though we just haven't got room, money to have two and there would be no way I could go back to work and I'm the one who brings in the money to the house!!!

But suppose after the shock we'd work something out- we'd have too lol!!

I've also been looking at travel systems!! Love the limited addition all black bugaboo. Just looovvvveeeee it so much!

Hi princess.
It sounds very lame but I'm that sick with all day sickness I can't be bothered to open up the iPad!!
I just want to sleep and puke!!

So glad your ok hunny xxxx

Sorry I didn't reply to this earlier!

awww sorry to hear ur feeling so bad, but please come on mre pften it might help to randomly chat to us all on here :) xxx
hey babybo I have the worry of twins to as I'm a fraternal twin myself! gives me the odd of 1in17 instead of 1in60 chance of having fraternal twins myself :shock: quite scary really. But like u said u have to make it work if it happens. I think I would be extremely overjoyed at having 2 after everything that has happened.

We do love a good natter on here, it keeps me busy :) xx
Ta hunny. I'm currently sat in bed with a big bucket undecided if I should sleep or puke!!
All good signs though ah!! X
I was worried about twins as I'm so big already! But luckily only one! x

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