OH and I had been together 3 months, (known each other ages mind lol it took him a good few years to win me round haha) and we weren't preventing, I couldn't take the pill due to migraines, and didn't like the idea of injection / coil etc so were just timing it right. Or so we thought. So got pregnant on the 3rd month whether it took 3 months or we managed to time it right the first two months and just caught out 3rd month. But I've since been on mini pill for a few months & depo (only one shot) neither agreed with me, turned me into a psycho really, haha but I dunno if either, especially depo, have any lasting effects fertility wise. OH says we'll get pregnant right away cause I'm super fertile. *eyeroll*
Same here, and I've been feeling so crap today, headache & swollen glands. Off tomorrow though & LO is going to grandmas so I have the afternoon off.