Officially trying!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2014
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It's finally January and we're officially going to start trying. My periods due today, great way to start the year :lol: & ovulation is around the 14th so will be testing January 29th! Excited!

Good luck to everyone else trying. :) xxx

Good luck! Today marks official TTC#2 for me. AF arrived in the middle of Christmas dinner and my app reckons I'll be in my fertile window from 14th-19th. Hope you get a BFP in the near future! :)
Hi Starchild!!

Yay, congratulations! This is my first month TTC too! I'm currently CD15, my OH said we had to wait until the new year to TTC, but I told him by the time ovulation came around it would be the new year....sooo we started a tad early! I'm using a CBFM to track my cycles as although I've used Ovia for about 3 years I've never done anything else. I've been getting high readings since CD9, but so far no peak, I've read that it's quite normal in the first month to not get a peak though.

Good luck on your TTC journey, hope it doesn't take you too long to get a sticky bean! :dust: to you! Xx
Thanks guys!

I've been checking my cervix position & using an app that's pretty much it. It didn't take anything to conceive my first so *hoping* I'll get away with not being too clued up on everything else.

My period was due today, hasn't arrived and there's no sign of it which is very odd. I'm hoping it comes tonight or tomorrow, or my cycle will be off :/ and I'm a total worry wart. :lol: Just want my period here & gone & then I can start trying!

Good luck to you guys, too!


Hi I'm new to this. First time in life I've ever tried to get pregnant. Do you always test each month? DH and I have decided from January we would stop preventing and hopefully let nature take its course.
I don't test every month as I've just started TTC but I think those who have been trying for a while do.

Good luck hopefully you won't have to wait too long! :) xxx

Unlike many I'm yet to use a pregnancy test and I've only used an OPK once :shock:

For me my cycles and symptoms are now so regular that I have a pretty good idea (within a day or 2) what's going on. I only used the OPK to make my point to OH haha and AF has always got me before a pregnancy test has been needed.

I'd originally decided not to do OPKs as I didn't want to 'obsess' lol but I'm thinking I might start just to 'prove' to myself I'm right and also so I can maximise taking EPO.

Though fingers crossed it won't come to that. Only 13 days to go!!
Good Luck everyone!
I had a mmc in November and have a scan later this week to check that everything has passed.
Hoping to start trying later this month.
Our first pregnancy was a nice surprise so this is the first we're officially trying.
I've noticed some have mentioned apps etc. Does anyone have any advice/tips when TTC?
Sorry to hear that Mel05. :( Good luck with TTC though! I use an app called Life (just the free version) and it tracks my cycles so I get estimates of period due dates and a fertile window with an ovulation day. We're just starting TTC so don't really have any tips xxx


I hadn't used one when I first got pregnant & was so scared I would do it wrong. :lol:

Good luck with trying! xxx
Glad AF has turned up for you!! Now to get rid of her for 9 months :) xx
Just trying to get my head around a lot of these abbreviations hehe. AF due 18th. Literally convinced it's not going to come after 2 attempts and swinging between "it's OK you want this" to "uh my lovely quiet life..." we have been planning this for maybe 4 years now so just feel so odd finally being here. Don't think I ever really expected the day to come.
Probably won't test as AF is generally spot on and I've got pretty good at tracking symptoms recently... has anyone tried the cheapest tests you can get on Amazon?
Pinkz a lot of ladies in here use the Internet cheapies, over in the am I pregnant section (I think) there was a post about different types of pregnancy tests.

I've used the cheap ones from Savers/Tescos/Wilkos during my time on the injection *rolleye* where I had pregnancy symptoms for months on end. Obviously they were negative so no experience with a positive of them. :lol:

It's a big thing! It's actually a bit like that with me even though I have a 2 year old so life isn't quiet. :lol: xxx

Im afraid quiet life is out the window with children involved! Xx
It's a big thing! It's actually a bit like that with me even though I have a 2 year old so life isn't quiet. :lol: xxx

I have to keep reminding myself I can't apply for 16 and pregnant! I just feel so immature but I'm 31! I've been in a relationship for nearly 8 years.

Think the hardest thing is having no friends in same situation. I will be the first to have a baby (if everything goes to plan) other than a couple of work colleagues who I don't know that we'll I am really isolated with this. I suppose that's my main reason for being here. I'm hoping once it does actually happen I can go to mother and baby groups or something and hopefully make some new friends on the same level!
Before I had my little girl, I had a group of around 7 friends who I could hang out with every weekend. When I got pregnant I seen less and less of them. I made two of them god mother & I think they've seen by daughter a handful of times since she was born. Still waiting for LOs Christmas presents (not that the gifts matter, but a visit over Christmas would have been nice) I don't get invited anywhere, and when I invite them they always have something better to do.
My social anxiety made it difficult for me to attend mother & toddler groups (I found a lot of mothers there were very judgmental & condescending! I was 23 when I had her but look about 14 *rolleye*) I stuck it out 'til it had to close. I enrolled my little girl in nursery a few hours a week so she had all the benefits of mixing with children. Now I have one friend really, and my cousin who I'm close with.

I sound like a right saddo, haha I recently met a girl at work with a daughter same age as mine who's currently pregnant, so I'm finally feeling what its like to have some understanding friends! But yeh people warned me and I never thought it would happen but it definitely did! Not nice. xxx

Mine isn't back at nursery until Friday! But I'm at work this afternoon so I get a break. :lol: haha no she's been a dream since Christmas, can't complain she's a little star!


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