I've not stopped crying!! I thought this would never happen. No need to wait for semen analysis results now!
How long have you been trying? I feel like it won't ever happen for us...on to month 11. It must feel amazing ! So happy for you xx
I just don't get what we are doing wrong. Dreading this hsg test. It's just not looking good for us. I am constantly seeing ppl join in the ttc chat and get their bfp but I am always out.
Happy and healthy 9 months to you JemRose ! Xx

we WILL both get there Alexis! Each fertility test brings you a step closer to getting your BFP! I can't wait for my first appointment letter to arrive

I'm feeling much more relaxed now! We were going to do SMEP and start our new vitamins together this month but I have decided to just see how things roll! We are going to start our vitamins once they arrive and continue to dtd but just when the mood takes us and no more opks! I don't see us getting a natural BFP anymore so why should I stress myself out so much every month! I have a strong positive feeling that our assisted coception journey will end in our BFP! Anyway who knows we may get a miracle BFP before that lol
I have the worst af symptoms this cycle. The boob pain woke me up this morning and hasn't stopped. I feel so queasy I can't eat. I am just 100% fed up. I am awaiting the hsg scan next. You sound so positive. I was feeling so positive until af showed up with avengence. Not had af this heavy for months. How long have you been trying now pidge? I feel like I want to agree and say I doubt we will get a natural bfp now but I don't want to give in just yet when we have had great test results...nothing makes sence to me anymore
We've been trying since the day we got married basically, so it's been two years and three months now

I do think you've been having chemicals like the other girls have been saying Alexis! Do you ever poas early and see if you get faint positives? I've ever had a whiff of a BFP unfortunately so I really don't hold much hope anymore for a natural positive! I do have great faith in our assisted conception journey though and I have a very strong feeling that I will have a baby in my arms in the next couple of years!
I have only did 1 preggo test and was neg then I havent bothered since tbh. My problem is 2 years seems like so long away...I really want a BFP before I turn 35 in August as I feel our chances will be slim from then on in.
I can't really believe it's been two years myself, I never imagined it would be this long! We were NTNP for the majority of that time though! I think we have only been actively ttc since May this year! I know it always feels like time is running short but two women I work with had their babies in their early forties

I'm twenty seven now and I get people telling me to hurry up and not to wait much longer and that I should have a baby before I'm thirty, which is such a harsh statement to make in my opinion!