October SMEP'ing

Sorry to hear that Kanga. I know its really difficult and frustrating, last month my oH went through a couple of really stressful weeks with work and just wanted to sleep and wasn't in the mood for bding at all. It was so frustrating, but I worked out showing my frustration just made it worse. So I continued with the sexy undies (every so often) and was supportive and upbeat and tried not to let my frustration show. It seems to have worked as I only need to give that look and smile and I get dragged to bed. Keep at it hun xxx

I agree, I've tried taking the huff a few times but just makes matters worse and he says he just doesn't want to. If I act like the best wife in the world (even if only for a few days :p ) I usually get my wicked way around ov :)
Thanks ladies! It definitely is frustrating! He kept asking how I had dressed up, and I just said well u missed out so I'm not telling u. So probably my fault there was no bd'ing, but I was pissed off at him! He did say after he finishes tonight he is going to come home and we are going to bd all night :shock: I will be pee'd off if I glam up again and he is late though, might send him a pic later before he finishes work and see how long he is out for! not really a thing I do, but desperate times call for desperate measures :lol: xxx
Go for it girl! Like Leesey says act like the woman of their dreams and you can get your own way one way or another ;) Also I think it helps to keep things cheeky and fun to try and keep the pressure off both of you xxx
Oh kanga!! Whip his ass tonight bad boy!! But it only takes one little swimmer so tonight may be a good un!! Xx
Oh kanga!! Whip his ass tonight bad boy!! But it only takes one little swimmer so tonight may be a good un!! Xx

love how u have switched that line on to me now hun? :rofl: i know we only need the one, but need to dtd first at least!! :)
so oh actually was home around 6pm and he jumped me :) i refused to budge after, trying to keep the swimmers in :lol: i still had major leakage after i moved after 20mins, is this normal? we were ntnp last time i was ttc! so scared that every time is a wasted effort if it all comes back out again! help me from going crazy? xx
Yay! Don't worry hun the swimmers would have been well on their way by the time you stood up. Just relax and enjoy being jumped ;) xxx
Thanks taffy, I feel like a nutcase at the mo. Even though I'm not majorly stressing I dont want to mess up our chances this month. Xx
So cd14 today and apparently ov day, but no signs yet! No ewcm or ov pains, and I did an opk earlier which was negative but think my pee was quite weak. I have been doing my temps though and got rather confused, my temp dropped from 36.18 yesterday to 35.49 this morning. Not sure if this is a sign that ov is to come soon? Off to :bd: just incase :) xx

My Ovulation Chart
So cd14 today and apparently ov day, but no signs yet! No ewcm or ov pains, and I did an opk earlier which was negative but think my pee was quite weak. I have been doing my temps though and got rather confused, my temp dropped from 36.18 yesterday to 35.49 this morning. Not sure if this is a sign that ov is to come soon? Off to :bd: just incase :) xx

My Ovulation Chart

Maybe I stole your ov kanga! Xx
Hi ladies.

We've sort of stuck to SMEP this month. :)

Although I'm tempted to stop BD a day before Ov as I'd love a baby girl and apparently that's a good thing to do.

But then I don't want to lessen my chances as I'd be over the moon with any baby at all!! There's just so many boys in this family I'd love to add a little princess. :)
maybe u have leesey! still no sign of ov yet either! :( just going to keep bd'ing! my oh is enjoying dtd everyday Lol :)

good luck cupcake, just bd when u feel upto it xx
Well did not get my wicked way last night, dh went to bed ridiculously early. Not a happy bunny. Moving house today so will probably be too tired tonight. This bloody better not be me oving today, or I will be so annoyed!!
Still loads of sticky ewcm, used my last opk and it was -, not even a whiff of a line. Definitely going to have to buy more, which I'm not happy about, but can't wait for post. Morrisons do 5 for £3.99 which is ridiculous compared to internet prices, but I suppose if needs must and I'm in a hurry.
leesey how strange ur getting the ewcm but neg opk's! hope u get to jump ur oh tonight

i pestered the oh last night, but he said no! then i got sad so he asked what was up? to which i replied i didnt want to waste the day not to bd as i was meant to ov yesterday, lets say i won that lil tiff :lol:

still no signs of ewcm or a pos opk though! but could be on a 30 day cycle so therefore ov will be probably cd 16 so tomorrow! so got more bd'ing planned tonight and tomorrow!! really dont want to miss out this month!! xx
I hope I jump him too!
We were supposed to be moving tonight but I've put it off til Sunday in the hope I can get some :bd: tonight or tomorrow morning, as we'd be too tired if we'd moved tonight and he has a stag do tomorrow night so he'll be late and drunk. I'd rather get his non alcohol-soaked sperm thank you very much!
Then maybe on Sunday we can christen our new home :p

Safe to say that, once again, SMEP is out the window, not even close to plan!
Haha, me either!! I'm wanting to bd everyday to make sure there is spermies on board as i feel as though every time we bd all the stuff comes back out regardless of sticking my bum in the air after!!

Oooh christening the house of sunday sounds like a good plan! :) xx
oh yeah, the plan for tonight might go out the window as the in laws are round, and they stay really late :shock: they fall asleep on my sofa which is a pain when i want to go up to bed!! xx
I'm wanting to every day as well kanga it's just not happening!! I think this approach I'm taking of not putting hubby under pressure is making him way too laid back about the thing.
I'm trying so hard not to nag but he never remembers to take his pre-conception supplements (despite me putting them right in front of the microwave which he passes a million times a day) and he never can be bothered to let me jump him, never mind initiate it himself!!
I'm starting to get ratty at him for it, which never helps - I was just saying to you the other day I try to act like the best wife in the world for the few days around ov - I'm finding it very difficult this week!! xx
I know it definitely doesn't help getting ratty at them! I find it makes me not in the mood either cos they are being funny about it! This is the 1st month I have really pestered my oh about bd'ing over ov as we were ntnp before. So I know it can happen for us not obsessing but I'm too impatient this time to take the laid back it will happen when it happens approach as I still feel so though I should be well on my way into a pregnancy by now!! And not still trying to get pregnant. Xx
Hey girls, I really struggled to get my OH to bd last month as he was really stressed and pretty much feel asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. I think we completely missed ov and to be honest I was quite pleased I wasn't using opks as I'd have got really upset seeing a positive and OH not wanting to bd. Thankfully this month the stress has gone a bit and we've been bding every 2-3 days. Keep looking sexy and persevering and fx Oct is all our month, it's looking pretty good so far xxx :dust: :dust: :dust:

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