October SMEP'ing

Kanga, its all very well you saying we didn't need to know how hard it is to keep lil swimmers in but...

we all already know!

I've taken to practically doing headstands or hanging bat style off the headboard! Or if i'm not feeling that energetic just some pillows under the arse!

Oh the joys of ttc- no more cuddles or murmuring sweet nothings to one another... its get off quick so I can stand in my head for the next half hour!


:rofl: It wasn't the most romantic of bd'ing we weren't even upstairs so didn't really get chance to stay put or do acrobatics :) but oh is on board for bd'ing as much as possible so might get more later or tomorrow and i might be able to keep some more swimmers on board :) xx
Oh the joys of ttc- no more cuddles or murmuring sweet nothings to one another... its get off quick so I can stand in my head for the next half hour!



Lol im glad its not just me....DH just laughs now, coz im in bed at night taking temp, then i sorta say ooo my temp has raised, he looks at me, then i try and just kiss him non-chalontly....he knows exactly what im up to lol

then once weve bd'ed im like "quick get a pillow under my bum" lol no more snuggles afterwards its all about lying with bum in air for half an hour with a book ha ha xx
Luckily DH is used to me shoving a pillow under my bum - I usually have to do that cos of my bad back anyway. So he hasn't even noticed that I've started doing it. If I asked him if he knew why he'd just say it's cos of my back.
He might notice if I started hanging upside down like a bat...
Hey, sounds like you're all on track for a bfp this month :) I'm doing another chilled out month this month so no opks. But we are bding every other or every 2 days so I guess I'm kinda smeping. I'm feeling very positive about Oct so lets all go to tri 1 together! xxx :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Well I messed the SMEPing up already!
I didn't go to bed til really late last night and DH was already asleep :(

I think I might put my smep a few days behind everyone else since I won't ov til at least CD18, and I don't think I'll be doing opks either since I have a grand total of one!

See how it goes, I'm not very good at sticking to a plan!
Hey Hunnies af is due on friday for me so wi prob be doing a relaxed form of smeping in oct if she shows up which I'm sure she will. But just going to go with the flow again!
u will just have to save ur opk for when u think u are ov'ing just to see if it confirms it leesey.

Im not great at sticking to plans either, only b'ed once so far which was yesterday cd10, hoping to trying again tonight if oh is home!!

good luck with ur chilled month taffy, sounds like a smep plan, just without the opk's.

got my fx for all of us xx
i hope she doesnt show for u babybo!! :dust: xx
Thanx Hun but not hopeful! We only BD once during ov x
how we all doing on the smep front? i'm cd12 today so going to jump oh when he gets in, hopefully we can get upstairs so i can stick a pillow under my bum this time!! too much of cd10's attempt was wasted :)

i have got myself all prep'd showered, shaved, sexy undies and push up bra (oh cant resist my boobs :lol:) just awaiting the man with the baby making juice to come home, might have to resort to a sexy text message :)

Yes a sexy text message ought to have him running home!!

Happy humping kanga xx
:clock: my oh sure knows how to keep me waiting, feel like getting undressed into my non sexy pj's!!
Well gave up waiting, so in my pj's getting fed up of being alone! :(
Well gave up waiting, so in my pj's getting fed up of being alone! :(

Hate that kanga. Last time DH did that to me I sent him a picture of me in my sexy undies, saying something along the lines of, you said you'd be home hours ago, look what you missed. Then got into my jammies and went to sleep. Got my way in the morning though :p
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He finally strolled in at 10.30 and he was asleep by half 11, I was too pissed off to bd! Not that he asked for it even after I said I was dressed up for 2 hours waiting for him! Im off to work now at 5.20am so won't actually see him again til tonight whenever he gets home as he has already said he has to look a another car tonight :( xx
Oh no poor you kanga, fx you get to bd tonight. As the other ladies have said you should defo sean a pic tonight and a time you want him home by im sure that will get the car fixed quicker!!

Im only cd7 today and im soo ill with a cold im barely making it through the day at work so i doubt we will b bding till sat now which should be cd10 so il start the opks then too.

Michelle. x
Sorry to hear that Kanga. I know its really difficult and frustrating, last month my oH went through a couple of really stressful weeks with work and just wanted to sleep and wasn't in the mood for bding at all. It was so frustrating, but I worked out showing my frustration just made it worse. So I continued with the sexy undies (every so often) and was supportive and upbeat and tried not to let my frustration show. It seems to have worked as I only need to give that look and smile and I get dragged to bed. Keep at it hun xxx

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