October SMEP'ing

Oh also me and OH had a 'baby chat' the other day as I wanted to make sure he was on board, etc and that seemed to help the bding as well. I think because my OH just thinks this will magically happen, rather than it needs carefully timed bd!! But having a chat about babies gets us both excited about the prospect and he seems to initiate it more after. Might be worth a go xxx
I'm lagging behind you ladies, not had a look in since the weekend and AF is hanging around...
Taffy I did the baby and bd"ing at the right time of the month talk last night, and it worked :p

Tara u might not be too far behind me at this rate as still no ov, not even a hint of my lines getting darker on opk"s or any ewcm! :( hope it happens soon.

Well I'm not getting any tonight :( went for a shower and I come out and the in laws are gone and oh is fast asleep! Wasn't even in there long! Oh well we have bd"ed the last two nights! I think he deserves a break as long as he knows we are bd"ing tomorrow! Xx
Hehe I can just picture you in the morning waiting for him to wake up - how can they complain when its BD on tap? x
I know I did make sure I say to my OH how lucky he is that I proposition him so often, most of our mates moan they never get any! :) xx
My oh is quite laid back as I don't get in the mood for dtd that often o this is a rare treat fo him :) the things ttc makes u do! :)It will have to wait til tomorrow evening as I'm working 5.30am til 10am and he will be out at work! Thinking I am getting some strong ov pains on my right side so fx I get my smiley face tomorrow on opk! :) xx
Grrr 5.30 start?! Better get your beauty sleep so you have the energy to :bd: tomorrow. Oooo yep, pain on right side for me is BIG ov sign. FX hon and have fun :) xx
Well I'm not getting any tonight either. I told DH that I was going to lie naked whether he liked it or not (!!) and he said nope not happening tonight as HIS LEGS ARE TIRED FROM PLAYING FOOTBALL!!
I swear to god I am going to ban him from five asides, he's always too tired or too sore or off playing there's always an excuse!

Taffy I agree that he should be grateful his wife is so up for it as his pals I'll bet don't get pestered for it!!

He's starting to really p!ss me off but I'm having to keep upbeat and laid back about it or I won't get any tomorrow or the next day either! I just wish I knew if I was oving today or not, I'm now worried if I ov'd today I'm out.

Still, I will just keep assuming that it'll be CD18 again, and go and buy some opks in morrisons tomorrow I think.
Oh no, I know it is so difficult being nice to OH when they are getting on your last nerve. How about suggesting you on top?! Sorry not sure if I'm crossing the line...xx
Leesey my oh's excuse the night before was tired and leg cramps so rather similar to ur oh! Expect mine doesn't play football, looks like they have their own little book of excuses just like us ladies!! :) I won by going on top then switching right at the end, I'm not one for controlling the bd so not as fun for me but it got what I wanted!! Hopefully today goes better for u leesey or u managed to persuade ur oh when he came upstairs xx
I think every other day is just a bit difficult when you work and stuff.

Shame we weren't TTC when we met at Uni as if we only did it once a day that was a slow day!!

Managed to BD this morning and in starting to get a hint of a line on OPK so fx we can again a couple of tike this reeked and that I Ov on time on Monday.

If I have a repeat if last month and I get all the symptoms but then don't Ov until 5 days late I'm going to be pissed off!!!!
I have no idea what's going on with me this cycle, had ov pains last night and starting to get more ewcm rather rather watery, my cervix has been really really high and open the last few days but still getting negative opk's!!! i suppose we will just have to keep bd'ing! i am kinda hoping my 12 day luteal phase last month was a one off but at this rate im not sure! xx
Oh no, I know it is so difficult being nice to OH when they are getting on your last nerve. How about suggesting you on top?! Sorry not sure if I'm crossing the line...xx

He's fussy enough as it is, and I only get to go on top as a treat! :p
He would have made an excuse for that as well.
I may just say to him later, either we do it every day this week or I will be a huffy cow for the next 4 weeks!!!
Haha Leesey.

We tend to alternate who's on top.

I keep doggy style up my sleeve for if I ever really want to DTD and he's not in quite in the mood. ;)

The things I share on this website!!
I know I bet the boys would be mortified if they knew we discussed this stuff!!

I'm not really fussed how we do it anymore just as long as I get some!! On honeymoon we were giving everything a go but we're so busy now we just don't get the chance. Even if I get it 3 times a month during fertile window that will keep me happy for a while.

Lol, again can't quite believe we go into so much detail about it online, where else would you do that?!! New facebook status: "DH won't give it up, I want sperm!!" HA!
i know it is amazing what we get away with saying on this forum! my oh would think im nuts if i spoke about half the stuff i do on here to him!! :lol:

still awaiting for oh to come home, but hoping he is in a good mood for some bd'ing! I have to use i will go on top as a treat for him as i hate hate doing it!! i prefer to be lazy :lol: xx
Lol, again can't quite believe we go into so much detail about it online, where else would you do that?!! New facebook status: "DH won't give it up, I want sperm!!" HA!

it's all in the name of science! we need to share our experiences to help each other! I can just imagine going on to facebook and seeing that sort of status update and saying wtf!! why do i need to know that, but on here it is completely different!

also saying bd helps me not think about what everyone is actually wanting to do and getting up too. Far too much info, if u think about it too much! :p
Aww Kanga why do you hate it?

I enjoy it but not on days that it takes him a long time to...um....finish.

I have been known to fib that my legs/arms hurt so he can do the vigorous work!

Haha on the FB status. Maybe I could have "Just had sex - got my legs in the air to keep it in!"

Although I don't post on FB much an won't be announcing pregnancy on there ever as I don't want my bitch SIL knowing until as late as possible.
i don't find it as enjoyable as it doesn't hit the right spot :blush: (maybe i'm just doing i wrong :)) and as a plus size lady i don't like all my bits on show wobbling and it hurts my legs!! ( see here i go with way too much info)

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