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October babies :D

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Hey ladies,
How's everyone getting on?? Is everyone getting excited about starting mat leave soon?
I can't believe the start of the October babies will be happening in just over a month!! How fast has our pregnancies gone?!!
I think Evie, Annie or Emma will be first to have their LO's, I'm hoping I won't be late cos I don't want an November baby but I've decided I'm going to try to go naturally but if nothings happened by the 10th nov then I'll happily be induced!
I've got 3 shifts left at work until I start 5 weeks holiday then my mat leave starts 9 days before little man's due, so roll on next Saturday, no more work for 10 months yippee!!
Also can't believe how great I'm feeling, ice had no backache, not overly tierd, feeling really good ATM!
Anyways enough of me rambling on, hope your all ok x x
I wish my leave started sooner! I'm working right up until the bitter end, from home :) the joys of local authority!!

I still don't know how long I'm having off between 3 and 7 months is what I'm hoping for. Can't wait to meet my little girl!

I'm pretty tired, very achey and moany. Lots of BH which can be painful. Off to see the labour ward tomorrow!!

Take care ladies
Sounds like you are having a great time of it :)

I am physically ok, a bit achy in the night and first thing in the morning but really can't complain too much. I have got to the point where I don't care whether my little tinkerbell is early or late or what sort of a birth I have as long as she is healthy. Am booked in for a growth scan on 8th Sept where I guess I will find out whether all is well and the pregnancy can continue to run it's natural course or whether they will need to deliver her early.

On the plus side, bubs is extremely active and I am having weekly mw appts now to keep an eye on things.

Am back at work next Wednesday for 3 weeks before mat leave starts when I am 38 weeks!

How is everyone else?
its going so quick! I have had a rough week being very emotional but yesterday a girl at work went for her 12 week scan and her little baby had no heartbeat (she had tried for 4 years). Made me realise how lucky i am and today i woke up happy again about my little bundle of joy in there!
Im chosen to be Noas mum and im gonna be the best mum ever! :D

I think PF is a great help and im happy i have met all you girls on here, feels like a second family :cloud9:

good luck all october babies and i hope all our little ones stay put til 37 weeks!
Hi!! I'm feeling pretty good to be honest. Apart from the odd bit of heart burn and had a bit of crampiness yesterday, all is fine!

Around this time in my last pregnancy i was suffering real bad with water infections and general aches and pains but i'm thinking that everythings going so good (touch wood) that he'll stay put at least till 37 weeks!

My last day at work is on the 10th Sept, 2 weeks today woohoo!!! Can't wait!

Oooo next week we'll be saying 'we're due next month' SHIT :shock: :lol:
HIya, Im all good thanks. I see the consultant on 13th September and should be given a C-section date :) yeyyyyyyy. I go to work on Weds and finish on Fri as i work in a school 1:1 it was decided it would be best as the lad i work with has autism if he starts a new year and new teacher, new class etc with a new TA at the same time, love him.
Ive had a bit of trouble sleeping, no real reason, i just cant sleep!!! lol
Gah it's all going sooo fast! o_0

Tbh, I am feeling reallyyyyyy tired and achy all the time lol. Doesn't help that I can't sleep very well due to my legs cramping throughout the night. >_< Back is really achy most of the time, and I have come to terms with the fact that I just can't go walking around the shops all day anymore. :( But oh well it'll all be worth it in the end! :D
I had a scan yesterday (to check the placenta as it was low in my 20 week scan) and it's moved right up! So yay! Was nice to see the little man again. :) Everything is good size-wize aswell, which I am relieved about because midwife told me last week that I wasn't eating enough... would be easier if I could keep it all down lol! I guess I'm one of the unlucky ones who get the morning sickness all the way through lol. Dammit!

But eeeeee, things are getting exciting now lol! :D We're in the middle of washing all the clothes now, got a little wardrobe to put them in. It was so cute seeing all the little vests and sleepsuits out on the washing line. :D I'm getting more and more excited each day haha, but equally as nervous. :))))))))))) I'll shut up now. Haha.
I'm really really excited knowing in 4 weeks he'll be 37 weeks and could come at any time x I'm focusing on my consultant appt for a definate yes or no to home birth and then we can take it from there x OH asked me today if he can cut the cord and watch him being born and I've agreed so my birth plan has changed slightly but not massively x I'm really enjoying the natal hypnotherapy cd and I'm feeling really positive about the birth x the only thing I have to get over is my crippling fear of having to have a section. x I'm going to be refusing any interventions until I'm 2 weeks over unless something is wrong with Seb as I want to go naturally.

I'm feeling really good at the minute despite the reoccurance of morning sickness and a near crippling pain in my back, sounds weird I know but it's true x I'm so happy and can not wait until Sebastian arrives, I just want to meet my son!
Im achey...my bowels have gone to pot. If im not constipated then its the other way - TMI sorry :) I wake during the night about ten times for a pee and walk like a old dog...because im stiff and sore. My feet burn and restless as soon as i hit the bed. i feel heavy as hell...stairs are a killer, i have heartburn, and ive gon from a size 8 to a size 16 - Thats OUTWAYS not lengh ways because my 4 foot 8 stature hasnt grown upwards :lol: All my clothes are rolled up in the leg or at the arms just to make sure they fit the bump :shock: I cant wait now......
I'm great, although I'm starting to get tired etc. :)
This pregnancy seems to be flying!!
I've just started Taking my epo tonight woot woot! They reackon it won't bring labour on as such but will soften everything so that's cool they also said even if I have to be induced coz everything will be softer the labour should be allot quicker - def what I want to hear as my last two labours were well fast x

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I have EPO tablets- so I take it that it's cool to take them orally from now?
Orally from 34 weeks 2 500mg tabs and from 36 weeks you can start putting them on your cervix an from 38 weeks it's 3-4 500mg tabs x

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Cool, although I think I'll just take one a day orally to be on the safe side :)
Lol fair enough they said it won't start labour tho it only softens everything lol!! Hope I have a good show in te next weeks lol then I will know it's working lol!! X

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