Anybody working quite late up to their due date?

Today was my last day at work. I feel a bit guilty but it was just draining. I don't know whether I can even get any kind of maternity support because I'm a full time student working part-time so I just decided to stop cos I was too tired... now that I have time I'll look into the different kind of things I may be eligible to claim. It's complicated though :?
i started a job on monday and plan to work as late as i can. This is due to needing the money. i have said if it gets too much i will knock on head as not risking health of my baby. why cant i just win lotto lol :pray:

marie x
I wanted to go to 38 weeks as I've been well so far. Speaking with my boss (who cares more than any boss I've ever known) she's kindly suggested I go at 36 and a half (after the Easter weekend but before our spring holiday) as she remembers how tired she was.

I'm a teacher and will be missing 9 weeks of holidays in total that I can only claim back 10 days for. Boo!
I left work at 35 weeks and it's the bext thing I could have done! I have a desk job and was in agony with my back and hips sitting all day. I'm enjoying my maternity leave, feel like i've had time to get things ready for the baby, see friends and relax. I'm making the most of it before the baby arrives!

It's up to each individual when you leave work, some people can manage right up until the end others can't.

Just look after yourself and don't over do it too much :hug:
I can work right up until i drop provided i dont take any days off for illness in the 6 weeks leading up to it. I only really work weekends so it shouldn't really be a problem for me and because i work with the father of my baby everyone knows us both and are really understanding about time off for midwife and scans etc.
My maternity pay's also quite good (for me) as i only work weekends i'll end up with 90% of my weekly pay for 6 months.
I dont think i'd be able to work full time up unitl due date though :? i'm too lazy
Clare x
If you feel you can do it, that's great. As long as you're not killing yourself over it why not earn the money and save as much of your mat leave for after baby arrives.

I worked up until I was 35 weeks, but took two weeks annual leave first, so my mat leave didn't start until December 31st when I was almost 38 weeks pregnant.

In all honesty I probably could have carried on working another week or two but I'd say definitely after 37 weeks I was just too tired to cope with work issues. The brain was finding it quite taxing towards the end :)
I'm leaving at 34 weeks but only cos I hate my job, and James will have 3 weeks off school for half term then (3 weeks of lie ins! :dance: )
Otherwise I'd have aimed for at least 36.

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