.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Think my details might be mixed up with moo101. I'm Caroline due on 13th xxx
Hi All!!! I'm Laura! Just got my scan letter through for the 29th March - Due date 6th October!!

Just wanted to ask your advice, I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and haven't had any contact from a midwife other than my scan letter. Is that normal - is the first time you see a midwife at your scan? My first pregnancy so all new!! Xx
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Have felt so sick all day today. I haven't actually been sick yet but this feeling has stopped me from marking GCSE coursework and going for a run tonight. I literally got home from work, cooked tea, ate tea (incredibly slowly so as not to feel too nauseous!) and I'm now under the duvet. :( I hope the next seven months aren't gonna be like this!
Welcome Newbies :D Congratulations to you both.

I'm sick of feeling sick :lol: It's how I feel every second of the day. The midwife told me eat every 2 hours to help reduce the sickness but I physically cannot eat every 2 hours.
Hello, I want to join this thread, but I don't know my due date yet due to IVF. I have an early scan on 3rd March to check everything is ok before the clinic will discharge me. I'm feeling really ill already :( was so nauseous at work today xx

Hello and welcome :wave:

Congratulations on your pregnancy, hope its spent healthy and happy.

Ill add you in to the group :) Ill note your early scan. Good luck. I hope all is ok.

Do you know a rough date? Eg EDD from LMP date?


Hi All!!! I'm Laura! Just got my scan letter through for the 29th March - Due date 6th October!!

Just wanted to ask your advice, I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and haven't had any contact from a midwife other than my scan letter. Is that normal - is the first time you see a midwife at your scan? My first pregnancy so all new!! Xx

Hello and welcome :wave:

Congratulations. Hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy.

I seen my MW with my scan first time I think. This time its split so booking first then scan. Id perhaps ring your community mw and check as some screening bloods are done between 8-10w I think.. My scan is 29th but Ill be 13w odd then.

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Hi All!!! I'm Laura! Just got my scan letter through for the 29th March - Due date 6th October!!

Just wanted to ask your advice, I'm 6 weeks tomorrow and haven't had any contact from a midwife other than my scan letter. Is that normal - is the first time you see a midwife at your scan? My first pregnancy so all new!! Xx

Hey I think it's different in each area as i don't seen my midwife till after the scan but we get invited to a group discussion before the scan at the hospital with the midwifes, just contact your gp and they will be able to tell you X
OH bought me new PJs, blew up my birthing ball which has helped tremendously on my back and Im now enjoying a lovely candle lit bubble bath that he ran. I think I might be ready to kick the bucket or hes after something.. :lol:

Feeling much better tonight, was nearly sick earlier but it was cause I hadnt ate, gobbled a banana and it went away.

Hope to get a nice early decent sleep and not a tossy turny like the past few nights but the cold has gone and glands are down so Im excited for bed in my new PJs and fresh bedding.

Hope the rest of us are ok?

Hey Hun can you add me to your list. Did a test got 2-3 today. :)

Hope your ok RM xx
Hey Hun can you add me to your list. Did a test got 2-3 today. :)

Hope your ok RM xx

Hey hunni.

Welcome in, very exciting.

Ill add you in tomorrow at work. On my tablet tonight.

Im ok yes, ploddng on. :yay: Yay to 2-3!!

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Woke up this morning with no sickness :/ I hate when symptoms come and go like that, I did a pregnancy test for reassurance. I'm glad I'm seeing my midwife today so I can ask some questions, as I remember feeling permanently sick in my last pregnancy. I'm constantly tired though, no matter how much sleep I get!

SLHRK I hope you scan goes well today hun
Hey Hun can you add me to your list. Did a test got 2-3 today. :)

Hope your ok RM xx

Hey hunni.

Welcome in, very exciting.

Ill add you in tomorrow at work. On my tablet tonight.

Im ok yes, ploddng on. :yay: Yay to 2-3!!


Thank you!

Glad your ok not long until your scan xx

I know, Im getting rather excited!! :D

Are you having an early one?


Woke up this morning with no sickness :/ I hate when symptoms come and go like that, I did a pregnancy test for reassurance. I'm glad I'm seeing my midwife today so I can ask some questions, as I remember feeling permanently sick in my last pregnancy. I'm constantly tired though, no matter how much sleep I get!

SLHRK I hope you scan goes well today hun

Nicole good luck with your MW appointment.


And good luck today Shauna!

I take back all I said about my sickness going away....

And thank you! I wonder if it's any different to last time.
She said it lasts about an hour which it I remember rightly was the same as last time.

So I've got Jaiden babysat for an hour as the midwife advised against bringing children since they'd more than likely get bored.
I must have severe placenta brain. Scan is 2 weeks today as apposed to 1!

Raging :lol:

Yeah Jackson plays on the scales if I go to the Drs, but then his eyes start wandering.

Is that your early scan? I hate when that happens :lol: the two weeks will fly over!

Jaiden just pulls everything out and eventually cries when he gets too bored. He's a nightmare on a bus if he's not occupied with anything, he tried to push all the bell buttons and wants to run up and down the bus :lol: but that's toddlers for you!
Some people seem to have scan dates already and are only 4-6 weeks pregnant.

My doctors won't even see me until I've missed my second period and my sister says they don't do 12 week scans anymore and that they're called 'dating' scans and can be anything from 12-16 weeks

I'm guessing it's all dependant on your NHS area.

I think we will definitely be booking a private one at this rate

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