.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:

I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!
I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!

I feel menopausal sometimes :lol:

Worrying is normal, I was a bit worried about my test lines in the early days but no reason to worry yet so, just plodding on hoping for the best.

Hubby came to the first booking with our first pregnancy too so I'm not overly fussed he isn't there.

My midwife seems nice though, so that's always a bonus.
I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!

I feel menopausal sometimes :lol:

Worrying is normal, I was a bit worried about my test lines in the early days but no reason to worry yet so, just plodding on hoping for the best.

Yer me too just trying to stay positive!! I feel like I'm getting a bloated belly and with my other 2 pregnancies I didn't !
Hubby came to the first booking with our first pregnancy too so I'm not overly fussed he isn't there.

My midwife seems nice though, so that's always a bonus.

Yeah same. Plus my first booking I got my scan with, they mst have changed it again as I go to the Mat hospital for scan as apposed to in the community.

Thats good, Ive moved GP but even the receptionists seem lovely which is an upgrade to my old family surgery. So hope he MWs are nice too.

I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!

I feel menopausal sometimes :lol:

Worrying is normal, I was a bit worried about my test lines in the early days but no reason to worry yet so, just plodding on hoping for the best.

Yer me too just trying to stay positive!! I feel like I'm getting a bloated belly and with my other 2 pregnancies I didn't !

Im more bloated at the bottom, look constipated :lol: this is my second.

Each pregnancy is diff - youll prob show quicker this being your 3rd pregnancy.



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I'm still loaded with the cold so feel your pain! I can't believe how rough I feel with it. Managed to get a nap before dinner earlier as hubby was home early as its our daughter's birthday. We he family over and he sorted out all the food etc(well I bought it and he cooked it! Lol).

I keep forgetting I'm pregnant. Sometimes I'm driving and it comes into my head. I think until I see the scan with the heartbeat then it will seem real. I'm not really having sickness with this one so far. But when I'm brushing my teeth in the morning I'm gagging and being sick!! I've gone of Chinese takeaway which is my favourite I could eat it several times a week lol. The tiredness and the massive boobies! Lol. I also go to the loo normally every day but these pregnancy vitamins are slowing me down or maybe it's just pregnancy hormones!

I hate keeping secrets. Earlier today I felt awful so I text my boss to say I wasn't feeling great she knows I've got the cold and that I was going to finish a couple hours early. I'm working a longer day tomorrow as I'm staying for a meeting so she was totally fine with it. As long as we do our hours Its quite flexible. Anyway she's probably thinking 'you have the cold ffs! Man up'. Haha. I can't believe how ill I feel with it. Paracetamol does nothing for it. So I need to face them all again tomorrow and be snotting and sneezing lol. That ended up on a wee mini rant there sorry! Lol xx
I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!

I feel menopausal sometimes :lol:

Worrying is normal, I was a bit worried about my test lines in the early days but no reason to worry yet so, just plodding on hoping for the best.

Yer me too just trying to stay positive!! I feel like I'm getting a bloated belly and with my other 2 pregnancies I didn't !

Im more bloated at the bottom, look constipated :lol: this is my second.

Each pregnancy is diff - youll prob show quicker this being your 3rd pregnancy.


You look like you are starting to get a cute wee bump!

I already still have a 'mummy tummy' so I just look fatter than usual! Lol.x
Just had my first midwife appointment. She was lovely although she did have to take blood from both arms as the first arm gave up half way through. Looks like I won't find out my scan date for a few more weeks.
What has everyone got planned for today?

I'm taking my toddler to a soft play area and picking up his birthday invitations also. It's quite sunny today, still cold but it's nice to see the sun out!
I have been ok really, haven't been sick but sometimes feel like I'm going to be just been really tired! I hope this is normal !! And my senses are on overdrive haha !!

Yeah sounds normal. Some get waves of nausea some get both nausea and MS.

I had nausea for a week in waves but been sick the past few days once so far.

Fx sickness stays away. Keepig cool helps mine, I feel I either move to fast and overheat or just am too warm then start to feel sick. Having hot n cold flushes with my cold hasnt helped either :lol:


Yer I feel like I overly worry with this pregnancy lol , I'v had flushes too I go really hot then the next moment I'm cold!!

I feel menopausal sometimes :lol:

Worrying is normal, I was a bit worried about my test lines in the early days but no reason to worry yet so, just plodding on hoping for the best.

Yer me too just trying to stay positive!! I feel like I'm getting a bloated belly and with my other 2 pregnancies I didn't !

Im more bloated at the bottom, look constipated :lol: this is my second.

Each pregnancy is diff - youll prob show quicker this being your 3rd pregnancy.


Yer I feel like I'm more bloated in the evening just can't wait to get a proper bump! Long way to go.
Just had my first midwife appointment. She was lovely although she did have to take blood from both arms as the first arm gave up half way through. Looks like I won't find out my scan date for a few more weeks.

Glad it went well :) ours is the same too! We get our date letter through the post. My midwife appointment is tomorrow. I'm strangely excited!
Hi all.

I'm on my first pregnancy and so still trying to learn things! As soon as I BPF I started on folic acid (we had stopped ttc this month as we booked our wedding but it seems I ovulated a lot earlier than CD 14 so we ended up getting pregnant the month we stopped trying! We are obviously super happy but just got to sort out changing the wedding date as I would be 35 weeks pregnant then.

Is there anything else I should be taking? I have my first GP appointment on 26th, I have read up on foods to avoid and already drink decaf drinks anyway. Also starting drinking lots more water but already peeing lots. Felt OK so far slight waves of nausea today but nothing too bad.

Already thinking I need some new bras as have double boob already!
Hey all,

I am due 4th October with my second one. Got my bfp 8dpo and went in for bloods 9dpo which confirmed my hcg was 35 and my progesterone was a massive 116.1. Had an early scan at 5+2 and she saw one sac and one yolk but no fetal pole yet -she said it's too early and go back in 2 weeks.my hcg however was an enormous 27,301!!!!! Mad :-( hope all is okay there! Going for a private paid scan on friday(6+3) and back to NHS for the 2 week one when I'm 7+2 xxx Liz xxx

Hello and welcome. :wave:

I will add you in.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!


Can you take me off the list please Claire xx

Sure hunni, I was waiting for your go ahead. I hope your ok :hugs:


5 weeks today and done my last tests sorry I don't get on much toddler is driving me nuts lately she just into trouble all the time she's the devil I am sure of that lol

Congrats, I never did my last test b given Im 6w Ill no doubt get a 3+ and on the other side if I got my 2-3w Id freak out. So itll remain in its pack, maybe. Well done on getting the 3+ :yay:

Awww glad shes keeping you on your toes. Jackson is more cheeky now days. If I speak firm with him he says DONT shout at me or DONT be cheeky! Im like emm dont you be cheeky son!!


Haha little monkey how old is he now ? Scarlett is 2 in May she's never been a good day napper and downer nap at all now just runs riot all day long lol o could realy do with a nap afternoon but no such luck lol
What has everyone got planned for today?

I'm taking my toddler to a soft play area and picking up his birthday invitations also. It's quite sunny today, still cold but it's nice to see the sun out!

Hair dresses for me today as we are going to look at wedding venues this weekend xx
Hi all.

I'm on my first pregnancy and so still trying to learn things! As soon as I BPF I started on folic acid (we had stopped ttc this month as we booked our wedding but it seems I ovulated a lot earlier than CD 14 so we ended up getting pregnant the month we stopped trying! We are obviously super happy but just got to sort out changing the wedding date as I would be 35 weeks pregnant then.

Is there anything else I should be taking? I have my first GP appointment on 26th, I have read up on foods to avoid and already drink decaf drinks anyway. Also starting drinking lots more water but already peeing lots. Felt OK so far slight waves of nausea today but nothing too bad.

Already thinking I need some new bras as have double boob already!

Hi hunni, just make sure you eat a good healthy diet, take folic acid and vit D, so how many weeks are you xx
Hi all.

I'm on my first pregnancy and so still trying to learn things! As soon as I BPF I started on folic acid (we had stopped ttc this month as we booked our wedding but it seems I ovulated a lot earlier than CD 14 so we ended up getting pregnant the month we stopped trying! We are obviously super happy but just got to sort out changing the wedding date as I would be 35 weeks pregnant then.

Is there anything else I should be taking? I have my first GP appointment on 26th, I have read up on foods to avoid and already drink decaf drinks anyway. Also starting drinking lots more water but already peeing lots. Felt OK so far slight waves of nausea today but nothing too bad.

Already thinking I need some new bras as have double boob already!

Just keep continuing what you are doing :) Congratulations!!
Hi all.

I'm on my first pregnancy and so still trying to learn things! As soon as I BPF I started on folic acid (we had stopped ttc this month as we booked our wedding but it seems I ovulated a lot earlier than CD 14 so we ended up getting pregnant the month we stopped trying! We are obviously super happy but just got to sort out changing the wedding date as I would be 35 weeks pregnant then.

Is there anything else I should be taking? I have my first GP appointment on 26th, I have read up on foods to avoid and already drink decaf drinks anyway. Also starting drinking lots more water but already peeing lots. Felt OK so far slight waves of nausea today but nothing too bad.

Already thinking I need some new bras as have double boob already!

Hi hunni, just make sure you eat a good healthy diet, take folic acid and vit D, so how many weeks are you xx

I just have tesco own folic acid capsules so will get some better ones next month and get some vit D today. My diet isn't unhealthy but will be making sure my snacking is fruit veg and nuts and lots of water.
I'm only 4 weeks and 5 days
Hi all.

I'm on my first pregnancy and so still trying to learn things! As soon as I BPF I started on folic acid (we had stopped ttc this month as we booked our wedding but it seems I ovulated a lot earlier than CD 14 so we ended up getting pregnant the month we stopped trying! We are obviously super happy but just got to sort out changing the wedding date as I would be 35 weeks pregnant then.

Is there anything else I should be taking? I have my first GP appointment on 26th, I have read up on foods to avoid and already drink decaf drinks anyway. Also starting drinking lots more water but already peeing lots. Felt OK so far slight waves of nausea today but nothing too bad.

Already thinking I need some new bras as have double boob already!

Hi hunni, just make sure you eat a good healthy diet, take folic acid and vit D, so how many weeks are you xx

I just have tesco own folic acid capsules so will get some better ones next month and get some vit D today. My diet isn't unhealthy but will be making sure my snacking is fruit veg and nuts and lots of water.
I'm only 4 weeks and 5 days

I have Aldi FA that Ive been taking since TTC, but once I run out Ill switch over to my Pregnacare stuff. Vitamin D again, just a store vitamin.

As the girls have said, balanced diet and plenty fluids. Ive switched over to diluting, water and coconut water :)

The odd can of irn bru when I crave it too ;)


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