.. October 2016 Mummies - First Trimester ..

Hey all,

I am due 4th October with my second one. Got my bfp 8dpo and went in for bloods 9dpo which confirmed my hcg was 35 and my progesterone was a massive 116.1. Had an early scan at 5+2 and she saw one sac and one yolk but no fetal pole yet -she said it's too early and go back in 2 weeks.my hcg however was an enormous 27,301!!!!! Mad :-( hope all is okay there! Going for a private paid scan on friday(6+3) and back to NHS for the 2 week one when I'm 7+2 xxx Liz xxx

Hello and welcome. :wave:

I will add you in.

I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!


Can you take me off the list please Claire xx

Sure hunni, I was waiting for your go ahead. I hope your ok :hugs:


5 weeks today and done my last tests sorry I don't get on much toddler is driving me nuts lately she just into trouble all the time she's the devil I am sure of that lol

Congrats, I never did my last test b given Im 6w Ill no doubt get a 3+ and on the other side if I got my 2-3w Id freak out. So itll remain in its pack, maybe. Well done on getting the 3+ :yay:

Awww glad shes keeping you on your toes. Jackson is more cheeky now days. If I speak firm with him he says DONT shout at me or DONT be cheeky! Im like emm dont you be cheeky son!!


Haha little monkey how old is he now ? Scarlett is 2 in May she's never been a good day napper and downer nap at all now just runs riot all day long lol o could realy do with a nap afternoon but no such luck lol

Hes 3, going on 30. :lol:

Oh dear, Jackson picks and chooses tbf and its quite unannounced so I cant plan any naps. And quite often Im in the middle of cleaning and notice hes asleep so in the middle of stuff and cant nap. Although hes good at night, 7.30 on the button its bed time.

Ive found to get J to nap I tend to put something boring on the telly.

I wrote the other day but didn't get a reply from anyone ..had a one bit of extremely light spotting on Monday and I'm having brown spotting today, 6+1 ..is this ok? Or should I be worried and contact my GP?
I wrote the other day but didn't get a reply from anyone ..had a one bit of extremely light spotting on Monday and I'm having brown spotting today, 6+1 ..is this ok? Or should I be worried and contact my GP?

I'm not experienced in this but I do know a few friends that spotted/bled at various points in their pregnancy and everything was fine so try not to panic however I would still contact the GP, they will probably triage you over the phone and tell you to keep an eye on it and if it gets worse to call back but at least they will be aware and give you some advice.
I wrote the other day but didn't get a reply from anyone ..had a one bit of extremely light spotting on Monday and I'm having brown spotting today, 6+1 ..is this ok? Or should I be worried and contact my GP?

Sorry love, can get quite busy on here, I mustv missed your question.

I bled from 7w brownish blood until 12w and all was well however I would phone your local Early Pregnancy Unit at your hospital to check all is ok and they may possibly arrange bloods or a scan for you.

It usually is quite normal, especially if its not accompanied by severe cramps or heavy/bright red, clotty blood. If its just brown spotting sounds ok. (old blood)

I would still phone my EPU to check, GP's tend not to do much this early on except advise visiting/or referring you to EPU.

My EPU except self referrals though, so give your MAT hospital a phone, ask for EPU and explain the situation and take it from there ;)

Good luck :)

It's ok ladies just wanted an answer as it's still going on haha. I've had slight cramps but it's like stretching pain not period pain so that's ok. Would it also be the pregnancy assessment unit? We don't have an early pregnancy unit at my hospital x
Basically what these ladies said. I hope the bleeding wears off soon :)

Is anyone still having sex with their partners? We did for the first time since falling pregnant last night and it was awful :lol: The motion made me sick!! I've decided to give up sex for lent :lol:
Basically what these ladies said. I hope the bleeding wears off soon :)

Is anyone still having sex with their partners? We did for the first time since falling pregnant last night and it was awful :lol: The motion made me sick!! I've decided to give up sex for lent :lol:

We had sex the night before I got my BFP and now my OH feels bad, we talked about what we do about sex now we know but we both feel it would feel weird and OH not sure he'd be able to stay in the game so to speak! I'm sure we will at some point once we get over the thought of it mentally!
I've just searched this pregnancy assessment unit online and I can't self refer unless they have dealt with me before, so I need to go through my GP or my my midwife. I haven't met with a midwife yet and considering how little it is (I had one not of extremely light pink blood on Monday and I've had 2 spots of brown today) I will wait til I contact my GP and see how it goes by Friday. thanks ladies x
Hey, hope everyone is feeling ok. I've booked early scan for 5th March and got booking in appointment on 3rd March! Roll on the next 3 weeks!! Xxx
Hey, hope everyone is feeling ok. I've booked early scan for 5th March and got booking in appointment on 3rd March! Roll on the next 3 weeks!! Xxx

I had a look online for private early scans, does it matter where I book? We are having to consider moving the wedding and my OH is always thinking the worst as his brother and friends have lost babies in the first tri so we were wanting to try and put his mind at rest a little.
Jellybean, I don't think it matters where you booked. I just looked for something local. I'm using a place called baby vision.
How far along will you be when you get married? I got married when I was 18 weeks pregnant with my first and it was great!! No hangover either! ��Xxx ps the early scans are definitely worth it for the reassurance.
I've called my GP for a call back as I have had brown spotting and when I went to the toilet just now I wiped away pink/red. Have any of you had this and still been ok? I've read online that the brown is ok but when it is red.. Is that bad? It was only slight but it was still there. Just spoke to my mum and she said she had like watered down red when she was pregnant too so I've not to worry x
Jellybean, I don't think it matters where you booked. I just looked for something local. I'm using a place called baby vision.
How far along will you be when you get married? I got married when I was 18 weeks pregnant with my first and it was great!! No hangover either! ��Xxx ps the early scans are definitely worth it for the reassurance.

We booked the wedding on 10th sept and my due date currently is 14th October so I'd be very pregnant!!
Will have a look where is closest. Do they work on weeks pregnant starting from first day of last period too?
Just an update I have a scan tomorrow morning to see everything is ok x
I had a look online for private early scans, does it matter where I book? We are having to consider moving the wedding and my OH is always thinking the worst as his brother and friends have lost babies in the first tri so we were wanting to try and put his mind at rest a little.

I would say it doesn't matter TOO much where you book, I just went for my local one that did later clinics and luckily it was cheaper than the rest too, but is a main one in our Center, we went with Baby Scanning.


Just an update I have a scan tomorrow morning to see everything is ok x

Ahh glad you have a scan. I hope all goes well.

My blood was brown, with some dark red but have heard people with bright red bleeds too. Id just say don't worry until you need to.

Good luck tomorrow.


Hey, hope everyone is feeling ok. I've booked early scan for 5th March and got booking in appointment on 3rd March! Roll on the next 3 weeks!! Xxx

Exciting news about the scan hun. Ill get those dates added in for you ;)

Im wishing away until next week, so we can wish together!

Hi hun dont know if you saw but have my midwife tomorrow
Hello, I want to join this thread, but I don't know my due date yet due to IVF. I have an early scan on 3rd March to check everything is ok before the clinic will discharge me. I'm feeling really ill already :( was so nauseous at work today xx

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