November Testing

mummy24 - i use period tracker too haha! its really good! :) someone on here recommended it that's why i got it. i am trying not to test at the moment coz i hate seeing bfn's. think i will try and resist till...hmm sunday maybe! :) i really hope this is it! faint lines! you must be really excited :) good luck hun! now i wana test and see if i get a faint line...damn!! i will try to resist though ;-) thanks for the babydust!! sending loads back to you :) xxx
Miss July - hope this is it for you :), i would probably show oh and see what he thinks if its a line or not, but you are right in thinking you could get his hopes up. good luck and loads of babydust to you aswell! xxx
Thanks hun. I still have a bunch of cheapies so surely if it's a true line, it would just get darker over the next few days but I do still believe a blood test is the way to go to be more reliable really. Just a question of when we will take the plunge and go! x x
Yup a blood test would be much more reliable! if you have loads of cheapies just see how it goes, if the line starts getting darker, start getting excited :), if it stays the same, i'd get up to the doctors and get a blood test (and i'd get a wee bit excited! hehe).

I'm really trying not to get my hopes up because of the let downs previous cycles. But i can't help thinking this could be it. It would make sense to some of the things i have noticed with my body as well...whooops did i say that out loud..:whistle:noooo i havent been symptom spotting...:) hehe.

Keep us posted hun! xxx
I completely agree, I've been having some unusual things going on too and would love to have a BFP be the end result rather than AF and have to think it was just my mind playing tricks.

Will do, you too hun! :) x x

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
am having a blood test on monday how long does it take to get the results bk as am gettin tested for everything 9:20am monday morning :( x
Hey mummy24
I had bloods last week on the Wednesday morning & was told results would be available Wednesday afternoon but as had doctors appointment booked for the Thursday afternoon waited until to get results
oh sounds ok then so maybe am looking to get them back the same day or the day after :)
i know i do have a low hcg as i didnt test positive properly till i were around 6weeks with my boys!

an if i am pg am 5weeks & 2days today! x
so just incase it is bfp ive taken a huge step back from everything an trying to relax now an not do too much! :) x
That quickly Kezzamunster??

I think I'm going to definitely get hubby to take me tomorrow and pray they can do a blood test. Save me some money and get it sorted asap. x x
I know, I was expecting to wait a week
Had the 1st appt at 4pm on mon, up hosp for 7am on tues for bloods then wed appt at 6pm
I did ring gp surgery at 2:15 on the wed & results weren't there but am sure if I called later they would of been
I'm hoping if I go early Friday morning they could have the results by the afternoon. I think waiting over the weekend for the results would kill me lol. x x
Regretting saying that already cos it means if the results are pants then I can no longer think to myself "I could be pregnant right now." I'd *know* I'm waiting for AF. :( x x
Well doctor basically said that although my results were negative doesn't necessarily mean it's true
Talk about give me hope :)
Eeek! How annoying though, I'd hate to put myself through a blood test and then hear the doc say something like that! Would make me feel like the whole thing was pointless! :rolleyes:

Gah, that must have made your day lol.

Hopefully the results will be pretty clear. x x
Most defo, nice to hear but tad frustrating tbh
Hopefully yours better Hun
Thanks hun, I hope so. :) x x

Hope we get some BFPs soon as well! x x

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