November Testing

Sorry she got your Laura. :hugs:

Hope she gets well and truly stuck in the snow next month. ;)
Sorry your out Laura, damn that witch even the snow can't stop her!
Congrats Scottish lassie! Great news for the end of the month!
Thanks Jenny and Kizzi. 34 day cycle and a lot of symptoms which sucked (plus a lot of BDing - not so bad), but wasn't unexpected. Few BFNs this week.

Here's to another month (5th now!). Hope she gets her broom busted!

Good luck to you lovely ladies.xxxx
Sorry she got you LauraAnne :hug:
Xmas bfp I'm thinking ;)
well 3 days late and no sign of AF. Im trying really hard not to get my hopes up. Decided to test at the weekend if af still not here.
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Sounds promising Frankie, have you had any symptoms?
well still no af, but have had a BFN. i've had all the symptoms i had last time i was pregnant but obviously not to be. Although I know i'm not out until af arrives so will just have to wait and see, and if af is not here by next week i'll take another test.

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