@Jac2019 @Littleperson
I am all good thank you my lovelys
7DPO today - nothing really to note, haven't been looking for any symptoms so haven't noted anything down apart from CM. Been watery the last coupe of days but my CM is different every single cycle so i don't really take that as an indication.
@Jac2019 - i am so over the moon that AF hasn't arrived for you. You finally get your rainbow baby and i couldn't be more excited for you. I cannot wait to follow your journey
@Littleperson - your only a day behind me. We are in this together

I hope the creamy CM is an indication for you my lovely. Have you been experiencing anything else?
I hope your test on Saturday gives you a line. How wonderful to go out on Saturday night knowing you have a little bean growing inside you.
I am also out on Saturday night. I haven't drunk alcohol for 8 weeks now. 2 WHOLE MONTHS!! I was going to treat myself to a couple of pink gins. It won't effect the bean even if there was one growing in there. Af is due a week today. Obviously would love for it to not arrive but if it does then it just means i am one step closer to IVF. Hopefully this time they won't lose my blood sample and we can get this show on the road
