*NOVEMBER 2019 - Testing Thread*

Alright ladies, I need your help. I've got my dates all mixed up. My last regular period started on 10/18. After using OPK's, I believe I O'd around 11/5. Last Friday I thought AF had started, but was relatively light. I had a medium flow on Saturday, and my bleeding stopped on Sunday (2.5 day cycle). I have been feeling a little off since Sunday (tired, headaches, cramping..). I went and bought a first fesponse rapid result test and took it today after about an 1.5hr hold and it was a BFN. Of course. Am I crazy to think that there could still be a chance of being pregnant? I have heard the rapid result tests are not nearly as sensitive as the FRER. I am just feeling off and am 15 dpo which would leave me to believe that I should be getting a BFP if I am pregnant.
I’ve had some pink when wiping tonight and at 14dpo I’m pretty sure that can only mean AF is on the way.

Don’t think we will get to try this next cycle either really as we will be away visiting family close to ovulation so there will be very limited chances to dtd. Feel so depressed knowing there is basically no chance of being pregnant by the end of this year :(
Hello ladies i am pregnant with 4th baby unplanned,
my 1st 2nd and 3rd was planned and all we did was have intercourse every 2 days from the end of my period, and it worked every time, at the end of the month i was pregnant,
This is my experience and what worked for me, i didn't do any other tests or stress over it or count days or anything like that, just intercourse every 2 days throughout the month.
Hope it works for you too
Afternoon ladies,

I'm feel very discouraged and down. My opk never got darker and is getting lighter.

I'm trying to remain positive but its so hard.

I know with my PCOS I should expect this but I had been ovulating easy so was getting my hopes up.

When I conceived my DD I ovulated CD26 so I know there is still time, just feel like having a rant and a vent.

Sorry to go on :(

Pcos is a rollercoaster, just trying to get your body to ovulate is so difficult. I’m sorry. I hope you do ovulate soon xx
43EF7639-1439-48E5-8833-91587CEA0DE4.jpeg Hey morning ladies so I took a test 5days before af and thought I was going crazy seeing a faint line. Took another 2days before af and this is the result..... I am in shock and nervous. I think my son will finally have a sibling after such a lengthy gap!! Af due tomorrow so still waiting till then before getting too excited :angel: Then probably take a digital xx

Good luck to all still waiting to test this month!! xx
Alright ladies, I need your help. I've got my dates all mixed up. My last regular period started on 10/18. After using OPK's, I believe I O'd around 11/5. Last Friday I thought AF had started, but was relatively light. I had a medium flow on Saturday, and my bleeding stopped on Sunday (2.5 day cycle). I have been feeling a little off since Sunday (tired, headaches, cramping..). I went and bought a first fesponse rapid result test and took it today after about an 1.5hr hold and it was a BFN. Of course. Am I crazy to think that there could still be a chance of being pregnant? I have heard the rapid result tests are not nearly as sensitive as the FRER. I am just feeling off and am 15 dpo which would leave me to believe that I should be getting a BFP if I am pregnant.
The rapid results tests are no where near as sensitive as the FRER. I would get yourself one of those and test. I hope this is it for you x
View attachment 89103 Hey morning ladies so I took a test 5days before af and thought I was going crazy seeing a faint line. Took another 2days before af and this is the result..... I am in shock and nervous. I think my son will finally have a sibling after such a lengthy gap!! Af due tomorrow so still waiting till then before getting too excited :angel: Then probably take a digital xx

Good luck to all still waiting to test this month!! xx
Massive congrats x
View attachment 89103 Hey morning ladies so I took a test 5days before af and thought I was going crazy seeing a faint line. Took another 2days before af and this is the result..... I am in shock and nervous. I think my son will finally have a sibling after such a lengthy gap!! Af due tomorrow so still waiting till then before getting too excited :angel: Then probably take a digital xx

Good luck to all still waiting to test this month!! xx
Congrats lee!!! I really hope this is it for you xxx
View attachment 89103 Hey morning ladies so I took a test 5days before af and thought I was going crazy seeing a faint line. Took another 2days before af and this is the result..... I am in shock and nervous. I think my son will finally have a sibling after such a lengthy gap!! Af due tomorrow so still waiting till then before getting too excited :angel: Then probably take a digital xx

Good luck to all still waiting to test this month!! xx
Massive congratulations..... Bfp xx
Afternoon ladies,

I'm feel very discouraged and down. My opk never got darker and is getting lighter.

I'm trying to remain positive but its so hard.

I know with my PCOS I should expect this but I had been ovulating easy so was getting my hopes up.

When I conceived my DD I ovulated CD26 so I know there is still time, just feel like having a rant and a vent.

Sorry to go on :(
Big hugs, so sorry but hope you get your positive Opk soon as. Xxx
QUOTE="xMillie, post: 5016315, member: 171319"]I’ve had some pink when wiping tonight and at 14dpo I’m pretty sure that can only mean AF is on the way.

Don’t think we will get to try this next cycle either really as we will be away visiting family close to ovulation so there will be very limited chances to dtd. Feel so depressed knowing there is basically no chance of being pregnant by the end of this year :([/QUOTE]

so sorry, it’s absolutely heartbreaking isn’t it. Sending hugs <3
Alright ladies, I need your help. I've got my dates all mixed up. My last regular period started on 10/18. After using OPK's, I believe I O'd around 11/5. Last Friday I thought AF had started, but was relatively light. I had a medium flow on Saturday, and my bleeding stopped on Sunday (2.5 day cycle). I have been feeling a little off since Sunday (tired, headaches, cramping..). I went and bought a first fesponse rapid result test and took it today after about an 1.5hr hold and it was a BFN. Of course. Am I crazy to think that there could still be a chance of being pregnant? I have heard the rapid result tests are not nearly as sensitive as the FRER. I am just feeling off and am 15 dpo which would leave me to believe that I should be getting a BFP if I am pregnant.
Good luck... Hope you did ovulate later or even implantation could be around 12dpo then by the time it increases if pregnant....
I replied to you on the am I pregnant thread... Good luck take a test if it was days ago you would be dark by now. Fingers crossed x

Thank you. I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like way too many symptoms not to be pregnant, but I have yet to see a full on positive, but I have yet to take a test (successfully) with FMU. (Apparently I cant pee on a stick correctly. Either too much or not enough). Today af was supposed to be here if I tracked by normal cycle times, but I have not had a normal cycle ever. So tomorrow I am determined to pee on the stick with FMU correctly! Lol thank you so much....also this is the same picture from my thread but you were my only reply there and I wanted some more opinions because I feel like I'm insane.
Thank you. I feel like I am going crazy. I feel like way too many symptoms not to be pregnant, but I have yet to see a full on positive, but I have yet to take a test (successfully) with FMU. (Apparently I cant pee on a stick correctly. Either too much or not enough). Today af was supposed to be here if I tracked by normal cycle times, but I have not had a normal cycle ever. So tomorrow I am determined to pee on the stick with FMU correctly! Lol thank you so much....also this is the same picture from my thread but you were my only reply there and I wanted some more opinions because I feel like I'm insane.
You don't have to pee on the stick if too difficult. You can gather it in a tub or whatever you can use then dip the test in that for at least 10/15seconds depending on test. The instructions would tell you how long to dip it in for.. Good luck hope you get your answer when test as it will be alot darker now if that was about 5 days ago xx

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