*** November 2014 Mum's ***

I thought we were getting into a pattern but hospital/Christmas threw that off, so hopefully it'll settle down again now everything is over.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a noisy windy baby, Frankie did the loudest fart I've ever heard out of a human today. She seemed really settled and satisfied after.

She's a proper chatterer too, do your babies vocalise a lot? Frankie makes noises when she's feeding and sleeping as well as awake. They're murmurs, grunts and little 'gah' type noises when she's asleep. Her feeding noises are great, they're rhythmic little 'hmm's and squeaks as if she's really enjoying her food!

That's what I said to the secretary, Mellie, she was sympathetic but said the clinic is so full as he's one of the only consultants for it in the area.
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Ohh yes Jake sounds like a baby dinasour a lot of time especially when he's feeding it's so cute! Then he gurgles to himself when he's awake. I read somewhere they learn about conversation young so if you speak to them they wont often interrupt you but will wait for you to finish speaking.

I've just inquired about a baby sign class, going to a free taster session on Friday. I'd love to be able to take him regularly but I doubt it'll be financially viable as its £50 a term. But it sounds like such a good thing. Going down to a local children's centre on Monday to see what classes they do, as I imagine they'll be free, plus I know a lot do baby massage which I'd also really like to try.

The other night Jake wouldn't settle as he had wind/needed a poo. I ended up bicycling his legs and trying to force it all out. Eventually he pooed and then he slept for a nice long stretch.
My sister was born with positional talipes but they were advised it would sort itself which it did until recently my mum took Her to see a chiropractor and he said she has problems still and needs a little wedge in her shoe they call it Austin after Austin Healy :D ha. She's 16 though so ridiculous at her age now having to sort something that should have been done at birth.
Hope u get in asap with Frankie.
I know what u mean about waste our black bin is continuously full it's ridiculous !! Just not sure I fancy the cloth nappies and wipes :-/

I have a bit of a routine but want to start introducing a bedtime story too.
I'm starting baby massage next week can't wait!!! Got bfing group Monday too and starting baby sensory too. Nige eager take her swimming soon too but I'm not sure if it's ok so little ?!
I just can't commit to all the washing and drying of reusable nappies and wipes. I wish I could but in our house at the moment and what with it being winter I'll have things hanging up 24/7.

I'm going to introduce a bedtime story in a few weeks I hope. But at the moment he only goes to sleep while feeding which is annoying as I want him to learn to self soothe eventually.

I think rhe children's centre near me does baby massage and a bf group. So hopefully I'll be able to go to both. Haven't looked up baby sensory though. Want to get out and about doing things now that I'm getting into the swing of things. I never want to get out of bed at the moment as I have nothing to really do.

I think you can take them swimming as soon as they've had their first set of jabs. Only problem is the pools can be quite cold which isn't the best for a little baby in winter. Think I'm going to wait until it gets a little warmer before I take Jake
Well we went to bed early but she's still squawking away and doing arm windmills. I wish they could sleep propped up on cushions because she loves that. I've got a wedge to lift the mattress and rolled up blankets making a nest under the sheet, that's the best I can do to make her comfy.

I know there'll be a lot of washing, but we always have stuff hung up anyway so I suppose in just used to it. It won't affect our water bill too much as my baby wash load is always half full so nappies will just be filling it up.

Not sure how soon swimming can feasibly start, are there any baby swims near you?

Baby sign would be good but £50 is quite a bit, especially on maternity wages. I'll probably just go to the free things. Is there any online baby sign stuff? Perhaps YouTube?

Frankie has one foot with positional talipes which is turning out fine with my exercises but the other is fixed and needs the casts then a temporary foot brace. Not looking forward to the foot brace when she wants to crawl, though it seems most little ones manage to adapt.

(She might be asleep now... fingers crossed)
Hahaha don't u just hate it when it all goes quiet and u think they're asleep ha. Usually happens to me just as I lay my head down she lets out a cry! Sure she does it on purpose ;)

Yeh I thought that the pools might be a bit cold but they do dads and babies swimming every other Saturday at local pool and nige wanting to go but to be fair I don't want to miss out on her first pool adventures!

Are they obviously twisted or anything njp? Such a shame Frankie has to have brace but yes I agree I'm sure she will adapt better than we would. To be fair she won't really know any different and at least young enough not to remember it all.
Jake sleeps loads better in his bouncer than in his moses basket, but whenever he's asleep in it I worry if I should allow it but moving him wakes him up.

Jake does the exact same thing, nice and quiet think he's asleep so I lie down then he starts stirring. Then it's so much effort to sit back up to get him out.

Its nice how keen Nige is to take Faith swimming. Shane's got a massive weight complex so I don't think he'll be taking Jake swimming. Think it'll be and my mom taking him but my moms having an op in February so wont be able to walk for months and I don't want to go swimming on my own with Jake.

I've had a little look at baby sign and there's a website that does online classes. 6 classes for £9.99 and you can access them for a year. So I may try doing that as that's a fraction of the cost.
I can't wait to start baby classes next week but Ruby's still a bit sniffly so will see how she is. We're hoping to go to a first friends group, baby massage and a sensory group too.
I love signing I'm trained in makaton for my job so I'll be using some with Ruby. Mr tumble (Justin fletcher) is great for sign language, he has a tv programme, books and magazines. The kids at work love him and my nephew has taught himself a few signs watching him.
I've heard good things about mr tumble, all the kids I know love him. But I can't help but find him very creepy! I'm sure I'll have no choice though and Jake will inevitably end up watching him!
I had that too but was told it's ok for short periods but shouldn't be used all day long.

Aw that's a shame I look forward to the day when we can go swimming as a family. I wouldn't take her alone just yet as how I would dress us both after I have no idea haha. He doesn't look (from pictures) like he has a weight issue though?!

Did I ever tell u all (especially u Apple) about how I got on at physio with my carpal tunnel??
He's not ridiculously big, but he's a lot bigger than he was a few years ago because his old job used to be really active and his one now isn't as much. He's not half as big as he has been though, he's shown me pictures he was MASSIVE! He's naturally very broad though so he can generally carry it off ok. He just loves his food too much to do too much about it though. Haha

You haven't mentioned about your carpal tunnel for a while. Is it getting better now? Mines practically gone now, it's even better than it was pre pregnancy!
Got my post natal check today and Ruby should be having her injections but she's still got this cold so don't know if she will still have then? I few people have said if there unwell they won't give them their injection.
They might not, Stacey, I suppose it depends how bad she is. How is she doing with it? I have another cold and I'm dreading Frankie getting it, hoping she'll get my antibodies before she gets my germs!

Kaa, you didn't say how the physio had gone, has it helped it much?

It's a shame about him being self-conscious, Mellie because getting in the water would do him good, a bit of exercise as well as being a nice bit of father-son time.

I had a look at online baby sign briefly and you can do it yourself with making up signs, but I imagine part of going to classes is learning how to teach it to your baby and encouraging them to use it. It's a shame they're so expensive. The ones around here are a fiver a week which doesn't seem like much but it adds up when I'm watching the pennies.

I've managed to get an earlier appointment for Frankie's foot, they called me back and said I can go next week, which is much better. But now I feel sad that she'll have the cast on so soon, silly because I know it's inevitable and the sooner the better.

Also I phoned up to make an appointment to register her, and they're calling me back because they need to look into what the process is for lesbians in civil partnerships. It's been law since 2009, how can they not know by now?! Really irritates me. It's the main office for the county, so it's not like they haven't encountered other lesbian couples before.
That's fab news about Frankie's appointment, the sooner she has the cast on then the sooner she can have it off!

Strange how the registry office don't know the process by now, maybe you just had a new receptionist or something as surely they must have had plenty of same sex couples by now.

It's my moms birthday today, so I'm being a good daughter and taking her out for dinner in a little bit, otherwise she'll just be doing absolutely nothing all day which I didn't like the sound of. It means she gets to see Jake too, so I know she'll be happy. :)

I decided to watch the Call the Midwife Christmas special on Saturday (I've never watched it before) it resulted in me crying my eyes out and clinging onto Jake as if someone was trying to take him off me! I've now downloaded all the episodes....not quite sure if that's a smart move or not!
Ah well I went and they said it's not my cts returned (because it took a good few weeks but it did subside) they said it's actually tendon damage and is known as washerwomans thumb hahaha. Think it's from feeding holds and carrying carry cot car seat pram frame etc
I've got to try to rest it - basically impossible as even lifting the baby hurts it :( got a thumb spica to wear to support it and have to have physio treatment once a week for 6 weeks. They did ultrasound last week but think he trying laser on wed when I go back.

Oh that's a good point what do they do for lesbian and gay couples never thought about that before. Presumed u had registered her already. How old is Frankie now?

Aw well I can sympathise coz I love my food too haha.

Hope ruby is better soon stace.

Anyone heard from Apple? Hope she's ok!
Oh I love that but not seen it properly just caught glimpses but seems really good. Need to catch up in Xmas special as missed the ending.
Have fun with ur mum!

Oh and njp just keep thinking sooner on sooner off! :)
Njp that's really bad they don't know the laws! Surely they should know it by now there will be many other same sex couples registering babies. It's good you've got an appointment for frankie although it must be difficult for you with her being so young but the sooner the better.

Thanks kaa she's not any better but dr said her chest is clear and she had her injections :( she was already crying the moment we got to the drs as she was over tired so she just screamed even more after the injections! We were there 2 hours in all and Ruby cried or whinged the whole time.

My iron levels are also rather low which explains how I've been feeling tired and dizzy with headaches. On iron tablets for 3 months now :/

I think I might have to download call the midwife now!
I've just watched the first episode, managed not to cry but honestly can't believe it used to be like that we were so lucky with our babies and modern medicine. Definitely going to spend my spare time watching it now, there's not many episodes in a series though only 6 or 8.

Kaa, so you've basically got to try and not do everything that you have to do? A laser? What will that do or is it just to get an image?

Not seen or heard anything off apple for a while, maybe her partners still off work or something. I hope she's ok anyway.
Quick question to possibly save me loads of time hunting my certificate down... Did you need your marriage certificate to register the baby, for those of you who are married? They haven't got back to me and for the life of me I don't know where our CP certificate is.

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