*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Yes glad it's cheap they used to have them but what with all the cut backs they don't have certain ones anymore.

Ah I dint want to watch them now think I'd get too emotional :-/

I'm also waiting for a phone call to confirm start date for baby massage but it's a fiver per session. :-o
Think or at least hope baby sensory free I was supposed to go today but faith had her second lot of immunisations at the same time as class.
Was going to go next week but hubby desperate not to miss out so think will wait til he off again on a Thursday n go together.

Going to go the pictures on Monday to watch into the woods. They have a special parent and baby showing at 12pm with lights up and sound down so excited that we will get to see a film we both fancy without being cramped up in a cold car in the middle of an industrial estate watching a film projected onto the side of a building haha (drive in cinema in Manchester)

Got cervical screening in the morning :( then at half 5 meeting with the priest to discuss getting faith baptised. Dreading it, he's a formidable man and I feel like a naughty kid seeing the headmaster or something ha
Ahh stacey your local childrens centre sounds great, all mine seems to do is baby massage and stay and play. If they're free I'd go to them all, as most seem to be £5 a class when done privately.

Theres only a few sad bits in call the midwife, most is happy :) cant watch it for 4 days now as OH is off work and I'm too nice to make him sit and watch it with me.

I didn't think you'd be allowed cervical screening so soon after giving birth, no idea why I thought that.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get Jake christened. I was going to but the thought of planning it all doesn't sound appealing. Plus I don't know who we'd want as Godparents. Has your church got a long wait or not?
I definately want godparents but agree dont really want the hassel of organising....have already asked people so got the ball rolling.

mellie...:-) yes cant imagine muy oh watching call the midwife...although at the moment doesnt feel like we have time to watch tv together...have no idea where time goes with a baby.

Kaa been meaning to ask you about your physio referral for carpel tunnell..sorry taken so long but am interested. Mineseems to of got a whole lot better recently still there, but calmed down and improving rather than getting worse.
It's proving to be a pain in the arse already like I knew it would as its all about pleasing others. Mil been funny with me over date I chosen but I'm not having her dictate when I have it. So what nice stepdad is working that day book it off. They want me to arrange for a day he's off whether that means nice scheduled to be working or not! Ridiculous. We want the date coz it suits us and it will be exactly a year since we got the bfp :) so I think it's a lovely date. Then making me feel guilty coz his bro n sis bday weekend. Again, so effing what!!!! They come rough or they don't come I couldn't give a shit. I don't even want a do after just wanted small and simple back ours for a sandwich n cup of tea but now having to hire somewhere just coz need enough space as got big families :-/ going to hate it I can feel it already :(

We have a now tv box so been looking for box sets I can start getting into so far I'm on downton Abbey thought I'd see what the fuss is about. I don't tend to pay attention 100% is more on in background really but handy for feeding times and if I sit for a min when she's sleeping. Which is rare! Ha.

Oh Apple I went and it wasn't my cts come back thankfully!! But it's tendon damage instead and I'm having weekly ultrasound treatment on it. I wear a thumb spica for support but need to buy another off Amazon which has metal bar in as the way to fix it is rest but I can't rest my hand as I need it for baby duties. :( hurts picking her up and changing nappies which is so frustrating. Hopefully it will soon right itself. So glad to hear ur cts is going!!
I love Downton Abbey. I binged on it a few years ago because I wanted to see what the fuss was about, but then I missed 2 series because Shane hates it. Got to watch the last one though as we have virgin so I recorded them and watched while he was at work.

Any date you pick isn't going to please everyone, especially if you have big families. That's what holiday leave is for! Our problem will be Shane's parents, they hate each other. Apparently they can't be on the same room as each other. So think we'd only be able to invite one of them! God knows what will happen if we ever get married!
I'm an atheist so will easily avoid all the christening faff! My MIL did seem taken aback that I wouldn't be christening her, yet most of her other grandkids aren't christened so I don't know why she'd expect me to. Kaa, your MIL is being ridiculous, glad you are ignoring her. Having it on the date you got your BFP sounds perfect to me.

Mellie, I know divorces can be acrimonious but you'd hope that they'd both be able to shut up long enough to do stuff like that. However, I can imagine when my step kids get married, that their father won't make it easy for my wife, that's if the kids were to invite him which is reasonably unlikely. It only takes one of Shane's parents to be an arse to ruin it for both of them, and for you two.

You lot all seem to be getting out and about now, I haven't even thought about groups yet! I really should, I can get a bit insular if I don't force myself to go out and socialise.

Stacey, do you manage the dog and pram okay together? We took them both out together for the first time yesterday, but it took two of us and driving to somewhere where the dog could be off-lead. The dog is mildly scared of the pram, doing huge circles around us to avoid going near it when overtaking us etc. She's easily spooked so I'm concerned that if I take both out, with dog on the lead, she'll take fright and pull too much. I think we'll have to keep taking her somewhere to go off-lead until she gets used to the wheels. She's the same with bikes and scooters and wheelchairs.

I think Frankie is having a growth spurt, she's waking every 3 hours or less to feed, all day yesterday and the past two nights. And really screaming unless I feed her straight away. I can feel the extra heft as well when I pick her up, it's like she's expanding with every feed! Didn't make it to weigh in this week as we had a physio appointment for her feet in the middle of the morning so I couldn't get to the clinic. I measured her myself though, and she's on the 98th percentile for length, she's currently 57.5cm.
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If you have the christening on the day you got your BFP then that day will always be extra special to you which is nice.

My parents don't particularly like each other, however they're always tolerable of each other for the sake of me and my brother. I'd hope Shane's parents would be ok, surely they could just avoid each other? But him and his sisters said they'd start analysing where we sat them and whoever was closer to the front meant we preferred them more or something. It all sounds very childish.

That's one reason why I want to go to groups, I need to socialise and get to know people otherwise I'm going to spend too much time just sitting at home which isn't good for me or Jake. Just pop down your local childrens centre and see what they have available.

Shanes managed to take Rocky out on his own with the pram. I have no idea how he did it as I'm pretty sure he'll just try and walk in front of it if I did it.
I've got a leaflet about groups, just haven't got around to looking properly at it. I'm the same I'm likely to just sit around at home. I quite like sitting around at home to be honest but I feel I should make the effort to get out. It's not so important at this stage but when the baby is older I know she'll need the socialisation, to stop her being an anti-social hermit like me!

That sounds irritating, about his parents, very petty. You'll just have to be careful to give them equal status, make sure they're sat equal distances and have the same level of involvement in the day. Shame that they'll put an edge to the day by making you do that though. If you want to marry you could always elope somewhere fun or romantic?!
Been to baby sign this morning, was quite good although Jake wanted feeding half way through and then slept. I've learnt the sign for milk though which I imagine will come in handy as its pretty much all he does!

I'm not tempted to get married anytime soon. Might just change my surname my deed poll instead as thats the only thing that bothers me at the moment and I imagine it'll be more annoying once Jake starts school.
Most schools these days are fine with different surnames for parents. I've kept my name, always found the idea of changing rather odd, I think it would be too weird to be called something else. Especially working in schools, I'm addressed by my surname very regularly so it's very much part of my name, more so than if I was working in a job where I was called by my first name all day.

I haven't even got dressed today, I've spent most of the day on the couch, looking at cloth nappies. I joined a few preloved pages on FB to try to find some deals but it means looking up brands that I didn't previously know anything about. We're having a full cloth day today with the small stash I've already got, I'm aiming to crack the leak problem, think I'm getting there, I just wasn't fitting them right.

What do they do at baby sign? I can imagine how it would work with babies who interact but what about young ones like ours, what did you do when he slept? Also, how do you actually teach the sign? Do you just use it every time you say the word and every time you feed him (for 'milk'?).
It was mainly singing songs and signing along to the signs. Different weeks have a different topic so sing different songs etc. Yea basically you just speak to them normally "do you want milk?" And when you say milk you use the sign at the same time. I imagine it is something you could easily teach at home as thats where most the learning will happen anyway. I just carried on singing and attempting to sign while he was sleeping. Think at this age its more about teaching the parents who then teach the baby.

So have you and your wife got different surnames then? Has she kept the same one as her children or gone back to her maiden name (im just assuming she was married to their father) has Frankie got your last name then? Gosh so many questions, just tell me to shut up if I'm being nosey. I just love hearing other people's life stories far too much! Haha

Are the cloth nappies generally going well then? Oh forgot to mention there's a baby event in Asda that starts on the 19th I think. I'm mainly interested as the boxes of nappies are only £5 instead of the normal £6.
I kinda manage the pram and the dog together njp although I'm shattered wen I get home. The dog walks too close to the pram so I keep running him over and he walks across the front of it wen on the extender lead. I would maybe stick to what your doing and go places you can be off the lead and maybe do shorter walks when dogs in the lead to see how he/she will be it when your oh is there so if it gets too much you can give the dog to them!

Oh I love signing it's a shame he fell asleep.
We went to the sensory session for the first time today and Ruby slept for most of it, she was awake to start with but then started crying and the room Was really quiet and chilled! Typical. Then she went to sleep. There wasn't anyone running the session it was more you just used their room, it was a nice room but I thought someone might be err to kind of instigate conversation at least but it was nice got chatting to a few other mums.

We won't he having a christening it's not my thing, I do think it's nice to have god parents though but we have plenty of family and friends who would look after her if anything was to happen.
My sil didn't go to her nieces christening as she wasn't asked to be godmother and was offended as she thought it meant who gets ur children if u die but it's just those who will guide ur child spiritually and teach them the ways of God helping them to grow like him and follow his path. Not easy to select people as religious as that these days to be fair :-/ haha.

Anyway met with the priest and all booked so tough shit!!

Oh yes I'm intrigued too about frankies name njp?? It was awful going to Mrs at school made me feel so old ha.
What is your first name or u not willing to share?? Mines Laura not sure if u knew that already though.

Ooh Mellie I'd love that. Can u explain what the sign for milk is I'm desperate to know now!!!
Omg, you have to sing at signing classes?! I'm not going! I don't sing anywhere in front of people, I don't even sing Happy Birthday at birthdays, don't know what I'll do for Frankie's birthdays. Looks like I'll be learning baby sign online for sure.

Frankie has my name and my wife has her exes name. She doesn't like it but she kept it for the children's sake though they've told her they don't care and at least one has mentioned changing their name to her maiden name as they don't want their dad's name. We have very little to do with their dad, he appears back in their lives periodically and causes trouble then buggers off again for a few years so they have no relationship with him.

My first name is Julie, Kaa. I knew you were Laura but I tend to stick to forum names online, I find it easier to follow. Especially when we had Lauraloo around. Wonder how she is doing, she hasn't been here for ages?

That's what I mean about changing surname at work. When other staff do it takes me ages to get used to it - doesn't help that IT didn't change their email names etc for ages either.

Yeah, Stacey, I think she needs to be broken into walking with the pram! I'd love to combine dog walking with walking to the shops, but I don't like tying my dog up outside the shop. Apart from the fact that she'll whine, I'm scared someone will steal her because she so cute (but I think I'm just being a little biased there).

That's so silly re your SIL, Kaa. People get weirdly offended at some crap sometimes. One of my guilty pleasures is reading a section on mumsnet called 'am I being unreasonable?' and the things that people post are amazing sometimes, either what they think is un/reasonable or when they're questioning someone else's behaviour. It is what keeps me awake during sleepy night feeds.

The cloth nappies are not going great, they keep leaking out the legs. I think I've got it sorted then one leaks. I don't know if it's because her legs are still too small or I'm not putting them on right, or if the nappies are just a bit crap. They say you've got to find the brand that suits your child's shape, but it can be such an expensive process doing that. That's why I'm looking at preloved on FB, to see if I can try some cheaply, but some people sell on used nappies for virtually full price.

Thanks for the heads up on the Asda event, I need to get some 3-6 month stuff, Frankie is barely fitting 0-3 now. Hopefully they'll have a few babygrows on cheap.
Ahh i never knew your name NJP! Im sarah incase you didnt know.

I dont sing very well .. And when i went to a group the other day i didnt sing when they all did...i didnt know any of the words...its all so nice and friendly at these groups no one will judge...except Frankie when you dont sing at her birthday haha... Even then your be fine people are so wrapped up in the cake and themselves they prob woulnt notice who was singing or not.
Yes I know what u mean about sticking to forum names but couldn't help but be curious as I know bit more about everyone else.
Their dad sounds as pleasant as my dad used to be although after a while he didn't appear periodically he just didn't appear at all. He came back in my life when I was 21. Still find it hard to forgive him or forget as he can be an arsehole at times with what he says and does! Hope ur kids will one day be able to forgive their dad it sucks :-/ it's one of the reasons I go on at hubby for not always spending as much time as possible with faith. I want him and her to have a great relationship and him be there for her from the word go.

Oh Lord I missed that info! Singing no thanks!! I don't do singing unless I'm in the shower and not convinced u can call it singing. Although saying that I have had the odd time I've had to sing at school for or with the children. Sometimes I do mouth the words haha I can't reach the Hugh notes for love nor money!!
Haha yeh njp hope Frankie won't judge u!! :D
Njp I wouldn't tie my dog up ever he would be stolen and your not being biased your allowed to think that! I don't even let my dog off the lead only when were in the woods and I'm with someone else he doesn't listen to me and I worry he wouldn't come back ha! Although when I'm out with oh and pram he walks ahead and always stops to look around to make sure I'm still there.

I was singing to Ruby yday in the sensory session when it was really quiet I'm not bothered. I sing a lot at work too, I remember out for a walk with young people with learning disabilities singing Justin bieber really loud with the young man haha he loved it and used to do a dance to it. We did get a few looks but the young person was happy so I was too.

Njp you'll have to put a cd on for frankies bday to sing along to and people won't notice if your not singing you could mime and pretend!

Ruby's still in newborn clothes and some upto 3 months but some 0-3 still look a little big on her, it depends on which shop they are from.

I cannot believe Ruby last night she went to sleep at 9.10pm and didn't wake til 5.10am! She had a bottle then back to sleep within an hour and she's still asleep now! I kept checking she was still breathing! She must be having a growth spurt or something?!
I'm Melanie....just incase you couldn't guess! Haha

It's not singing as if you're on the x factor, its only nursery rhymes. I didn't sing along much I was focusing on the signs. Milk is like clenching your fist and pulling down at the same time. Kinda like you're milking a cow. Then because you're breastfeeding you do it to the side of your boob.

Their dad doesn't sound the nicest, good job he doesn't show up very often. And at least their all old enough to understand that he's just an idiot. Would be horrible if they doted on him. My dad isn't the greatest in the world (alcohol) but he's still generally pretty dependable. I do moan at Shane if he ever has a few too many though, even though I don't think there's much chance he'll ever turn out like my dad.

Jake is going into 3-6 soon, well babygrows and vests definitely. Can probably make the 0-3 tops and jeans last a bit longer. I got all his 3-6 stuff out the other day, all of it was given/brought for us. So wanted to make sure we had enough of the basic things (babygrows and vests) we've got 9 pairs of jeans. NINE! Why would a baby need that many jeans. I don't even need that many!

We never leave Rocky outside shops either, I wish we could as it would make life easier. But he is pretty damn cute, plus he'll cry like a little girl. Oh and he'll try and sniff/jump up every person that walks past, and as he's not a small dog that can be pretty scary for some people. Not that he'd hurt anyone. Last night he was crying, Shane went downstairs to find him curled up by the stair gate because the wind was scaring him!
How old is jake now mellie? We havnt bought anything extra yet to what we already had bought before she arrived, Ruby has been spoilt by family and friends when she was born and at Xmas.
We've got plenty of clothes up to age 6-9 but will need to buy more vests and sleep suits in 3-6

It's my friends baby shower tomorrow, I've organised it for her, looking forward to it.
It's just started snowing here though and the winds were awful last night I hope it doesn't get heavy it's really light at the minute.
I have loads of dresses and outfits for 3-6 but because she's going into them so early I don't want her wearing them yet. I want baby grows for her when she's still young and cute. So I have piled some of them up and am going to try to take some back for bigger sizes. Some were already exchanged from 0-3 size.

I'm not the only one with a dog scared of the wind then! I had to convince mine to go for a wee in the garden this morning as the bushes were blowing in the wind and she is scared of that. All my recycling boxes have been blown up the side entrance so I'll have fun picking all that up later, stupid wind.

I don't care what you say about singing at baby groups, I'm not doing it! I know you don't have to sound great but I can't get past the fact that I sound AWFUL. Fortunately at family birthdays, there are so many inlaws that there are enough people singing for me to get away with it. I do love singing though, do it at the top of my voice in the car!

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