*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Im not 100% sure (due to not being married) however I'm pretty sure you dont. You need proof of id which can be a marriage certificate I think but you don't need to show proof of marriage.
I can't find anything that says you need it, or a CP certificate, hope not because I still can't find ours! The registry office haven't got back to me. It wasn't just the secretary who didn't know, she went to ask the registrar who said she'd have to look into it and call me back. Just don't expect this when the law has been in place for 6 years, would understand if it was recent legislation.

Kaa, it's different for if you're civilly partnered (or married now), or not. If you are, both go on the birth certificate as legal parents, if not I think the non-birth mother has to apply for parental responsibility.

Not sure whether it's a good thing or not that it's something different, is the tendon damage reversible? I hope the spica helps. I had ultrasound on my Achilles tendon years ago. It was working but I missed an appointment and got taken off the clinic list so the course of treatment didn't finish. It was helping though, I had scar tissue on them which was causing them to tighten and it did help alleviate it.

Oh, poor Ruby, at least that's one set over. And the good thing is, you got someone to listen to her chest so you know it's clear.

I can't watch Call the Midwife as I can't stand Miranda.

My parents got Skype set up so Frankie and I can talk to them now! She fell asleep in the middle of the call though, so typical for her!
Yeh I am not sure about laser treatment said he might try it and mentioned acupuncture too :-/ not sure how that would go always fancied trying it though although bet that would have to be done privately and cost the earth! Not sure if it's completely reversible but I bloody hope so haha Yeh everything I do strains it really unpleasant I often shriek with the sudden pain :( I'm such a girl. I thought after labour I wouldn't really feel pain the same way again. I was wrong haha.

Glad ruby had her injections at least they're out the way for u although such a shame she was so upset :( it's hard enough anyway without her being unhappy to begin with poor mite.

You need id to prove u are who u say u are but not marriage cert necessarily. I just took household bill and bank statement I think ooh no sorry I did take cert but only coz my passport still in maiden name funny thing was he never asked for our id which I thought was really worrying!
I reckon u don't need it so wouldn't worry. It tells u online what u need or u can ring and ask (that's if they know the answer to that question too)
So will ur wife go on it as the fathers name though or will ur donor have to be named on it? Is he wanting any involvement at all? Sorry to be nosey just curious but just ignore me or tell me to shut up if I'm prying too much!

Really hope Apple ok :-/

Mellie how did ur mums birthday lunch go?
No the donor legally can't go on it anyway, because we're civilly partnered. She'll go down as second parent, in place of the father. He's not having any involvement, but he said if she wants to contact him when she's 18 she can, same as it wound be through the clinics. He also said if she needed anything medically he'd want to know, I think like transplant type things. But other than that, no contact. It's what we wanted too, we were lucky to find someone who was prepared to do it like that, some want involvement.

Talking of labour pain, can you all remember it? I know it hurt and I still know I never want to do it again but I can't actually remember the pain. I'd find it hard to describe to someone what it felt like. I can't even remember having contractions once established labour started now, it took so long the whole thing has blurred into a big mush in my head.
I can remember the pain! And I was numb throughout a lot of it. At the time I was like never again, but now I still want another one!

Its nice that the donor doesn't mind being contacted when she's older and that he wants to know if she needs help medically. Shows he's a nice guy. Was he someone you knew or is there like a website to find people?

Had a lovely meal with my mom, although Jake kept crying and I had to feed him twice. Good job I don't mind feeding in public. Only bad thing was my brother forgot it was her birthday. She got no card or present off him all she (eventually) got was a text at 7pm saying "happy birthday" and she's pretty certain she only got that as my Grandpa said he was calling him later so he would have reminded him.

Talking of my brother, he had acupuncture on the nhs not long ago, something to do with his foot. Think they're starting to use treatments like that more recently as its better than surgical options and in some cases it really helps.

Be nice for Frankie to see and hear your parents through Skype hopefully she can know them well even though they live far away. Shows that they want to be involved, my parents wouldn't have a bloody clue what to do with that. My dad can only just about turn a computer on!!

I don't like Miranda as a comedian she seems ok in this so far though (i hope)
It takes a bit to get them going with the computer, I have to say! I'm not sure if they could initiate a Skype convo yet, but they can answer if I call them.

That's pretty shady of your brother. I forget many people's birthdays until the last minute but never my parents.

The donor is a really nice bloke, he was a friend of a friend sort of thing. We weren't actively searching but he offered and not only was he nice but he had similarities to my wife, personality wise which I thought was kind of a good omen. We don't have any contact now & we did our best to protect ourselves legally but I can't see him coming & demanding access.

What sort of time frame do you think you'll have another one in? I would love to be pregnant again. I see bumps in rl or in the media & I feel quite sad that I won't have one again but I'm quite happy with just the one child, especially having already raised 3! I knew I'd get bump envy, hope it goes eventually because sometimes it feels stronger than it did before I was ever pregnant.
He'd been reminded it was moms birthday soon too, as we're going out for a family meal for her and my Grandma on Sunday. So not like its just totally out the blue! Oh well makes me more happy that I took her out yesterday otherwise she'd have been at home on her own.

Well its not like he's going to be on the birth certificate so hopefully he wont try and demand access. Nice that he's got a similar personality to your wife. He must be a nice guy to offer, I can't imagine a lot of men would even think of doing that sort of thing.

I don't want another baby for a few years yet. Probably when Jakes about 3 I'll think about trying again. I dont want the age gap to be too close and it's not like I'm very old so I've still (hopefully) got plenty of fertile years yet. Shane doesn't really want another one (no idea why) but he'll come round to the idea. I don't really want an only child. As much as my brother is annoying it's nice to know he's there if and when I need him.
hi gang, sorry went awall...OH had two weeks off and we went visiting people...and well this baby kark is way mor time consuming than work ever was :-)... Thanks for your concerns.

Been following off and on...Imogen was six weeks on monday and its our first week in to full swing with know visitors or helpers..although the inlaws are already planning another trip! :-)

We are doing well...We are getting good stretches of 4hr sleeps and three nights we have had 7hrs so things doing well.., except the planned diet that was meant to start on monday...have a dominos on order,,.we are first night into a routine as well, bed, bottle (expressed), story, bed..whats everyone else doing.

Started groups too..first baby group today and booked on for baby massage and swiming ..would like to do baby sensor but its not very close...i saw the posts about baby sign online sounds good, but one reason i want to do classes is to meet other mums...this baby lark can be lonely.

I watched call midwife christmas special at 4in the morning the other night...its amazing how things change..that programmes a real tear jerker...

I got imogen weighed the other day she is 10lb 2
Definately not thinking about baby number 2...although i have bagged first set of clothes she has out grown and was thinking am i saving these or not..

Its hard to know with products (poddlepod for example, she has outgrown ) should i sell or not...ideally dont want another baby, but other half is keen and well will my feelings change..but dont want to store and potentially damage good stuff that could be sold on ebay...dilemmas
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Mellie, it also puts you above him in the favourite child stakes, always a bonus!

Hard decision Apple, you don't want to keep them too long so that they're the old versions of things so they get less when you do sell, but if you're not sure if you want another it is worth hanging on to them for a little bit.

I have spent most of the day when not with Frankie cleaning the house, because I have visitors tomorrow and we hadn't really recovered from my being in hospital and then Christmas. Now the house is clean and I'm going to get back to doing one chore a day to maintain it.

It has been hard to get the time to do it, as Frankie is grizzly for no good reason, I think she just wants attention and cuddles. It's difficult to know how much to pick her up because I don't want to encourage attention seeking but I don't want her to feel like I've abandoned her either. When I was at my in laws the other day I picked her up when she cried and my bloody mother in law was shouting from the other end of the room 'oh for god's sake, no no no, you'll rue it, you'll RUE IT'. Grr.
I wrote a really long reply and it vanished :( so annoying.
Ive cried at about half of the call the midwife episodes I've watched so far. I blame the hormones from breastfeeding.

Apple do you feed her expressed milk every night? When do you find time to pump that much? I'd pop all of her stuff away for a little bit then in say a year if you still don't want more sell it all. I'm keeping all Jakes bits though as would save a fortune for baby number 2.

Can finally get Jake weighed on Thursday will be 3 weeks since the last time. I reckon he'll easily be 12lbs, he's getting sp chunky!

NJP, when does your MIL think is an appropriate time to pick up Frankie then, how long are you meant to leave her crying. I hate leaving Jake crying makes me feel so bad.
I dont believe you can spoil a baby at this stage..dont know at what stage i will let a baby cry out..it breaks my heart everytime Imogen cries...i guess its designed to do that...

I do try to express everyday and get enough for a bottle..sometimes though we give her formula...if i dont produce enough...tonight she is getting two formula bottles...as didnt produce quite enough yesterday that combined with todays ..i find myself doing it after her first feed of the day or during the night..My body clock is set for 4hr feeds...but last few nights she has slept much longer so i find myself wide awake, doing chores or expressing. (Off one boob to save the other boob for feed).

Njp thats such a good idea about the one chore a day thing..its so hard to keep on top of things..how many weeks is Frankie..you seem to be so on top of things
Ah njp I'm the same with the stronger bump envy than before I also feel a bit jealous of someone getting a bfp haha weird huh.
We are storing all our things including my maternity clothes for the next one but think it will be a good couple of years yet. I'm in no rush to divide my time between two babies I want faith to get as much of me as possible first that's why usually school age better coz then I can devote a similar amount of time to new baby once little one number 1 is in school all day.

Pain hmmm I came out traumatized and swore never again would I go through that but u do kind of forget don't you its strange must be the minds way of trying to block it out so u won't only have 1 haha.

Njp that's very good he was so willing to help you and keep his distance have the registry office got back to you yet?

Mellie that's a bit crap of ur brother but Nige is terrible for that n I always have to remind him of bdays. Maybe a bloke thing?!
Glad u had a nice time with your mum even if Jake was a little greedy monkey!

Apple great to hear from you and lovely oh had time off with u. Glad things are going well and imogen is showing signs of routine already :)
I went to a coffee morning yesterday and was only baby there others were at least 12 months old. Luckily some of the mums came over and sat with me chatting so I do feel better about going again although not all of them were up to my standard (I know that sounds incredibly bitchy)

Off for physio appt today then lunch with my cousin as a treat hehe. Hope the physio goes well as its agony trying to do mundane things even!! :( will let u all know what he ends up doing laser acupuncture etc.

Hope u all have a nice day.
Kaa that's funny not up to your standard. Hope physio goes well.

Men generally do forget birthdays I have to remember them all.

I was going to go to a baby group yday but my SIL wasn't ready in time so were going next week. We're going to a sensory class on Friday.

I'm also going to keep ally maternity clothes and all Ruby's clothes, I kinda hope we have another girl so I can re use all her pretty clothes! We plan to leave a few years I want to enjoy Ruby first and give her my attention.
She's refusing to feed from me recently i think it's because she's got a cold and it's much easier for her to feed from a bottle. She just cries and makes hardly any attempt to latch on. I think my milk will start to dry up but I'll see if she latches again when her cold is gone.
I didn't want to stop breastfeeding so soon but it seems Ruby's taken that decision from me do that's fine.
Shame u missed the group not sure I'd be too impressed with sil :-/

Aw no poor ruby. Are u expressing or is it formula?
Hopefully it won't dry up and she will latch on again for u asap. In the meantime mellie has said oats are good for boosting breast milk so get or make some flapjacks!! :)

Had more ultrasound treatment at physio. Got appointments made for the next 3 weeks too. Need to order a splint thing from Amazon as the thumb spica I have doesn't have a metal splint in it so need more support as the best way to heal it is to rest it but can't with having faith so been advised get one of those for when I need to put the most strain on the tendons only 7 quid luckily.
It's formula kaa I've never been able to express I don't get anything out, well very little so it's not worth the pumping.
I love flapjack but am a rubbish baker haha may have to buy some tho!

It's a good job the splint you need is only £7 I thought physio service should provide it really that's not very good.

We're going to a sensory class tomorrow aft so looking forward to that and have our name down for the next baby massage should start it in march. Anyone atarred baby massage already?
I barely ever get round to doing any chores, the house is a mess. The most I get done is washing the dishes up as soon as I start Jake seems to cry.

The age gap between me and my brother is 5 years, he started school in the September then I was born in the October. It's quite a nice gap, meant I got plenty of attention off my mom plus she used to get him to watch me when she went out the room and stuff.

Yes oats are really good to increase supply. So flapjacks or you can use it as an excuse to eat a whole packet of hobnobs! Fennel tea can increase supply too, never tried it though so don't know what it's like. Oh and did you know peppermint can decrease supply, so try and stay away from mints.

All the sensory classes by me are really expensive, got booked for a baby massage though hopefully the classes will start in about 2 weeks just got to wait for a phone call.
I'm onto series 2 of call the midwife now....was just thinking to myself they haven't had any cot deaths yet. Next thing I know, you guessed it. Cot death :(
Oh gosh mellie I was going to download the series don't know if I could watch it!
Haha I've eaten enough biscuits I craved plain digestives during pregnancy

The sensory class tomorrow is free, it's run by a local childrens centre, in fact all the classes are free that I've looked at mainly at childrens centres; baby massage, baby yoga, sensory sessions, rhythm time, stay and plays, even a swimming session and probably more I've forgotten! The only one so far I've seen that you have to pay for is buggycise (if you spell it like that) and it's £2. I'm not going to that tho I get enough buggycise walking the dog or rather the dog walking me and getting himself run over by the pram!

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