*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Aww poor rocky! My in laws dog was terrified. We left ours at home but she's okay as long as she's indoors and has a table to hide under. She likes sleeping under tables, it must be a comforting shelter thing.

We've had takeaway curry for dinner, hoping there will be no negative effects in the nappy department. Might not try any more cloth nappies out tomorrow...
Loads of people have told me their dogs like hiding under tables. When I made him a den under one on bonfire night he looked at me as if I was crazy! Fortunately Jake wasn't bothered by any of the bangs though.

What curry did you go for? Hopefully you'll be alright. Main thing I notice is he tends to be windier if I eat spicy foods. But his poos have always stayed pretty similar.

How are the cloth nappies going?
Happy New year :-)

What a gorgeous photo & locket katiee. No special presents here just the usual stuff.

Has anyone had a newborn photo shoot done? I had one done over 3 weeks ago now, desperate to see the pictures but don't want to hassle the lady. She did say 4 to 5 weeks I think though...

This is the longest ive not known what weight Ariana is aswell. She was 10 lbs like 2 weeks ago yesterday, hv is coming out on Monday lunchtime. Shes now filling out 0 to 3 pretty well. I'm mourning for my tiny new born! When it's not your 1st you realise how fast they grow, honestly cherish every minute ladies, as I'm sure you are! X
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I'm trying to arrange a photoshoot. We had one booked for a few weeks ago but then OHs grandma's funeral was that day so we had to cancel. I want it done soon otherwise he's going to be massive!!

Jake was 10lb 2 weeks ago too. Looked in the red book today and if he's still following his line he should be about 11lb 7 this week and 12lb next week. Hopefully I'll get to take him to the baby clinic next Thursday as he feels massive. Some of his 0-3 baby grows are now too small on him.
That's a shame you had to cancel as the younger they are the easier it is to get them in all the wee positions with the props and stuff but they will still be great, it's amazing what they do! such nice memories to have forever.

I'm thinking on mon she'll be about 12lbs too. She's out grown so much of her clothes already.
Happy New year. So glad not the only one to miss midnight haha frustratingly I made it to 11:40 but felt sick I was that tired ha.

Why wean early like that its just ridiculous. I have ibs so aware of possible stomach problems that I want to try and avoid. I worry coz nige family always wean early and have them eating mash b gravy yoghurts chocolate etc I said I worry that they might give her something if there one day I'd be fuming!!!!! They've all formula fed too so I'm only one in their fam to breastfeed.

My cousin has arranged for her photographer friend to come to our house to do photo shoot need to sort it asap. I could cry when I look at the size of faith now :-/ can't wait til Mon see what she weighs now but at same time it saddens me how fast she has grown and changed.

Still doing lots of reading and panicking about milestones haha I'm neurotic I know! Just worry she not doing things she should be but it's silly as she is but I worry more that she won't be a really happy smiley baby and I dint want her to be a serious frowny baby :-/
I never had the tiny newborn stage, haha! She's a month today though and that makes me sad, can't believe it's gone so fast.

She slept brilliantly last night, she's gone 7 hours. I should be made up, but my baby alarm went off so many times in the night, I barely slept. I don't know what was setting it off, I presume my wife somehow, it definitely wasn't the baby, I'd open my eyes & she'd be sound asleep.

I haven't read up on milestones at all. Strangely. I've always been the kind of person who researches everything but since having her I've just been going with the flow.

She had an ultrasound on her hips the other day because there can be problems associated with her foot. One of her hip joints is slightly out but they think it'll sort itself out, she's getting rescanned in 4 weeks. I think it's hip dysplasia? Hopefully it will be okay, don't want to have to correct that as well as her foot.

Argh, cos she's slept so long, both boobs are full & the one she's not fed off has just soaked an entire muslin through and is still going!
Apparently her doctor told her it was fine to give baby rice, his daughter was eating it at 2 months he told her! If I knew what doctors she was at I'd report it. I can only assume it was an old out of touch doctor!

I keep worrying about milestones with Jake. From what I've read he's advanced with his strength and muscles, he can stand up already (with us holding under his arms obviously) and they're not meant to definitely do that until 4 months! But he hardly ever smiles, he seems like such a serious baby. He keeps frowning recently, occasionally we get smiles but its such hard work!

Jake was being a pain last night, I think he's going through a wonder week. He just wouldn't settle. So in the end OH ended up sleeping on the sofa and I had Jake in with me. Only planning on doing it when he's having fussy nights otherwise I'd never get any sleep!
7 hours! That's ridiculous, how has she slept that long? I have to stop myself getting jealous when people say bottle fed babies have slept for ages but Frankie isn't so that just makes me ridiculously jealous!!

Jake is 7 weeks old today, ridiculous that our babies have 3 weeks between them when we had the same due date!

I think one of OHs nephews has hip dysplasia, he has something wrong with his hips anyway. Although it is getting better as he gets older.
Kaa I know what u mean, that feeling of being so sick just with tiredness, I had it last night. The joys! That's good their coming to you to do it.

Omg 7 hours Im so jelous aswell. Although Ariana has went a good 4 to 5 hours at times through the night so could be worse.
Sometimes, like this morning, I poke her to check she's alive, it seems so long to sleep for. Because she wears a sleeping bag I can't always see her breathing so I have to prod her to check. She doesn't even fuss about the nappy during that time though I do worry that it'll cause nappy rash.

She does feed heavily before a sleep like this though, she'll feed several times in a couple of hours to stock up for the night.

I feel awful now though, wish I'd had the 7 hours too!

I think the baby rice is definitely an old fashioned thing, my grandma recommended it to my cousin when his baby was 8 weeks and feeding constantly. Interesting how theories change over time, makes you wonder what we're doing that will make young mums horrified in 50 years time.

I definitely have a frowner, she was doing them from the day she was born! She has a great range of WTF glares, but they just amuse me. She does have a lovely face when she 'smiles' too. I don't think she does actual smiles yet, but she has a smiley eyes expression.
Happy new year ladies!

Can't believe someone would give a 4 month old garlic bread!

I was lucky enough to get a full nights sleep on New Year's Eve! However I was ranting away at brent when it turned twelve thanks to the idiot neighbours.. The idiot stuck a firework to the joining fence between theirs and ours and set it off.. They know full well we have a baby and a toddler! Sounded like gunshots and so bright! Surprised it didn't wake the kids up!

As for Amber she was good with fireworks on bonfire night but New Year's Eve really startled her.. I came down after they had quieted down to find the poor girl panting her head off and when I let her out for a wee she knew were the fireworks came from.. Just that's not affected how well she usually is on bonfire night!

Also spent my new year arguing with some fool we thought was a friend.. She's a photographer and did our wedding photos, offered us a free shoot and told us the photos would take a week.. He's 8 weeks old now and I still haven't seen them and because she's had a fall out with my hubby I won't see them now.. She's a mother herself so you would think she realises I can't turn back time and retake them but it's not phased her! So she got a mouthful from me last night! Bitch!
I have to put my hand on Jake's chest to make sure he's breathing when he's in his sleeping bag. Have to poke him when he's asleep un his car seat!

He feeds heavily on an evening anyway, only once has he slept 5 hours and that was Christmas evening because he'd been awake and handled lots in the day.

That's horrible about Prestons photos, not like she even has to see either of you to give them she could just email you. Hopefully you'll get them eventually.

Our neighbours were playing their stupid basey music on new years eve but fortunately Jake sleeps through it. Those fireworks sound horrible, not surprised Amber ended up being scared with them so close.
The baby rice for a young baby is a bit much. I think older people definitely do have different views of raising babies, an older dr we saw this week was suggesting things id never heard of. Rubys mostly on bottles now she's still not sleeping great but did sleep for 5 hours on New Years Eve, woke up fed changed then back to sleep for 4 hours! I thought something was wrong lol.

Ruby weighs 9lb 5oz now and has her injections on Monday :(

That's awful your so called friend wouldn't give you the baby pictures, maybe she will realise he's been harsh and give you them
Njp Ariana is the exact same she always has a frown or grumpy wee expression I think it's so funny but can't wait till she starts to give me smiles. She did smile the other day, was most probably wind, but my over the top reaction to it soon wiped it off her little face :-(

No wonder you were arguing with her katiee that's terrible to do that to someone esp someone who's a friend, or was.

Defo strange how what's the done thing changes all the time with babies. My mum was horrified that they tell u to only bath them once a week for the 1st six weeks. I must admit I was suprised but I can see why they don't want it done to often, their skin is so delicate u don't want to wash it away to nothing. I just washed Ari's hair last night with shampoo for the first time and when I told her she raised an eyebrow at that. Coming from someone who can only be bothered to bath about once a week her self lol, and babies Are a lot cleaner than us obviously.
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I haven't bathed Frankie much but she has a proper head of hair and it gets greasy easily so I do use a bit of shampoo or baby wash. I don't want to wash it too often and encourage it to be more greasy but it looks awful even the day after it's been washed. I dread to think how it's going to be for her once puberty hits, poor girl!

Katie, that's sad about the photos. Do you think it's likely that your husband will make it up with her at any point and you'll be able to get them then?

I haven't done any newborn photo shoots, I didn't even get the Bounty photo taken, but we have a ridiculous amount of photos of her ourselves so I don't mind. I take loads so I can send them to my mum.
We didn't get the bounty photos taken either. I knew I wasnt going to buy them so didn't see the point. The bounty lady tried to persuade me by saying she could take a family picture. I was as rough as anything why would I want a photo of that?!

I've never heard of only bathing once a week for 6 weeks. I didn't bath Jake that much until a few days ago anyway now he has one everynight as part of the night time routine. Hoping it'll end up with him sleeping longer, but we'll see.

I finally managed to capture Jake smiling today, normally he's pretty grumpy and frowny too.


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We were giving faith a bath every night but had problems with a rash and put it down to Johnson's we now use mum and me. So far ok but have to bath every other day or so as bathing her every night was drying out her skin. As long as they are washed every day it's ok to only bath once or twice a week but if they love a bath like faith does can give one everyday. Shame really it dries her out so much. Also a shame that all the Johnson's stuff is no good! Hoping she can use it when bit bigger and maybe not as sensitive.

Mellie faith is same as Jake it's like trying to get blood out of a stone to get her to smile I put on my best cbeebies presenter voice and everything!! And then I caught her smiling at nothing yesterday. Nothing!!!! I was fuming haha.

Katie that's awful I'd be gutted but I couldn't leave it at that surely u can appeal to her motherly side?! Although suppose there's a fine line between that and begging :-/ what a nightmare.

Baby booboo I love how u shortened her name to ari love it! :)

Nip I'm jealous too!! That's a great night. I had that a couple times haha. Not last night! I'm exhausted again just when I thought we'd established a good routine she's very whingy and unsettled again crying frustrated and wanting boob a lot :( not sure if her ranitidine dose needs upping again or if having another growth spurt. Hubby thinks she teething I told him to eff off! Not dealing with that yet no way!!!!
Oh, I have to laugh at the smiling at nothing, Kaa! That one was probably just wind, don't worry. Hope she settles again soon. Some babies do teeth really early, apparently, according to my wife. Just think though, if it happens early, it'll over quicker which will be good once you go back to work and sleep is more precious.

Mellie, that's a lovely smile. How do you tell the difference between genuine ones and wind ones? I know Frankie's still just doing wind ones but not sure how to look out for real ones.

I was thinking of getting Frankie into a bath routine, but then I realised that the casts she'll need on her leg for the talipes will mean she can't have baths anyway, so we'll just have splashes for fun now and then once the cast is done with we'll start regular bath routines.

I've tried a cloth nappy again, breaking myself in slowly, will be starting to use the reusable wipes soon too but I've got to say, I'll miss the ease of disposables! I won't miss the waste though, the nappies fill my bin up a ridiculous amount. Our bin isn't big and with the equivalent of 5 adults in the house, we have to be careful anyway. Trying to make sure these type of nappies are relatively poosplosion-proof because poosplosions when she has a cast up to the top of her leg might be a bit gruesome!

I tried to get her an earlier appointment for the talipes because it's not until she's 11 weeks and the NHS literature says treatment should start at 2 weeks. I only just received the letter about phoning for an appointment at 2 weeks! Apparently the clinic is completely oversubscribed but the consultant's secretary is going to put me on the cancellation list.

I'm still getting longish night sleeps out of her, but the only thing is, she doesn't settle until about 1-2am so with that, I'm in bed most of the morning having done a feed around 7 or 8 and needing a bit more sleep. We don't get up properly until near midday. I want to try and shift that time forward now everyone is going back to school and routines will be going back to normal.
That's why I haven't used any of the Johnsons stuff so far, too afraid of a possible reaction. He's beem fine with the stuff I've been using but it is organic and hypoallergenic so I should hope so and I moisturise him after too.

The past 2 days now he's had about 5 minutes where he keeps smiling. His big cheesy toothless grins are the best, haven't managed to capture one of those yet though. If it was wind it would be followed by a loud fart/burp. He's a noisy baby when it comes to wind! Haha

I brought some bongela today, ready for when he does teeth as I figured its best to have it in the house so I'm fully prepared. Hopefully he wont teeth for a little bit yet though, don't want to deal with screaming when there's nothing I can do about it.

2 weeks and 11 weeks is a big difference, surely its better the earlier it's done. Hopefully you'll get a cancellation soon then.

I've just sat and tried to work out a sleep/wake routine. As he has no where near one at the moment and only tends to properly sleep when in the car. So I know have a rough idea of what I'm aiming for so can attempt to see if he'll nap near those times or not. Obviously I'm not expecting it to happen.....would be lovely in a fantasy world if it did though!

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