*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Haven't been on for a while, been busy getting ready for Christmas.

Sorry to hear frankies in hospital njp, whats she there for? I hope you do get home for Christmas.

I also got the mothercare link, thinking of getting some anti colic bottles but Ruby's doing a Lot better with her wind so don't know wether to bother.

Is everyone ready and looking forward to Christmas?
Hope all you lovely ladies have a fab Christmas!! I've been so rushed off my feet I've struggled to find time to come on here but just spent half an hour reading through.

NJP I hope frankie is home for Christmas hun!

Mellie I've didnt get any mothercare emails either which is strange as im sure I was getting some last week!
I tried to persuade hubby to let me get some clothes for PJ as he's going to be moving to 3-6 after Christmas but no luck unfortunately but promised I could in the new year!

Apple how are you doing hun?

Stacey I'm dreading Christmas! I've still got wrapping to do, truffles and trifle to make, kids to bath, dog to walk, chicken to cook & find time to take the kids out for the day as we haven't done much as a family for Christmas & then have guests over at night and then set up for Christmas morning! What fun I have in store!

Here's a photo of my chunky monkey


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Katie, pj looks lovely! Frankie has that exact same outfit, she'll be wearing it tomorrow. I even brought it in to hospital yesterday just in case. Hope you get everything done and have a lovely Christmas.

Staceylou she's got bronchiolitis. It's a viral infection, basically a cold but it affects babies quite a bit.

She slept 6 hours between feeds last night, just had to wake her to feed. It was great, I was exhausted after my trip out.

Can barely walk for the spd though, how weird that it's just come back. Perhaps a week of sitting in one room then legging it round the shops did it!
Yayyy fabulous news NJP. Good job you went out and did the shopping yesterday. I'm hoping the step kids are going to help you cook the dinner tomorrow otherwise it'll be a nightmare on your own with a baby.
Oh, I'm not cooking a dinner! I don't do roasts! We're having a big fry up in the morning and then a buffet with lots of party food later on around tea time. Christmas dinner will be on Boxing Day, when my wife is off.

It is very nice to be home, but the place is nowhere near Christmas-clean and I'm too tired to do anything else but shower and last minute shopping.

Oh, you'll never guess what... one of the teens has a cold. I'm really hoping it's the one Frankie and I have just had, not a new one.

Hope everyone else is sorted or getting there for Christmas. Is anyone braving the shops today? I'm going to pick up some last minute things, didn't really get many presents for my wife so need a couple more.
Oh how wonderful....really pleased for you both...fingers crossed i wont be on forum much over xmas as be too busy enjoying festivities..although saying that probably be on with the late night feeds..that wont stop just because its xmas
Ahh that sounds much easier to do than a big roast then. I'm just glad we're going out for Christmas as our boiler won't be working until Saturday. Thankfully we're out on both Christmas day and boxing day it's just the evenings we'll have to brave the cold!

Fingers crossed its the same one you two have had, wouldn't be nice if you get another one just as you're getting better.

I went to the shops earlier, it wasn't that bad on the way there however getting home was a different story as clearly everyone had decided to go out later on. All done now though, just got to try and wrap it all if Jake allows me to.

Hope everyone has a lovely first christmas and lets hope all our babies behave overnight! :)
Such great news NJP.. A Christmas miracle for you all!

I braved the shops today.. Went to the Trafford centre just to have a look around and treat the kids.

Make you upload a photo of frankie in her outfit.. I do think our babies are more of a Christmas turkey than reindeers haha!
Well I've been off sulking!! I wrote a huge reply last night and then it refreshed the page and threw me out so I nearly threw my phone across the room ha.

Great news njp I'm so glad ur home for Xmas!! Funny how that's come back for u and Apple and I are struggling with cts still/again!

Hope u all have a lovely Xmas faith keeps stirring so I'm on edge waiting for her to wake up for a feed but also praying she will go another couple of hours but I can't get bk to sleep as have awful stomach ache. I swear that's the last time I have kfc every time I'm ill and all I had was chicken strips n chips! :(

Hope ur all having better nights than me ha
Hi everyone just popping on to say hope u all had a lovely Christmas. Not had much time to myself to come on here since I had Ariana. Got a break 2nyt though as my mum was desperate to have her so I caved in, looking forward to an unbroken night's sleep! But even more so looking forward to picking the kids up again 2moro.

Njp I haven't read all the way back but I seen ur little frankie was in hospital, hope she's on the mend now.
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Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Jake ended up with far more stuff than I imagined. Both my Mom and OHs Dad went crazy with things for him. So we've had to have a massive sort out to find room.

Hope all your babies had a lovely first christmas! :)
Hello ladies..am enjoying the xmas holiday with oh who has two weeks off. Xmas day was lovely and imogen got a stupid amount of presents...will post a pic...so glad we didnt buy her anything ourselves.

Oh is helping out alot with night feeds so getting a good amount of sleep while he is off work...going to be a shock when he goes back. Hope everyone is having good holiday as well.

Katiee..been meaning to ask how is the mil behaving?
Great news you got home for Christmas njp I hope frankie is getting better.
Ruby still had sniffles she's not sleeping over great because of them. I'm going to ring the doctors see if they will see her to give her something, you can't get much over the counter for
Young babies.

We had a great Christmas and like your all saying sh got spoilt and have had to find homes for her pressies!
How are u managing to give breast and bottle girls?? Faith won't take to bottle when we tried her did it take a lot of perseverance??

Mixed emotions at Christmas as I lost my gdad week before and his funeral was on Xmas eve so meant Xmas day was a little sombre. Faith got lots though! I'm the same trying to sort space.

I'm on mission sort nursery out today though as I need to clear out all the clothes that no longer fit her. Packing away the tiny baby grows makes me feel sad. Time has flown and she's grown so much. I'm trying so hard to make the most of every minute.

Faiths sleeping well at night now too. Last few nights gone down by half 11 to only wake about 6. Last night was half 10 til half 3 though but back down straight after for another 3 hours :)

Ooh yes good question how's the mil Katie any more lock changes haha xx
What bottles have you tried Faith on? Fortunately Jake took to the first one we tried but I know some babies take a lot of trial and error. Jake tried to spit it out at first but once milk started coming out he didn't mind.

I packed away lots of Jake's old clothes the other day. Looking back I definitely think I was a little depressed after his birth. Definitely didn't enjoy the first month of motherhood as much as I should have. Definitely better now he's sleeping a bit more though. I normally get a few 3 hour blocks in, apart from last nights mammoth 7 hour sleep (but that was cheating due to OH feeding him!)
First one we tried was a special medela one that came with the breastpump but works like a vacuum to be similar to breast but she just gagged on it, then tried tommee tippee and then avent she just can't latch on properly to them but I wonder if it's coz I've left it so long coz she's like 11+1 today!!

I had the odd few times I felt a bit crap but sleep deprivation really messes with you! Plus it's baby blues too isn't it at first.
That's a great sleep I'm impressed, faith went 8 hours other night, bed at half 10 I woke up for a feed looked at clock it was 6am! Couldn't believe it haha
I've got the medela one too, never used it though as it looked so strange. A lot of people told me the MAM ones were best so that's the first one I tried and he took it fine. You have to make sure they're not too hungry when you give it and make OH give it not you. I wouldn't think 11 weeks is too long. Most people I've heard have problems when they leave it till about 5-6 months.
Frankie has had a few bottle teats and has taken them all but she had them since being one day old, with my initial BFing problems. Between that, expressing at home and then going back into hospital again she's used a range of teats. The ones I chose to use at home were the Philips Avent Natural ones.

She's pretty much all better now, the occasional cough. I think she's a bit more clingy now, perhaps from our initial little routine being disrupted or just from being picked up more when ill. I'm struggling to know what to do about it. My wife doesn't think I should let her fall asleep on me and that I should leave her to it in the middle of the night, but sometimes she's crying and doesn't stop when I pick her up, which to me suggests it's more than just comfort crying.

I think she's getting colicky so we're on infacol every feed. But the winding process really drags feed times out. She'll feed and nod off but the winding will wake her up and then it'll take ages to get her off again. The winding takes ages, even if I get a burp up, she'll still have the grey mouth and be gripey for ages, sometimes so long that it's time to be fed again, then I need to burp her again...

Also, we've been out late a couple of nights and got a couple more late family nights coming up which is not helping. I can't wait until family commitments are done with and everyone goes back to school and I can just get on with our little daily life together.

Sorry, didn't mean to sound so bah humbug, it's just not been an easy week, with getting out of hospital and straight into the most unorganised Christmas I've ever had, while dealing with a recovering 3 week old.

Kaa, sorry that Christmas was subdued for you, at least the family had a new little one to focus on, to lift their spirits a little. I know what you mean about the small baby grows already, Frankie is barely fitting her 0-3s and I stocked up on loads of plain ones to keep the washing down. I don't want her to get big so quickly!

Staceylou, if she gets a bit bunged up, try taking her into the bathroom when you shower - the steam unblocks their sinuses a bit. You can also try saline spray up their nose, it's not pleasant but it helps them breathe a bit better.

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