*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Expressing does hurt, I've hurt mine again but fortunately this time because we're practised in latching she's not chomping at them as badly as post birth.

Love that you're blaming the MIL for the nappy rash!

Oh I haven't even thought about wrapping! I hate wrapping! 3 lots of santa presents is a killer & we always leave it until the last minute!

Hope you get your lie in, mellie.

I haven't even attempted to sleep yet. She was breathing badly so I couldn't, plus starting breastfeeding again plus pumping means no time to sleep yet.

I have no access to decent food in here, like oats, so just got to take what I can. Will be shoveling porridge down when I get home.
Strange, I wonder why the bottle has unsettled her so much. I hope she's gone down eventually for you. I just managed to get a few hours sleep, although it always feels like I've had none when I wake up.

Bit of a coincidence that she has nappy rash when you're not changing her as regularly. Hopefully its just a mild case so it'll clear up nice and quickly.

Expressing always makes my nipples a little sore. You wouldn't think it would hurt so much but I suppose it must just be the most efficient way to get the milk out. I dread to think how cows feel getting pumped near enough all the time!
I do have an official day for wrapping haha!! It's a tradition for me and one of my sister's. We get together at mine stick Xmas films on and sit munching pizza and treats all day whilst wrapping all our pressies. It's on Monday this year.
My grandads funeral is going to be on Xmas eve, such a shit time of year for sadness isn't it :(

Oh Apple it's defo mil that!! Haha. I don't use anything on faith unless it a bit red then I use aqueous cream as its thinner than thick horrible sudocrem ha.
We t the docs yesterday about a rash she has and her skin so dry on her face he gave me moisturiser cream and its fab!!

Had another good night, down at midnight as usual then up half 4 then again 7ish. Currently sleeping on my chest :)
I've got a sore boob though felt a little sensitive last couple days but defo a problem. Left one aching a bit too. Going to express a bit off each see if that helps coz I wonder if she hasn't drained them enough so it's kind of just sitting there inside and blocks up or something :-/ I don't know but it's sore in both today :-/
Morning...so as predicted night was bad...she slept 2am-4am (although unsettled so i didnt sleep) then could i get her to sleep when she woke and fed at 4am she was still awake at 6am...and around 5:30am we had our first projectile vomit all over me and herself..i had no muslin and despite several shouts to oh I could wake him...so had to try and get sick of me and her by myself.

First time she has been sick..sleeping like an angel now! Typical!
Xmas eve isn't the nicest time for a funeral, although I'm surprised they're even doing funerals on that day. Thought it would all be carol services. Any luck finding something to wear yet?

Apple have you eaten anything different in the past day or so. Very strange how she's been so unsettled and then projectile vomited everywhere. Thought maybe you've had something different which has made the milk different and given her a funny tummy.
Aw bet that's why she was so unsettled bless her. Faith did that to me after I'd had spicy food :-/

I've ordered a black nursing dress from asda - click n collect and a black coat from there too. Getting them tomorrow so will let u know what they're like.

Hope u get some rest today Apple.

I was surprised too Mellie but at least we can say our goodbyes properly then before Xmas
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Yeah certain fruits can affect milk taste too, apparently. Pineapple is one.

Is it a going out dress kaa? Know what you mean about the funeral timing, at least it's not hanging over your heads over Christmas.

Apple sounds like you've had a fun night. Is she better now?

Frankie is doing okay, she's on the lowest oxygen level now and I don't even think she's getting that because she constantly wriggles the tube out of her nose. I didn't get to bed until 4am though, nights are definitely worse. She's had a bath. I've got a really old school style nurse today and she showed me how to bath her so she doesn't get too cold. Think we're in another night though.
Definitely better that you get to say your goodbyes before Christmas. Is the dress the plain black one? That's the one I ordered that never arrived because they'd sold out of my size :(

At least Frankie is improving, sounds promising that you might both be home soon. Bet your wife is finding it weird neither of you being at home.

Health visitor came today, had to measure him ready for his 6 week check next week. He now weighs 10lb and is 55cm long, both bang on the 50th centile lines which I assume makes him average. Been discharged from her now so now I can just go to the clinic to have him weighed occasionally.
Great news njp at least she's getting progressively better :) oh yes bet ur wife's a bit lonely without u. :(
At least u can get home soon. Hope u found something to keep u occupied.

It's just a plain black wrap dress with 3/4 length sleeves.
Yes it's the one u ordered hun coz loads out of stock so just ordered a 16 anyway as my boobs will probs need the room ha.

Wow the little chunk!! :)
Yeah she misses us at home. I've hardly seen her because she's worked ridiculous hours this week. It's annoying because she was meant to have this week off as time in lieu. Instead she's been in covering her manager but that's meant doing more than a normal full week. Think she's been in about 50 hours this week. Then she comes here tired and has to leave to get the bus home shortly after.

My SIL visited though, which broke the day up. We had a good moan about my other SIL which is always satisfying!

Frankie needs to be off o2 for several hours before we can go home but she's just not managing it. She's on the tiniest o2 supply, 0.1%, (was on 30% when we got here) and the tubes aren't even in her nose properly yet when its switched off her blood sat level drops that bit too low.

Kaa, I realised a little after I posted that you meant a dress for the funeral. My sleep deprived brain didn't make the connection before , sorry.

Mellie sounds like Jake is growing perfectly, 50th centile is bang on average.

How often have your hvs been coming? Mine came last week and won't be back until mid January for the 6 week check. I can call them if I need to but other than that they're not coming back.
At least you've had some visitors, sitting there on your own all day could be a bit tedious otherwise. Hopefully a bit longer on 0.1% and then she'll be ok off it. At least it shows how much she's improved while you've been there.

My health visitor has been 3 times. Once to introduce herself then she came last Friday and just weighed him, she would have measured him then but she realised the 6 week check was still over a week away. So she came back today and did all his measurements.

She said I've introduced the expressed bottle at just the right time, wondered if she'd have a moan at me doing it already.

Fingers crossed we all have a good night's sleep tonight.
Mine has been about 3/4 times but not once a week or anything. She's coming bk beginning of Jan.
Yes at least Frankie has improved just hope for a good night's sleep for u both tonight and tomorrow is a new day :)

Tried expressed milk in a bottle earlier. Fail! I was glad though I nearly cried at the thought of her having a bottle I dint want to give her one but need to practise in time for funeral so if she needs a feed nige can just sort her out as I will be taking her with us but I will be in car and going cemetary after church service but can't exactly feed her in church and don't want her going cemetery as could be freezing or raining :-/ my aunty coming with her baby (who was due same day as faith haha) so she's only 5 weeks old now I think
Weird how your hvs visit several times and mine don't. Though we've had plenty of medical input lately so can't complain!

I'm back to expressing and bottle feeding so that we can monitor her intake but I don't mind because I'm still reestablishing my milk supply. It is better but I feel like one of my nipples is going to be sucked right off! Thank god for lansinoh!

Aww kaa, faith will have a little playmate! Be nice for her to have a cousin close in age, another girl too. Do they live near enough for you to socialise?

Hope you're all in for a good night's sleep tonight, been a lot of restlessness on here lately. Frankie is awake, alert and cooing sweetly to herself. It's nice, she hasn't been like that for days. I was starting to miss her even though she was right next to me, she was just glassy eyed and sad looking. She still looks poorly but more like her old self.
Feel so sorry for Frankie bless her :-/ can't be easy for u either hun.

Unfortunately they live in Brighton so no good for us but means can always go there for a hop during the year hehe.

Terrible night last night faith just wouldn't settle wriggly and crying and moaning all night long think I managed a couple hours tops. Best sleep is when I put her in my arm propped up on my pillow cuddled next to me in bed and we both sleep soundly but I know it's naughty :-/

Need to check I have everything for Xmas today bloody hope so it's blowing a Gale here do Not fancy going out with the pram in this!!
Jake and I actually had an ok night once he settled. Ended up going 3 hours between his feeds 3 times. So probably only got just under 8 hours kip. Think that's the most I've had since he was born!

Did you give her the bottle or did you get someone else too, I read its always better to get someone else to at first.

I thought I had everything for Christmas, then I realised I haven't got OH a present from Jake. So tried to find a daddy and me photo frame yday, couldn't find one anywhere and got stuck in ridiculous amounts of traffic. So going to try again today somewhere else. Fingers crossed.
Mellie, that is a lovely sleep, bet you enjoyed that!

Kaa, I did that the other day when she was first getting ill and I couldn't settle her. I felt bad for doing it but we were both exhausted.

I've had an awful nights sleep too, her oxygen level kept dropping all night so I kept having to wake up to sort it. The tube keeps coming out of her nose and the probe keeps coming off her foot. And she needs to sit up to cough effectively so I was just getting 15 min naps from about 2am-6am

They're still struggling to wean her fully off the oxygen, not feeling too hopeful about getting out today. It's so close to Christmas, I really need to get out & get stuff sorted.
It definately will happen NjP...i am surprised your not getting the oppourtunity to rst at night are you in the maternity ward...can the midwifes not give you a break? When i was in hospital they took Imogen away to give me a break during the night..it was heaven...:-)

So we had another bad night last night...only thing changed or added to diet was macdonalds but she practically had that everyday during pregnancy. In hindsight she wasnt grumpy so maybe it was a cluster feed session as two in a row now...oh stayed up with me allnight ...but he unlike me finds it easy to sleep during the day...i may get a nap in the afternoon...but i really struggle to sleep in the morning...so Imogen and him are asleep upstairs while I am cleaning! :-/
I managed to have a nice sleep and I've just managed to have a lovely bath while OH took Jake to the shops with him. I hate showering/bathing when he's not here as it normally results in Jake crying and I'm always stuck at what I should do! Haha

HV told me yday that drinking lots of fizzy pop can have an effect on your baby. Apparently it can make them extra windy and also cause them to be unsettled. On Monday night Jake was really windy, and I'd had 3 cans of Coke at the funeral. Normally I never have fizzy pop. Ridiculous how much everything can get into and effect your breast milk.

NJP, can you not try and get any of your step kids to do any of the Christmas things for you? I don't know how you're going to get time to sort everything and look after a baby otherwise. I'm finding it enough hassle to get time to wrap all the presents.
Maybe try cutting down, see if that helps. It might have just been a coincidence with me but its worth a try to see if it helps her at all. Although I don't know what it exactly does, cant imagine it makes the milk fizzy because that would be weird! Haha

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