*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Haha can u imagine that ha fizzy milk yuk! Interesting though.

Oh njp u will be short on time then I think thatvwiuld be a good idea too. Enlist the help of ur stepkids.

Well much better night last night down at around midnight and up at 5 :) broken sleep for me though as I was cold in the night and I also tend to wake up thinking why isn't she awake is she ok hahaha can't win can she.

I never have a bath anymore ha would be nice though. Think that's a Xmas eve treat once I'm home from the funeral.

Disaster with asda purchases!!! Dress is a horrid clingy material so not very flattering not that it matters really but still want to look decent. And I put coat on and went to fasten the button across my chest and it came off in my hand :( think I'll just sew the button bk on as not time to take back as I desperately need a black coat and won't have time to get one elsewhere now. Might take the dress back and wear a normal one I have and just take a change of clothes or use bottle anyway. :-/

Good luck finding frame I wanted one but made my own version normal frame but printed pic myself and created it's own border with me and my daddy written above the pic and love heart under it. Cute enough I think haha.
Hi, not been on much because just a bit fed up. We're no closer to going home. Frankie can't seem to get off that last little bit of oxygen because her cough is lingering. Starting to worry that I won't be out for Christmas. The stuff I need to do, I can't delegate to the kids,its mostly food shopping and I dont trust them to do that properly! Started compiling an online shopping list just in case, but really I'd rather get out and go to the shops because there's a few places I want to get things from.

I'm starting to wish someone would just offer to have us over for Christmas dinner. :/

I feel bad for my wife, she's had to do loads extra at work and somehow find time to finish the kids' present shopping with no car and only one day off. Nothing is wrapped and she's in work doing 12 hour shifts up to and including Christmas day now,plus finding time to visit us.

Kaa that's a pain about the purchases, worst thing about having to rely on mail order shopping. Could you somehow layer the dress with a long floaty scarf or cardie to skim the clingy bits?
Njp...completely get the anxiety you are feeling...but relative to christmas and frankie getting well again you have a while...even if you got out on wednesday you could get to the shops and wrap pressies in time...try not to feel guilty about your wife and your to do list..these things happen and you can all make do if needs be..not that it will end up like that,

Sorry your feeling fed up...

I had a friends gathering today whcich was fun caotic...although my boobs have taken a turn for the worse and feel very painful..really hoping they dont get an infection...depending how i sleep and feel in the morning will try and get a doctors appointment tomorrow as feel like i may have mastitsi coming on would hate to have it over xmas so ideally would get the antibiotics and have as a backup!
Kaa dont you hate that when what you order is a disappointing fit..

Oh kaa been meaning to ask you how is your carpel tunnel, in hands post birth? Mine is a whole lot worse and seems to be getting worse by the day from how i sleep and hold imogen when breastfeeding.curious how your getting on?
Oh no sorry to hear that! :( think I'd feel exactly the same too though although I agree with Apple still a few days yet so hopefully she will pick up in time. I was going to say can't ur wife sit with her for a bit whilst u do some shopping or get some stuff done but obviously she working all the time and on Xmas day what the hell?! It's ur first Xmas with Frankie can she not swap shift with someone?

I may just hoick it up and wear as a long top over trousers yet. :-/

Ah funny u should mention that Apple, took ages for it to go then I definitely saw a marked improvement but recently seems to have returned with a vengeance. Get numb achey arms wrists hands when feeding and my right wrist is f@#$ed!! It is so sore it's like something has snappedinside or in the wrong place and needs snapping back into place (can't describe it very well) when I move my thumb or hand in certain ways it absolutely kills and feels weak so often worry when using that hand to handle faith in case it just goes on me.
Sorry to hear yours is worse too! What are u doing about it?? Might try my splints again for a few hours in the day, u just can't do much when u have them on :(
Well i think i need to go to doctors about my boobs tomorrow (just hand expressed to try and elevate that pain) will mention hand to docs tomorrow then...i fear they too are f**ked,! I can not grip and they just ache constantly...i have never been to doctor with them...but the pain is constant so no longer can ignore.

Kaa has appoint Njp..could someone else sit with her for a few hours a relative..or does a guardian have to be there at all times?
Rubbish that Frankie is still not out, although there is still a good few days until Christmas so fingers crossed she's out. Can't believe your wife has to work Christmas day too, my boyfriend has to work stupid shifts but thankfully not christmas, I'd hate that.

Kaa, i'm not surprised about the dress I wondered if it would be that sort of material, thats why I ordered the top too although that was horrible material too. Hope you manage to sort something.

Hope you haven't got mastitis coming on, apple. Definitely try expressing and putting pressure on the bits that feel engorged. That really helps to empty mine.

Went out for a curry last night, it was horrible. Took ages to get served and had a bone and horrible gristly bit in my meal. Plus now I'm absolutely parched because it was clearly just full of salt. Hoping the curry doesn't affect Jake. Don't want to be surrounded by sick and runny bums tomorrow. Oh and to top it off our boiler has broken so been bloody freezing all night!
Oh god, you don't need Jake to have a curry bum, haha! Bad enough if you get one yourself! I wouldn't be able to go back to that restaurant after the gristle, gack.

Good point about someone sitting with her. My stepdaughter offered but I don't feel she knows what she's doing enough, but my SIL said she'd do what she could to help, and she could drive my car here for me. Good idea!

We are cutting it fine for getting out because they put her o2 input back up and the time frame for reducing it and being stable off it is really close to Christmas now, it's not just a case of waking up better one day. Plus I've just woken and looked at her chart and no one has done her (supposedly hourly) obs since 9pm. So there's nothing for the doctor to review this morning. I'm having to buzz the nurse to ask about it. They were meant to be reducing her o2 overnight, depending on good obs.

Wife can't shift swap, they're so short staffed there's no one to swap with, I believe every nurse is doing one Christmas day or night shift. But initially I said I'd rather her do this year than the next couple, when Frankie is alert and will enjoy Christmas so it was with my blessing.

Hope you don't have mastitis, Apple, definitely get it checked out sooner rather than later. Sounds painful.

I think carpal tunnel can take its time going, can't it? So hopefully you'll both still get rid of it at some point. I got a couple of numb fingertips towards the end of my pregnancy and they still haven't gone. Was so glad to avoid the problems you've had though.
Dilemma: I didn't buzz the nurse about the lack of obs, thought I'd wait a while & hope she came in. I was half asleep at 6.30 when she came in & did them so I let her get on with them as didn't want to cause conflict about it. I've just looked at the chart and she's put one set of data in for 6.30 and one set of data in previous to that, without a time, but it can't be any time because I checked at 6am and there was no data there. So she's basically made one set of data up to make it look less like she's not done any all night. It doesn't even reflect what the levels were all night, it looks like Frankie has made less progress than she actually has.

Don't know what to do? They are on shift changeover now. Do I grass her up to the next nurse? To the doctor during ward round? Or let it slide and just tell the doctor what the levels were like between the 'recorded' observations?
Oh yes sorry forgot she was a nurse hun :-/ get that though be better for u all next Xmas with Frankie that bit older.
Defo ask sil then even if just an hour so that you can get some stuff done and get some fresh air and escape from that place.

I'd definitely mention it hun as if it's not accurate then that's really bad of her doing it. You need to tell someone plus then they'll know ur on the ball and won't try fob u off again. Sorry to hear it's taking longer but I suppose it's now a matter of whatever's best for Frankie now isn't it and if she needs this help it has to be done. Has she had antibiotics or anything?

Apple it's a nightmare u defo need to see a doc. Apparently u can have a little op to fix it but not sure how easy that is to sort. Think they prob just send u physio for splints. Might ring them bk about my wrist as I feel I need an x Ray or something :-/

Eurgh mellie not good hope u feel ok this morning. I also hope u didn't pay for that meal it sounds gross!!
How was it leaving Jake for longer apart from ur heavy boobs haha.
Definitely better that she works this one than future years, our babies are all far too young to understand.
I'd definitely tell either a doctor or nurse about that, they shouldn't fake results, doing the obs doesn't normally take that long.

Kaa a woman I used to work with had hers operated on. Only problem is you can't do much with the operated hand for a while after. I think she said even changing nappies was difficult.

We played for the meal....although after much arguments we got some discount. I'm definitely not going back there, tiny portion sizes too! Kept waking up in the night with horrible dry mouth, clearly my curry was about 50% salt. Hope it doesn't pass through to my milk too much.

Leaving Jake was OK, my mom said he slept for a bit then started to stir and whine. So she was getting the bottle ready for him to wake up. Then he let out a massive fart and went straight back to sleep! Haha apparently he took the bottle a lot better too, was sucking harder or something. Quite glad he seems to have mastered both breast and bottle.

Oh apple, I just got an email off mother care. Sale preview tomorrow with the main online sale starting on Wednesday. So I'll keep you informed of any links if you don't get them.
Thanks Mellie..keep us posted. Sry about the meal..thats crap when you look forward to something and its a dissapointment.

NJP...thats terrible about the nurse putting the obs in..better to say something and for the nurse to get more training...as for your little one surely she if you really want to be home for xmas they can provide oxygen for her to have at home. Just start asking about transportable oxygen and possible day /night release. Fingers crossed for you guys.

Went to doctors this morning and also been hand expressing..have antibiotics which am holding off until actually need but at least i am covered for xmas. The carpel tunnel is significantly worse since pregnancy doctor has referred me to physio so shall see what happens.
Thanks mellie...xxx

How is frankie this morning NJP..im willing her to get better and for you to get home for xmas..xxxx

Oh gave me a lovely xmas present and gave me 7hours of un interupted sleep! Yay!
Frankie has turned a corner, she's finally on the really low oxygen pump and might be getting out tomorrow, if she can prove herself tonight. We can't take oxygen home because she has to be monitored when on it. I didn't kick up a fuss about the lack of obs but I did mention them to one of the nice nurses so if she thinks it's a problem she can flag it up.

Apparently she'll have a cough for up to 6 weeks. Which is great, she never has a clean nappy now, every time she coughs she sharts! Even mid-change!

I'm going off the ward to do the food shopping later and my sister in law has offered to have the teens for Christmas dinner if I am still in here.

Sorry to hear your ct is worse, Apple, hope the physio helps it. Do they give you exercises to do for it? 7 hours sleep sounds amazing! Frankie was up all night, I was nearly in tears with tiredness at one point. I know you've had some rough nights, you well deserved that 7 hours. Bet you feel like a new woman!

Mellie, thanks for the mothercare link, I'll have a look too. I'm signed up to mothercare but don't get sale emails either, I must have ticked some box to opt out.
Ahh fingers crossed she'll be home then, I'm sure the nurses are all trying their hardest to let her go home too. Can't be nice working on a children's ward at Christmas I'd just want to let them all go home for the day!

Lovely of your SIL to sit with her so you can get the food shop done, even lovelier of her to have the kids if you're still in. Although doing the food shop today is surely going to be a challenge, I hope you're ready to attack people with a trolley! Haha

How come I seem to be the only person to get mothercare emails? Very strange. I've had a little nose but haven't brought anything yet, I need to go and see what clothes I have in 3-6 and 6-9 months already (got 2 plastic boxes full of stuff my friend gave us.) So may just go crazy with the even bigger sizes so I'm fully prepared!
Thats sounds really promisinh...go Frankie...finger crossed for tonight and hope the shopping goes well.

Yes i too have signed up and even phoned to get emails, but nothing...its the same with next..i have not gone crazy just one set if rompers and reindeer outfit for next year. Again thanks mellie xx

So we have experiemented tonight and given her a formula filled bottle!!? Crazy I know...so my approach is going to be breastfeeding with OH giving one feed a day (to avoid a clingy bf baby). I will continue to express and that will be the main source of bottle milk, but on the off chance i cant get enough or ill or something we wanted to be sure she would take formula with no undue effect so while oh is off work we thought we would give it a try. The other thing we were trying to do was to give her a bigger feed around 7pm so that fingers crossed she would sleep better and longer at night she tends to have a stupid,y long feed at cica midnight which we wanted to avoid. Will let you know how the experiment gets on tonight.

She also now has a dummy! Which is saving my nipples.

Oh the other significant thing today..is that Imogen has oral thrush and i have nipple thrush! She had some thrush (type of nappy rash) and white marks at the corner of her mouth so decide to take her to doctors...so we are now all medicated up for christmas!
I haven't actually got anything from mothercare today....I did however spend £90 in the Asda sale. Oops!

Good job you went to the doctors today, otherwise that could br extremely nasty in a few days without treatment.

Personally the large feeds don't seem to work with Jake. Last night OH gave him a 4oz bottle (the milk needed using up) and then he still wanted loads more from me. He fed almost constantly for 2 hours from me. Formula is meant to make them feel fuller for longer though.
Oh god the shopping took ages and triggered a bit of my spd again! But it is done & off my mind.

Frankie is off oxygen now but they want to monitor her overnight to make sure she can go all night.

The thrush sounds like it could have got nasty, good job you got it seen to quickly. Your plan to have one formula/expressed bottle is a good one, so she won't be completely reliant on you.

I have bought a dummy too! I was being used as a human dummy last night so to get some sleep I bought a couple of dummies.

Mellie, you have been naughty! Was it all baby stuff or did you get things for yourself too?
I got 2 jumpers for myself and OH got 2 jumpers too. But at least £60 was baby stuff, would have spent even more but some of the nice things were in sizes too small for him.

I sometimes think I'm being used as a human dummy but everytime we've tried him with a dummy he doesn't want it. So no idea what he's doing!

Good news that Frankie is off the oxygen, fingers crossed she can keep it going all night.

Was just lying in bed feeding Jake when I heard the boiler starting to click. Went downstairs to investigate and it's broken again. It broke on Sunday too. Absolutely ridiculous, we clearly need a new one but the landlord doesn't want ti fork out for one. He just keeps asking us if we're on benefits as then we can get a free one. Pretty sure I pay my rent so he has to pay for those things!

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