Yeah our young people can be quite aggressive but it's more Understandable because they're trying to communicate something.
I was giving Ruby something at dinner time (mid day) I try to time it so she eats with me but sometimes she's decided to nap and I'm hungry i eat before her. I usually gave her some baby porridge and fruit. She eats it all. If we havnt eaten together I will generally have some of the fruit with her when she eats.
Then we give her some food with us at tea time when oh is home from work usually around 5. This is often veg at the min I have used odd jars to try her on diff things and recently dairylea on bread, chicken breast, tuna and some pasta which she doesn't seem amused by. I'll give her some fruit or a yoghurt for after or sometimes a rusk. Depends what she's had to eat.
The last few days ive tried to move the porridge to morning and offer her a snack at lunch like th dairylea and some fruit and then a meal with us at tea time with a yoghurt or fruit for after.
She seems a little confused and didn't really eat the porridge in the morning.
I'm kind of going with the flow and ill go with her cues. I don't know if this way is 'right or wrong' but it's working for us so I'll go with it.
She seems to not want her bottles as frequently and isn't crying for them it's more me thinking she's not had one for a while so offering her one. She's been goin about 4 hours. Tonight she refused her bottle around 6 and then after bath only took 1 1/2oz and has gone to sleep! She's stirred 3 times since 7.30 though but refused a bottle half hour ago when we offered her it. Think her teeth could be bothering her

and she seemed a little constipated today but she did had weetabix yesterday and then a smal portion this morning. Going to hold off giving her any more weetabix for a few days.
What are you doing food wise mellie? I wouldn't fancy washing weaning poo nappies!