*** November 2014 Mum's ***

Yea I was looking at the mothercare parasol and adapters the other day in mothercare. I didn't like the colours either! I wanted something girly. I'll let you know what the shade is like.

I thought her gums felt a little lumpy but she doesn't let you look she sticks her tounge in the way lol! I'll try have another look today.

Ruby slept through again last night whoo!! That's 2 nights in a row which we havnt had before. Fingers crossed it carries on. She barley had any milk yday tho think she had 17oz all together in the 24hours. She ate well at meal times tho. I'm not sure how much milk they should still be having at 7 months.

We're going to see my friend today and her lo who's 4 months, were going swimming :)
Ha I've just googled how much milk a 7month old should have and it says 500-600ml which is 17oz!!
Look at her teeth when she's asleep, that's what I do! When she's in a proper deep sleep or at the end of a nap when I don't mind her waking anyway. Frankie does the tongue thing too.

I have no idea about milk now, I just give her some when she seems to want it, she doesn't drink much water so I still feed her regularly.
So my little princess weighs 15lb 14oz at 7months.
We had 3 sleep throughs in a row but last 2 nights she's woken wanting her dummy, those dam teeth!!

Ruby doesn't drink much water either she has started to take a little more though.
I've held off putting any form of baby juice into it though.

The suns been out a lot recently and I don't know about you but I'm struggling with what to dress Ruby in. I always think she isn't going to be warm enough or if I add a thin cardi she will be too warm but if I don't her arms are exposed and I don't want her to burn even tho I put cream on her. I think I'm over protective that way because I burn sooo easily and I think Ruby's got my complexion.
Yeah, I haven't put baby juice in either, I want her to get used to drinking water really. I think she likes it, she just doesn't grasp the workings of the sippy cup well. It's quite heavy for her to hold tipped up and she gets annoyed if I hold it for her. The screaming while eating thing continues, it's really confusing. I think partly it's frustration. She screams at me if I feed her, she wants to do it herself. But then she drops the stuff and screams because it's not going in her mouth fast enough.

My wife said she is very like me, I am very independent and don't like people helping me. She laughs when the baby does this each mealtime because of the similarities in us!

I haven't dressed Frankie in much, just a nappy and a vest most of the time. I was looking forward to this anyway, because this is where having lots of pretty coloured cloth nappies comes in! The nappy is half the outfit in itself.

She had her tendon cut yesterday. The operation was quite quick, though I was quite nervous of her having general anaesthetic. She's got another cast on now, got to keep it on for 3 weeks. I really hope the foot looks better after this, it was so stumpy and fat compared to the other one, it didn't look normal at all.
Ahh bless Frankie, she is doing so well. I can imagine how nervous you felt, my oh had a general pop six weeks ago and it was really horrible waiting, even though you know they will be ok...you still worry have no idea what it would be like for my daughter..
So I can see teeth shape behind the gums...is that a good sign that things will start showing soon...it's hard work this teething lark.

She loves standing too but can't stand up on her own, she puts her hand up for help.
Frankie is doing so well with her foot bless her! Glad her op went well too! She sounds so funny at meal times. My eldest was a bit like that but she seemed to 'get it' when she reached 10 months and then would take anything given to her! This one will eat anything spoon fed or otherwise. Whilst my eldest took ages to drink from a sippy cup, this one loves it! Maybe because she sees her sister drinking? Who knows!

Stacey, I always find it a struggle figuring out what to wear too. I've been sticking with rompers, socks and cardigan and removing where necessary then I also take sun hats and sun cream wherever I go.

Apple, they could well be coming! We still have no teeth but I can feel them under the gums now and am just willing then pop up.

A is doing well, loving her food and constantly busy! She's crawling and pulling herself up where she can. The other day I caught her rummaging through the duplo box! She can sometimes stand unaided for a few seconds. I think she just wants to be off playing with her sister!!xx
Hi all! Never get time to come on much now. Jake is very demanding still!
Had him weighed yesterday and he's now 18lb 12oz. Come off the 50th centile line for once and is now closer to the 75th. Goes to show how much he's loving his food!
His bottom 2 teeth have now cut through too, they just suddenly made an appearance the other day when I put my finger in his mouth.

BLW is going fabulously, as are cloth nappies too. (LOVE not having to worry about running out and our bins are so much emptier!)

We get the keys to our house in 2 weeks time. Cannot wait!

Oh and we've been looking at getting married too (even though we're not actually officially engaged yet! Haha) just trying to find a cheapish nice place for the reception as everywhere is so expensive. :(

Hope all your babies are good will try and have a read through of everything when I get chance.
Aw goat she sounds like she's doing really well crawling and standing up. Ruby likes to be stood up with help and she clings onto her activity station I managed to let her go she usually wobbles and sits on her bum but she stood for a few seconds so I could get a picture. She looked so pleased with herself!

Glad frankies op went well I don't know how I would feel if it was Ruby! I'm a big softie. Did you see the koala baby today in the news clinging to it's mum whilst they operated on her so cute- that would be me! Ha

Our sun shade clip thingy came the other day the cosatto one. It's actually quite good, not great in the wind but it's really easy to move About I would reccomend it over an umberella and it's lots cheaper.
NJP I've just seen you say your claim for DLA was rejected. I'd try and dispute that if I was you. My SIL gets full allowance for my niece just because she has eczema, which now they have her allergies under control is barely noticeable. So how thats classed as severe enough but Frankie isn't is beyond me!!
Mellie, it just takes ages to get it sometimes, they often reject and you have to appeal. They're reconsidering it now, can take weeks apparently. Hopefully we'll get it at some point but it seems to be very hit and miss what they award it for, some people get it for clubfoot and others don't.

Ooh, congratulations on the non-engagement! :D There's lots of cheap things you can do for a wedding, doesn't have to be a grand affair. We took a non-traditional route to our civil partnership and it was very much self-organised which was actually quite fun. Though a bit stressful in the last few weeks, when we had to bring it all together. I don't think I mentioned, but on our anniversary this year we 'upgraded' it to a proper marriage. We didn't have a ceremony or anything, just did the paperwork and went for a nice meal.

Stacey, will have to try the sunshade. Our umbrella is useless in the wind, so no worse with a sunshade.

Ah, I saw that koala, poor little thing. Frankie is doing well after the op, it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. Having the boots off means she's discovered the non-casted foot and it's ability to fit in her mouth, which is keeping her quite entertained.

I'm not very imaginative with dressing at the minute. She tends to start the day in one of my least favourite vests because it ends up with food on it, despite the bibs then I put a nice vest or long sleeved top on and she can only really fit into her stretchy leggings from the cloth nappy sites, for going over her cast, so it's either a pair of them, a pair of baby leg warmers or nothing on a warm day. It took me a long time to mentally shift from wanting to dress her in lots of clothes to being sure that she's warm enough without long sleeves and cardies on - I suppose that's because we had winter babies so we're used to wrapping them up a lot.

Goat, it sounds like you have your hands full, she must be keen to get on the move! Hopefully when they're a bit older they'll entertain each other so it won't be such hard work.

Sleep is going awfully here, I am dead on my feet these days. She feeds a lot in the night, I'm wondering if she's not feeding enough in the day but there's only so much I can fit in, between food and naps. I feel like I'm very tied at the minute, it's milk in the morning, then more milk and morning nap, then lunch, then milk and afternoon nap, then dinner, then milk and bedtime. We don't go far because there seems to be hardly any time. Then she's feeding around 12am, 4/5am and then awake for more at 6/7am, though I try to doze while she plays in the cot until 8am. I can live with the night feeds, it's the fact that she wants to be up so early after her 4/5am feed that does it.

This morning really scared me, I fed her lying down in bed because I was so tired and normally I either stay awake or lightly doze but am aware that she's there but this morning I fell into a proper sleep and completely forgot she was lying with my boob in her mouth, when I woke I realised I could have smothered her, so I'm going to have to make an effort to ensure I sit up and feed her every time. My wife keeps complaining that I'm boring for wanting to go to bed early (only 10pm, not like i'm going at 7!) but I'm so fucking tired, and she doesn't stir at all when the baby makes a noise so she gets a lovely uninterrupted sleep. I know she couldn't wake up instead of me because I'm BFing, but sometimes when she is snoring her head off while the baby is waking me, I want to pull a bar of the cot off and bludgeon her with it.

Oh that turned into a bit of a rant! Sorry! This is what sleep deprivation does, I suppose.
Sounds like your having a tough time njp, has it improved at all at night?
So glad frankies found well and it's not bothering her with her feet. It's hard when your doing it all on your own at night. I would make sure I was extra loud so it woke her up when your having to get up. And frankie might not always be waking for a feed so your wife could go and try resettle her or change her nappy.

We've had an eventful weekend! It was our first little family holiday to the coast, Ruby was so ill Thursday she was projectile vomiting and for a baby that's never sick it was so scary I almost cried myself. She was sick three times in a row it was every where and she was sat on my knee at the time. She cried constantly for the next hour or so and was really tired and pale just wanting a cuddle. We rang 111 and got an out of hour app and dr said she seemed ok it could have been contamination, the start of a tummy bug (but diarrhoea didn't appear so not a bug) or it could be teething which I thought was extreme?!
I think it was her milk, we have a tub in her room for night feeds but she hasn't had one for a while so I brought it down to use it up started this the day before she was sick, I think it had been open too long.
She seemed ok the next day but we almost didn't go away! She really enjoyed the holiday but her naps were all over and barley existed and sleep at night was awful! She seemed to be up every half hour and then may around 4am would give in and sleep for 3 hours before getting up!! She did a little better in her own cot last night.

She was funny on the beach she lifted her legs up when we tried to stand her on the sand haha! We had a lovely fathers day a swift trip to the beach before Ruby got grumpy and then to a farm and out for tea. Did everyone else have a nice Father's Day?

Ruby learnt alot this weekend, she's almost crawling she gets on all fours and rocks she's so funny! And she can blow her lip so it vibrates and makes a noise- daddy taught her that! I'm wondering if that's why her sleep heasn't been off because she's learnt and seen so much this weekend.
It's been a bit better lately, she seems to have settled into a bit more of a pattern again. I wondered if she was just wanting settling so I tried just rocking and not feeding her but she tends to start crying again when I put her down and when I do give in and feed, she has a long and proper fill up, even though she's had plenty before bed and before I go to sleep.

I feel less like killing my wife. She still sleeps through but I feel a bit better about it as I've managed to get my sleep sorted again, not feeling so deprived. I honestly don't know how she managed to have 3 kids, she just does not wake. The other day I got so frustrated, I was thumping things around in the bed as I got up and I accidently (honestly!) whacked her in the face and she didn't flinch. Just kept snoring. I know she's not doing it on purpose, I can tell when she's fully asleep, so I'm not angry in principle but in the middle of the night sometimes I hate it!

Your weekend away sounds lovely, despite Ruby recovering from being ill. Projectile vomiting sounds awful, ugh, ppoor Ruby. At least she had a nice time at the farm and beach. You'll have to watch her, it sounds like she's going to take off any day and then you'll have no peace. Frankie isn't close to moving, she doesn't like lying down now so she's not practising rolling over much. She has to be sat up all the time, so I've got one of those blow up doughnut type things that can be folded in half so she can sit up against it.

This is a really nice age, I never knew babies were so fun at this age, Frankie is delightful, even when I am forcing my eyes open at 7am, she just gives me the nicest smiles and it makes me feel better! She's learning to kiss me now too, which is great.
Aw how cute Ruby's still bashing us haha.
She's desperately trying to crawl but is only going backwards it's so funny. Her little knees are always red :/
She's also trying to pull herself up on her activity station but failing lol. She can stand up holding it when I stand her up up it

are you looking forward to the heat wave? Going to be hot for our winter babies!
It's not delicate, or dry, haha, but it's an attempt at kissing! She's very fickle though, doesn't give them up often.

Think the heatwave has hit here, it is roasting. We walked to a new playgroup and I didn't realise how hot it was, I turned up with sweet pouring down my temples. Awkward! This playgroup was quite friendly, people talked to me. No one really talked to me at the other one I went to, they weren't horrible, just not particularly friendly.

I've bought Frankie some summer dresses, she looks very cute in them! One even has pink in! She's never looked so feminine. The first time I took her to playgroup, she was wearing bright orange vest with orange flowery leggings and she got called 'he'.

Ah, Ruby sounds like she's really coming on! I met a bum shuffler today, that was cute, I want Frankie to do that now!
Haha a bum shuffler. I met an 8 month old at rhythm time who was walking already! She looked big for 8 months and it looked very odd she was walking she's super cute.

Glad you've found a group you like, I must say all the ones I've been to are great and every talks to each other. I will talk to anyone tho so maybe that's why I find them ok! Lol.

Ha pink! And as if they thought she was a boy in a floral print! Ruby's usually wearing pink lol she's got a pink dress on today.

She's babbling away lots lol. My friend put her due date in her wonder weeks app and apparently she's going through a 4 week wonder week leap thingy! It's quite a big one. It might explain her being clingy and whingy. She has been going down for day naps ok but night times are difficult again.
Omg, couldn't imagine having Frankie walking in a month! She's 7 months today. She's got her boots and bar back on and she's trying to bear weight on her feet. She's got to wear them 22 hours a day for 6 weeks then hopefully we can go to nights only. Last night was so hard, she wouldn't settle in her cot with them on, couldn't get comfortable. She has been very upset today too. Just needs to get used to wearing them again, I did expect her to be like this.

There always seems to be a wonder week! Perhaps the babbling will lead to some new words or sounds. Frankie started doing 'mmbbbmmbb' but has stopped doing it now. I was trying to turn it into 'mamamamamama'! But she realised she could turn it into raspberries, went through a lot of bibs and t-shirts until she tired of doing them.
Ah bless her she will get used to them. At least she's trying to not let them bother her by trying to weight bear. 22 hours is a long time though.

Haha we went through a stage of raspberries too!
Ruby's started to do like a fish lip face lol don't know where's she's learnt that, maybe it's her version of a kiss lol.

Ruby started to crawl forward on Saturday!! I saw her do a few moves forward in the morning but I had a dance show all weekend and by the afternoon she was crawling across the room! She's into the DVDs now and we will be needing the baby gates up soon. Although she hasn't ventured out of the living room yet I'm still waiting for that.

Ruby's 8 months in a few days I can't imagine her walking she's too dainty.
Ah, Frankie's kisses are openmouthed. She now does hugs, if you ask for a big hug, she leans in with her arms open. Only when it suits her, of course. Sometimes she asks for a hug like that, it's adorable, it's my favourite thing!

Knew she was going to be crawling soon, I imagine she's all over the place now, hope you've managed to get set up to keep her contained. I dread to think how much stuff I'll have to alter when Frankie gets going, glad it's going to be a while really, we've got far too much stuff around.

We've been away for a week, we went to the Lakes. It was very nice to get away for a bit. Frankie enjoyed looking around out her pushchair, she sits right up and leans forward now so she can nosey where she's going. She's always craning her neck around to have a neb at stuff! I gave her bits of fish and chips and she loved it, the second time I had some she was snatching at the papers before I even opened my portion.
Hiiii, sorry I've been AWOL recently, its a nightmare coming on the forum on my phone and I barely ever get my laptop out anymore.
We have finally moved into our new house, it's lovely. Just unpacking boxes and finding homes for everything still at the moment.
Jakes been moved into his own room and he's finally sleeping better, tends to only wake up once now which is lovely for me (although I still feel tired!)
He can just about crawl backwards, but he doesnt seem that bothered about going forwards, wouldn't be surprised if he just goes straight to walking eventually instead. He definitely prefers being on his feet.

Hope you are all well, hows Frankies foot now? Is she still in the special boot?

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