Mellie, it just takes ages to get it sometimes, they often reject and you have to appeal. They're reconsidering it now, can take weeks apparently. Hopefully we'll get it at some point but it seems to be very hit and miss what they award it for, some people get it for clubfoot and others don't.
Ooh, congratulations on the non-engagement!

There's lots of cheap things you can do for a wedding, doesn't have to be a grand affair. We took a non-traditional route to our civil partnership and it was very much self-organised which was actually quite fun. Though a bit stressful in the last few weeks, when we had to bring it all together. I don't think I mentioned, but on our anniversary this year we 'upgraded' it to a proper marriage. We didn't have a ceremony or anything, just did the paperwork and went for a nice meal.
Stacey, will have to try the sunshade. Our umbrella is useless in the wind, so no worse with a sunshade.
Ah, I saw that koala, poor little thing. Frankie is doing well after the op, it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. Having the boots off means she's discovered the non-casted foot and it's ability to fit in her mouth, which is keeping her quite entertained.
I'm not very imaginative with dressing at the minute. She tends to start the day in one of my least favourite vests because it ends up with food on it, despite the bibs then I put a nice vest or long sleeved top on and she can only really fit into her stretchy leggings from the cloth nappy sites, for going over her cast, so it's either a pair of them, a pair of baby leg warmers or nothing on a warm day. It took me a long time to mentally shift from wanting to dress her in lots of clothes to being sure that she's warm enough without long sleeves and cardies on - I suppose that's because we had winter babies so we're used to wrapping them up a lot.
Goat, it sounds like you have your hands full, she must be keen to get on the move! Hopefully when they're a bit older they'll entertain each other so it won't be such hard work.
Sleep is going awfully here, I am dead on my feet these days. She feeds a lot in the night, I'm wondering if she's not feeding enough in the day but there's only so much I can fit in, between food and naps. I feel like I'm very tied at the minute, it's milk in the morning, then more milk and morning nap, then lunch, then milk and afternoon nap, then dinner, then milk and bedtime. We don't go far because there seems to be hardly any time. Then she's feeding around 12am, 4/5am and then awake for more at 6/7am, though I try to doze while she plays in the cot until 8am. I can live with the night feeds, it's the fact that she wants to be up so early after her 4/5am feed that does it.
This morning really scared me, I fed her lying down in bed because I was so tired and normally I either stay awake or lightly doze but am aware that she's there but this morning I fell into a proper sleep and completely forgot she was lying with my boob in her mouth, when I woke I realised I could have smothered her, so I'm going to have to make an effort to ensure I sit up and feed her every time. My wife keeps complaining that I'm boring for wanting to go to bed early (only 10pm, not like i'm going at 7!) but I'm so fucking tired, and she doesn't stir at all when the baby makes a noise so she gets a lovely uninterrupted sleep. I know she couldn't wake up instead of me because I'm BFing, but sometimes when she is snoring her head off while the baby is waking me, I want to pull a bar of the cot off and bludgeon her with it.
Oh that turned into a bit of a rant! Sorry! This is what sleep deprivation does, I suppose.