never thought i would be posting in here.

I'm so sorry you're going through this, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Thinking of you. :hugs: x x
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hope you are ok hun will be thinking of you tomorrow
I always think it's weird that a stranger can shed a tear for someone else through the internet, but I am. I am so, so sorry you are going through this.

The first time I lose a baby it was a missed miscarriage at what would have been 3 and a bit months. the people who helped me through were a moderator from another preggo site who had delivered her fullterm stillborn son a few months before, and a friend of mine who had suffered a miscarriage before.

Grab whatever support you can, when you feel you need it. I sat at home with my eldest (I had become a single mum while pregnant with number 2) listening to Enya over and over (I'm a hippy folkpunker...?) and cried and cried for a few months. But I got over it eventually. I had my son named and cremated. I scattered him in the sea at Brighton.

Be strong. Whatever your feelings about your baby, it might hit you at some point. Good you have your mum there for support.

Much love and healing vibes to you xxx
Im so sorry for your loss.

I lost a baby 6.5 years ago and had to be induced and give birth as you will. I was 14 weeks when my membrane ruptured. We continued with the pregnancy for another couple of weeks in the vain hope that the tear would repair and the fluids start to increase again but sadly they never did. I gave birth on Thursday 17th February 2005 at 15 weeks and 5 days. I was induced at around 9am and gave birth at about 2.15pm. It was pretty intense and painful but didn't last too long thankfully. The only thing I regret is having diamorphine for the pain as it numbed my emotions and once I'd had the baby I was very blase about it all and just sat watching TV and eating toast as if I'd just had a 'normal' birth. It was all very sureal.

I really hope everything goes ok for you hun. I will be thinking of you. Take care xxx
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Just to echo what everyone else has said Big Bump.

Having had an early natural M/C (and currently spotting very early into 2nd pregnancy so thinking M/C #2 is on the cards) is bad enough but I cannot even begin to contemplate what you must be going through.

You poor, poor love, BUT I know you do not want our pity.

There are no words to help, I feel so inadequete as I wish there was a little something I could offer to you.

My thoughts are with you and your OH (and your little boy of course)

I hope tomorrow goes as well as it can.

Please keep healthy (try to force yourself to keep your strength up by eating a little and drinking a little), try to rest and do not put any pressure on yourself. It is going to take time mentally and physically for you to even begin to feel anywhere near OK.

Lastly give your little boy lots of hugs.

I am so sorry for your loss darling

Ivy was delivered today at 19.10 after a 8 hour labour. She was born in her sack and I am doing well. Physically fine but exhausted... Will update when I'm not so hanging.
Sending you big hugs Hun. So sorry, no words we can say will help. Thinking of you and make sure you rest-up xxx
I cant even begin to tellyou how sorry I am. Ill be thinking ofyou as I am sure the others are here xxx
Thinking of you Hun massive :hugs: xx
what a brave lady you have done your little girl and family proud today. xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: you r so brave and I'm thinking of you. You choose a beautiful name and I hope you get a chance to say goodbye to her. :hugs:
What a truly heartbreaking story! I cannot even begin to imagine how horrible and painful it must have been for you both physically and emotionally. I can't imagine anything more CRUEL than having to go through natural labour when you know you won't have your sweet reward in the end, it sounds like torture to me!

My heart aches so so badly for you! Your story also made me cry! There is nothing that anybody can tell you or do for you to make you feel better I am sure, but if you were here right now in front of me, I would embrace you and cry with you to try and help you through this truly horrendous time!

My thoughts are with you!!! Lots of love and hugs to you!!!! xxx

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