I thought I was ok...


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2007
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After finding out last Saturday that our baby had no heartbeat, I had a D and C on Thursday. I thought I was feeling better after the surgery. I felt a sense of closure and was excited for the time when we could start trying again. We decided we wanted to buy some stuff for flat because we've lived here for about 8 months and haven't put up pictures or anything.

We went to Ikea and everywhere I looked there were pregnant women. I am not kidding... every third women I saw was pregnant or had a small baby with her. I'd been feeling fine, but I was so overwhelmed that I had to leave the store. I'm so sad..... just when I think I'm doing better, I break down crying. On the one hand I'm really excited about trying for another baby, but I feel like I will be devastated if it doesn't happen right away.

I thought a week off of work would be enough (I took last week off) but after my meltdown yesterday, I decided to take a few more days. I feel really bad, but my manager told me to take my time.

Thanks for reading this. I just needed to vent.
Im so sorry kimberly, it can take a while too feel your sefl again.
Give your body some time to adjust and let a cycle go and start again and everyone will support you
im sorry you are feeling like this hun, and even thought you may not want to hear it but it will all start to slow get a little easier. :hug:

Please dont push yourself going back to work or trying again, let your body have a rest (i can understand the need for you to want things to go back to normal). Take some more time off work you are grieving and we all have a right to do that. :hug:

Some days you feel that everything is ok then the tinest thing happens and your back down again, please just rest and look after yourself hun.

PM if you wanna chat at all :hug: :hug:
I totally sympathise with you right now. It's such a difficult time but as they say, time is the greatest healer and you will start to feel better again soon.

Thinking of you.

Sorry for your loss. Hope you feel more like your usual self soon. Take as much time off work as you need. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry for you loss hun, let me know if you want to chat. Hope your feeling a little better soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry for your loss. Take as much time as you need and take care of yourself. :hug:
So sorry for your loss hun.It's such a difficult thing to experience & you will go thru all the stages of grief.But I promise you it will get easier.I lost a baby May 05 at 16 weeks. I got pregnant again 4 months later.My son Jack was born 14June06 & has just turned a yr old. They were 4 long mths & I thought it would never happen but it did. And when it happens for you it will be so special & will bringmeaning to your loss. after all ifit wasnt for my loss I wouldnt have Jack now. Good luck to you ,take it easy on yourself.
Lorrie xx
Thank you so much for all of your kind words. Thank you for sharing Lorrie, that really gives me hope.
Thank you so much for all of your kind words. Thank you for sharing Lorrie, that really gives me hope.

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