****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Ugh!! So angry with OH at the moment!!

He went out with his friends at 12pm and hasn't even bothered to text me all day! I'm so angry as I've been left with my mother in law and seb! I feel like pulling out my hair!! I feel so ignored and rejected :(

Just feels like he prefers their company over mine and his own sons!! :(

Aw hon :( big hugs. I hate it when that sort of thing happens (which it does occasionally). I can't say too much tho as he only sees his family every 2 months ish. I hope he's home now and making it up to u.

Drake is coming on in leaps and bounds. He still prefers to walk rather than crawl, but he's so fast crawling now. I never thought it would happen as he showed no interest in crawling, only walking. He's fairly confident in rolling either way now too. He's pulling himself up things, but it's like he pulls with his arms rather than pushes with his legs. He's also started walking on his hands and feet with his bum in the air lol. He claps, high 5's and points, but it's with his whole hand.

He has a special voice he uses to talk to the cats, but it so high pitched and loud it tends to scare them away. We r still trying to teach him to stroke, not grab them too. He's also realised he can scream. It wasn't too bad to start with as he'd grab a soft toy or ball of wool and scream into that, but now he just screams lol.

We have 3 teeth with a 4th coming through too. Fortunately he loves having them brushed. :)

He's now in his own room, been there about 2 weeks now. It's odd him not being with us, but he seems ok in his own room.

Oh and I hate stairgates!!!!!

Wow Drake is doing amazingly! Clever little fella :-) x
Glad to hear all your LO's are doing well :D

OH got back at around 11pm last night and ive been making him take care of seb all day, even with a hangover..I have no sympathy for him at the moment:shakehead:

Im going to get Seb' weighed tomorrow at the sure start clinic since the HV has been badgering me for months to go along to the weigh in and get to know other mums..To be honest im dreading it as im anything for a quiet life and im not that sociable!:lol:..Large groups of people always make me feel nervous :|..If it wasn't for OH coming with me i think i wouldn't of bothered going!:shock:

Seb now has around 10 teeth!, the bonjella has never got such a using..The poor thing is so grumpy at the moment :(
sebbiesmum - im exactly the same, hate going anywhere unfamiliar on my own where i dont know anyone. When i first had Elexis, the HV would go on about groups and what not, i used to just nod and agree and say "yeah i might give that a try" knowing full well that i wouldnt, luckily my friends little boy isnt much older than Elexis so we get out and about together with them :)

Glad you gave OH some stick too, i'm same with my OH when hes feeling sorry for himself with hangover, i have no sympathy for him what so ever, should learn to drink more responsibly :lol:

We had a super bad night with Elexis last night...well I did, OH just slept! She was waking every 1-2 hours crying, sitting up or standing up in her cot, i ended up giving her some calpol at 1:30am but it didnt make any difference! Someone mentioned maybe its to do with the wonder weeks, not too sure though, they have them at 46 weeks and 55 weeks give or take a week or 2, Elexis is 51 weeks on Thursday...so not sure if it is that or not, i hope it is, at least i can see an end to it then!

Hope everyone elses LOs are behaving :lol:

Happy birthday to Max for the other day TaffyRose, so sorry I missed it, just caught up with everyone's posts! Hope he had a fantastic day x
We finally have some crawling...it's more like army crawling on his elbows but he's moving forward yey! Hope everyone is ok? X
Yay for crawling!

We don't have crawling or walking here. Do have standing and do have Momma being said over and over again :)

Aww yay for crawling :D

Elexis is officially walking properly now...as in more walking than crawling, its funny when shes heading off somewhere shes not supposed to be going, she hears me get up and tries to run, 90% of the time resulting in her falling over and then trying to crawl at super speed for the rest of the way :rofl: bless!!!

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Aww yay for crawling :D

Elexis is officially walking properly now...as in more walking than crawling, its funny when shes heading off somewhere shes not supposed to be going, she hears me get up and tries to run, 90% of the time resulting in her falling over and then trying to crawl at super speed for the rest of the way :rofl: bless!!!


Well done Elexis! How long did it take her to start walking more than crawling? B has been taking 6/7 unaided steps at a time for the past couple of weeks but still prefers crawling most of the time.
Shes only just started this weeks MrsT and she started taking unaided steps at 10 month 3 week, so around a month i'd say :)

That's good to know thanks, off on holiday in the morning and not sure whether to pack reins x
lol, it was while on holiday that Elexis properly found her feet and got the confidence to walk without being near the furniture, we literally got there on the Friday and by the Sunday i was cleaning up, looked around and there she was walking around the caravan :D so maybe take the reins just in case haha!

Ive been away for so long, hope all you bug mummies and babies are well :)

We have a none walker here too :(, he loves to stand with his walker but wont make a grab for any of the furniture!!, we're making zero progress on sandwich grabbing as he just cries at it so in the end i end up picking it up and feeding it to him, he still doesn't grab his beakers to drink out of..:(..We have a visit from the health visitor on 22nd July so hopefully she should be able to shed some light onto whats going on with him, he loves his snacks and will eat his crisps and biscuits himself, but any other finger food is a no go zone :(

Seb' has his other set of injections at the drs on 8th!..We have a very poorly boy at the moment who seems to have picked up a cold and a very tickly cough..He's so miserable :(
Just dropping in to wish 1st Birthdays that must be happening at the moment!

It's xanthe's party on Saturday and I have 25 confirmed (how did that happen?!) I'm baking a cake but have bought a professional one too haha.

Then to celebrate her actual birthday on the 9th we're off to turkey all inclusive (5stars omg) for a week and can't wait!! Bit apprehensive about the 4hr flight though!

She's walking... Yay :) but not unaided - she finally loves her walker and she's got a trike for her bday and she zooms around really good on that so don't think it's long till she will walk on her own...but no crawling. She says momma all day long, she's starting to have jokes to herself and plays by herself. She'll hold her bottles/beaker but her favourite thing is to drink from a cup but it goes all down her lol so we've compromised by using a drinking straw.

Can't believe how fast the year has gone by!

testing her trike!

And just a recent one in the garden:

sebbiesmum - the fact that he can reach for his snacks no bother shows that the ability is definitely there, maybe he just doesnt have a big desire for the other stuff so just gets a little lazy. i hope your health visit goes well, im sure it will. and hope he feels better soon too!

frankie - xanthe is so gorgeous!!! and a massive happy birthday to her when it comes!

its dexters birthday on sunday. so my OH's dad is coming to visit on saturday. then on sunday OH's mum, brother and stepdad are coming for a mini party (we dont know many people here yet) so im just putting on a wee buffet and balloons and ive got a personalised dinosaur cake for him, then there will be gifts, then once they leave we're taking dexter to the circus (not one with animals though cause i dont agree with making animals perform) so im really excited.

dex is doing really well just now. hes walking constantly, barely crawls at all anymore. he says random words when you least expect it but then never says them again. yesterday i gave him a cheese stick and he said 'cheese' twice in a row. but then when i made a big deal of it and tried to get him to say it again he went silent lol.. little monkey!

hes still in our room til we decorate his, but we just never have any time!!! so hes still not sleeping through and still comes in our bed half way through the night! driving me insane lol!!

hes started hitting me and pulling my hair when hes angry/being told off. and its really difficult to get him to stop. think imma have to get watching some supernanny soon lol.

aww sebbiesmum - im sure your LO will get there, like littlesmoosh said it maybe just laziness. Elexis has her jabs on 8th too :( im sending OH, i cant bare to hear her cry!

Frankie - xanthe is gorgeous and looking so grown up, madness where this last year has gone! Hope she enjoys her party on Saturday and hope she has a fab birthday!

Littlesmoosh - hope your LO has a lovely birthday too, the dinosaur cake sounds awesome :D lucky little man!

Ive noticed lately that Elexis understands a lot of things i say, if i ask her to get her pop pop, or a nappy she will go get it for me :D shes walking all over now...no more crawling! I walked her down to school the other day to pick her big sis up and she walked the entire way, for me and my eldest its a 10 minute walk...took me about 25 minutes haha but she did it, and then she walked to the park later on that day and went down the slide for the first time :lol:
Shes full of cold atm :( but had a lovely sleep for me last night.
i was at hospital from Thursday morning 9am until friday 5am - i had the honor of being a labour partner for my brothers fiancee as well as him obviously! She had a tough time of it but finally she gave birth to my gorgeous niece weighing 7lb 6oz. I got home that day and didnt get to sleep while 12:30 dinner and then only slept while 3:15, so needless to say i needed sleep last night and i got it, missus went 7-11:30 and then 11:30-4:30am and then 4:30-8am :D happy mummy!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sun...i think we may very well make the most of it xxx

Here she is walking to the park :D

And here in her birthday ball pool which she luuuuurves hehe!
Hi everyone, so exciting (and scary!) that the babies are celebrating their 1st birthdays! I saw a June/July 2013 mummies thread the other day and it made me feel a bit emotional! Hope Xanthe's party goes well Frankie! I love Elexis's ball pool tent Deedee! X
Thanks Les...i thought a tent would be better than a standard ball pool...less mess and all, but nope, she just posts the balls through the tent door ha!

Hows everyones LO's coping with the heat this weekend?
Elexis hated been outside yesterday, we popped into town, she was fine in the shops, got outside and she cried. Took ages to get her settled at bed time last night, gave her a cool bath and put her to bed in just her nappy...it was 26 degrees in her room :O she finally went off and slept reasonably well

Hi girls. Sorry I've not been around much. Work has been taking over my life. Wow, Deedee, I'm so impressed with Elexis' walking! That's amazing. Tilly is not walking unaided yet, but she's getting better all the time and I'm hoping she will within a month or two.

It's not too hot here so T has been fine. I can't imagine what I'd do if it were 26 degrees indoors!

Huge happy birthday to Dexter, Yvonne!!! Hope you have an amazing day. Sounds like you're settling in really well.

Frankie, Xanthe is really cute. Hope you had a great party on Saturday, and happy birthday to her for Tuesday.

If you can see tickers, you'll see that I'm expecting no.2! Only 6 weeks along, so early days yet, but I'm absolutely terrified! Tilly is doing amazingly well. She's so cheerful and chatty at the moment and is growing up incredibly fast. I'm very proud of her. Here she is:

Omg Karen number 2! Congratulations!!

I can't believe they're all turning 1. It seems to have flown by.

We're having a party fir his birthday on the 27th and somehow I've ended up with a huge guest list! O_o

Here are a few recent ones of seb. X


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Hi june/july mummies!
Theyre all doing so well! & growing up so so quickly.
All the birthdays are making me a bit sad because it means Os is getting closer! its 2 weeks friday :(! what happened to my baby?!
Shes properly on the move now only took 11mths but she did it! Shes gone from crawling to taking 3-4 steps on her own within a matter of 2 weeks.
Im properly back at work now which im hating to be honest. O still isnt settling with the childminder & the tears when i leave break my heart! But i hope she will settle down soon.
Weve been trying to enjoy the sunshine this weekend, had a BBQ & the paddling pool out. O has mostly slept though think its the heat, im so worried she will get to hot again after having that convulsion when she was poorly!
Its her christening next Sunday which will be lovely as well as stressful (big demanding family!)
A few recent pics...

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