****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hi ladies. So sorry I've been AWOL... just catching up with you all now and glad to hear your news. Hoping all the babies are well/getting better. Good luck with your move, Yvonne! Look forward to having you back online.

Well, things aren't amazing here... I wrote this on NavyLouise's 'foot turn' thread, but I'll repeat it here. I noticed yesterday that Tilly's thigh creases don't match up and that her left leg seems shorter than her right - both indicators that she might have a problem with her hips. I am shitting bricks about it, as treatment at T's age is often surgery followed by a plaster cast (called a spica cast) that covers LO from chest to the knees or even the ankles, and they are in plaster for 3-6 months. I am going to see the GP tomorrow for a referral for an x-ray. I've been crying on and off at the prospect of it since last night and can't shake the feeling that it will be bad news. I can't imagine my energetic, bright little monkey being all bound up and unable to do what she wants. It would break my heart to see her development hindered in this way. I know I'd cope, and that I would make up for the lack of physical development by helping her learn in other ways, but it's still an awful prospect... Sorry to be so pessimistic, I know we've not had a scan yet and am trying to keep my chin up. It's just that when I watch her trying to crawl around or cruising the windowsill, which is her favourite activity right now, I can feel my heart breaking a little bit that she might not be able to do that for months if we get bad news. I am just praying that there's nothing wrong, although my instincts keep telling me there is.

OK. Moan over. She's absolutely brilliant at the moment - if I sing 'If you're happy and you know it...' she'll clap her hands before I get to that line. If I pick the tune out on the piano with no words, she'll turn to me and start clapping too. She also does it for a different song that involves clapping hands too and it is MAGICAL to see that the little so-and-so has actually been paying attention to me all this time despite all appearances to the contrary. I just hope her language and music skills keep coming along like this - I'm so proud of her, even though the lazy bum still doesn't crawl!

Hope you are all well. Sorry for the moan... but I'll keep you updated

Hey sweetie. Just wanted to send a massive hug. It must be a worry for you but your doing the right thin getting it checked out. Keep us posted with how you get on at the doctors. XxX
Sebbiesmum - don't worry about the review it will be fine I'm sure. Remember they are all different! Hope it goes well x
Sorry to hear about your worrys karen, fingers crossed its nothing, always best to get it checked anyway though.

sebbiesmum - i got an app through for Elexis's 1 year check, it just so happened to fall on when we re on holiday and trying to get in touch with the hv's to rearrange is like getting the pope to come to mine for tea...almost impossible!! Gonna try again today :roll: gonna be fun trying to weigh her when they do finally come out, she really doesnt like strangers atm, absolutely screams if they even so much as look at her and smile lol!!

Well, it didn't go as bad as i thought it would be still kinda bad in my eyes!:roll:..The woman we had was lovely and Seb seemed to be smiling at her and clapping continuously through the whole review which was sweet.

They didn't weigh him today which i was gutted about so i have to go to the clinic and get them to do that on June 11th! :|.

I have to make a doctors appointment for Seb in regards to his major constipation, HV showed a little concern about him not wanting to feed himself and him not even being interested in doing such a thing, and she also told us to mention his dislike for not wanting to crawl, i showed her what happens when we try and encourage him by putting him on his front and he just screamed the place down!:shock:

But im sort of glad its out of the way now :lol:
Awww. I'm glad his one year review went OK, SebbiesMum. Don't worry about his mibility too much.I was speaking to a mum last week and her LO didn't move til 14 months and didn't walk til 19 months. All normal. Tilly isn't moving a lot either.

Thanks for all your support ladies, it really means a lot. Les - it's a nightmare when you don't know what's wrong and then go crazy on google...

We went to the GP today. She had a good play with T's hips and said the mobility is good and there are no clicks, clunks or scraping sounds, so that's positive. She has referred us to a paediatrician for further investigations nevertheless, but she didn't seem too bothered by the discrepancy in her leg lengths, or the extra fat roll. I guess we just have to wait and see now. I hate waiting... I keep thinking that we need to sort it out NOW or it'll get worse, but I guess there's always a queue...

I'll let you all know when I get a date for an appointment. Until then, I can just keep enjoying watching her try to move, silly mad thing. xxx
Glad the hv went ok sebbiesmum...like karen said some babies are late movers...all very normal!

Karen - so glad the doc doesnt seem too worried, always good to investigate a little further just to double check though! I'm sure all will be ok!

We go on our first family holiday this Friday, so excited but also apprehensive...more so because of Elexis, what with the sleeping arrangements and wondering how she will actually settle in a new place! I'm sure im worrying over nothing! Its just making sure i remember everything too...going to be like a pack horse :lol:

Awww. I'm glad his one year review went OK, SebbiesMum. Don't worry about his mibility too much.I was speaking to a mum last week and her LO didn't move til 14 months and didn't walk til 19 months. All normal. Tilly isn't moving a lot either.

Thanks for all your support ladies, it really means a lot. Les - it's a nightmare when you don't know what's wrong and then go crazy on google...

We went to the GP today. She had a good play with T's hips and said the mobility is good and there are no clicks, clunks or scraping sounds, so that's positive. She has referred us to a paediatrician for further investigations nevertheless, but she didn't seem too bothered by the discrepancy in her leg lengths, or the extra fat roll. I guess we just have to wait and see now. I hate waiting... I keep thinking that we need to sort it out NOW or it'll get worse, but I guess there's always a queue...

I'll let you all know when I get a date for an appointment. Until then, I can just keep enjoying watching her try to move, silly mad thing. xxx

Glad it went well with the GP Karen, hopefully it's just one of those things she will grow out of, I agree though waiting to see a paediatrician is a pain but its a good sign that they're not worried about Tilly- Harry saw one within a week! X
Hey all, sorry I've only just caught up on this thread.

Sorry to hear you're worried Karen, but it's good that the doctor isn't concerned and as Les says if they were worried you would have an appointment straight away.

Sebbiesmum - glad the review went well, I think these appointments will always make us nervous.

Melissa that video is gorgeous :)

Not much new with us, Max is getting more chatty everyday and I think getting quite close to trying to walk, although his favourite thing to do is climb - anything and everything! I just can't believe he's one a week tomorrow, where the hell did that week go!?! xxx
Hey all, sorry I've only just caught up on this thread.

Sorry to hear you're worried Karen, but it's good that the doctor isn't concerned and as Les says if they were worried you would have an appointment straight away.

Sebbiesmum - glad the review went well, I think these appointments will always make us nervous.

Melissa that video is gorgeous :)

Not much new with us, Max is getting more chatty everyday and I think getting quite close to trying to walk, although his favourite thing to do is climb - anything and everything! I just can't believe he's one a week to morrow, where the hell did that week go!?! xxx

Thanks, hun. I'm just sitting tight and hoping for the best when we see the paediatrician - trying not to think about it too much or to read anything into what I see. I keep on looking at the way she stands, the way she cruises and how she's looking when she's trying to crawl and I try to see a limp or a dragging leg... I can't really tell, though, as I'm no expert. She's really starting to move, now, at last. She's crawling a few paces before she sprawls down, and loves cruising on the furniture, but isn't able to let go yet. I'm really pleased with her.

I can't believe Max will be 1 soon! He's just over a week older than Tilly. We haven't even started planning what to do for her birthday - what have you got planned? So exciting! I am currently trying to sew her a play tent - I bought a cheap one and it came with a hideous pink cover, so I've bought fabric and am going to make her a much more tasteful cover. When I'll do this, I have no idea as we are off to France tomorrow for a week...

God help us, flying with Tilly could be interesting. I really hope she sleeps OK and is happy away from home. She has gone SUPER clingy these last two days and it's driving me nuts. She used to be so independent, and then yesterday afternoon she was trying to climb me all afternoon for a cuddle and wouldn't let me put her down. It's cute, but :wall2::wall2::wall2: I'm not used to it at all!

Have a lovely week, ladies. I'll be back next Monday xxxxx
Hope all you June and July bug mummies are well!..Sorry ive been away for a while had so much going on with planning Seb's birthday party for Saturday!

I cant believe he's 1 on Thursday!, i need some inspiration for decorations as im really struggling :(..I was thinking about making some sort of collage of his baby pictures all the way until present day but i dont think id have the time to do it!..I dont even know how to make paper chains..Im useless :lol:
It's so quiet in here!! Hope all you bug mummies are out enjoying the sun!

Seb turned 1 yesterday and was well and truly spoilt! His great grandma gave him £20, and he got lots of toys which will probably be expanding tomorrow as its his party :lol:
Aww happy birthday Sebastian for yesterday. I hope you all had a lovely day and a great party tomorrow! X

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Aww happy belated birthday to Sebastian, hope he had an awesome time :)

We have only just got back off holiday! Just went to skegness for the week but it was lovely especially spending time on the beach with the kids in the sunshine...i think i could quite easily move to the coast ;)

While we were on holiday Elexis started taking unaided steps without me calling for her to walk to me, i was cleaning the caravan last Sunday and looked around and she was walking around the caravan, shes not doing it all the time, but now were at home, instead of crawling from the sofa to her walker or tv stand, she just walks across and will only crawl if its quite a distance to where she wants to be :D Her sleeping seems to be improving too!

Also...Elexis is 1 in just under 2 weeks...i have no idea what to get her...so spam me with ideas ladies, i really need some inspiration!!

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Hi everyone! Sorry been so busy at work, I literally feel exhausted these days! It's scary seeing the June babies turn 1 as it will be the July babies next! Hope Sebastian has a fantastic party today sebbies mum and sorry to hear people have let you down at the last minute, I bet he will still have the best time :-) xxx
Hope seb had a lovely birthday Sebbiesmum.

Deedee we're getting B a trike and rest of family between them are getting garden activities such as a swing and slide. Also getting a toy workmanship bench a bit like the little kitchens.

Loving the gorgeous weather, been out in the garden with B in the paddling pool such fun!
Ugh!! So angry with OH at the moment!!

He went out with his friends at 12pm and hasn't even bothered to text me all day! I'm so angry as I've been left with my mother in law and seb! I feel like pulling out my hair!! I feel so ignored and rejected :(

Just feels like he prefers their company over mine and his own sons!! :(
Ugh!! So angry with OH at the moment!!

He went out with his friends at 12pm and hasn't even bothered to text me all day! I'm so angry as I've been left with my mother in law and seb! I feel like pulling out my hair!! I feel so ignored and rejected :(

Just feels like he prefers their company over mine and his own sons!! :(

Aw hon :( big hugs. I hate it when that sort of thing happens (which it does occasionally). I can't say too much tho as he only sees his family every 2 months ish. I hope he's home now and making it up to u.

Drake is coming on in leaps and bounds. He still prefers to walk rather than crawl, but he's so fast crawling now. I never thought it would happen as he showed no interest in crawling, only walking. He's fairly confident in rolling either way now too. He's pulling himself up things, but it's like he pulls with his arms rather than pushes with his legs. He's also started walking on his hands and feet with his bum in the air lol. He claps, high 5's and points, but it's with his whole hand.

He has a special voice he uses to talk to the cats, but it so high pitched and loud it tends to scare them away. We r still trying to teach him to stroke, not grab them too. He's also realised he can scream. It wasn't too bad to start with as he'd grab a soft toy or ball of wool and scream into that, but now he just screams lol.

We have 3 teeth with a 4th coming through too. Fortunately he loves having them brushed. :)

He's now in his own room, been there about 2 weeks now. It's odd him not being with us, but he seems ok in his own room.

Oh and I hate stairgates!!!!!
MrsT - aw wish I had a paddling pool for Drake. Bet it's great fun :)

Les - I hope work calms down a little for u.

Deedee - aw congratz to Elexis. :) I can't be much help sorry. All I know that we r buying Drake is a ball pit/tent atm lol.

Karen - good luck with the paeds. I hope you and Tilly get seen soon. I hope you had a lovely holiday too. :)

Taffyrose - happy birthday to Max. :

I hope everyone is enjoying our lovely weather. I have actually taken the plunge and stripped Drake off a couple of times for some nudie fun. Kept worrying he'd be cold tho he loved it :lol:
That sounds like a good idea to be honest violet :) thanks hun!

Sebbiesmum - men can be such arses, they have no consideration at times! Sometimes my OH bogs off out and i dont get any calls or texts to let me know when he will be home, which really irritates me more than ever now as we dont have a spare key and i usually like to be in bed for 10 ish with getting up with Elexis through the night and if theres one thing i hate is going to bed and leaving the front door unlocked!! And i doubly hate been knocked up at daft o clock to let drunken bums in :roll: hope your OH has made it up to you! I dont think they know how to use their brains :lol:

For the last few days Elexis has been so so mardy, i dont know whats wrong with her, shes only happy if i'm carrying her around or walking her around holding her hand, she had me pacing the living room for a good half hour yesterday and all she did was walk in circles :roll: shes been waking at around 4:30am and just crying, not wanting to go back to sleep even though she looks absolutely shattered, i thought maybe it was down to the heat and so stripped her off and put her to bed in just a vest last night but she still woke crying! Hope its just a phase, i'm knackered!


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