****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

ahh sounds like all the little people are doing fab (apart from sleeping in some cases ;) lol)

littlesmoosh - Elexis hated the dummy, i only just started getting her to have one at around 7months in the hope that she would take that instead of a feed and sleep better at night...no such luck :roll:

Kirsty - Finn will get there with the walking, i think Elexis is just advanced at this as she was a late crawler and so most of the time before she learnt to crawl she would pull her self up on us and then grab our hand so we would walk around the room with her to give her that bit of freedom of movement rather than her been immobile!

Sebbiesmum - i've heard lots of people going to spin classes, what is it exactly? i'm on a mission to lose the baby weight big style, starting the gym within the next 2 weeks but i wouldnt mind trying out some classes too!


As a noob i found spinning very painful..We're on day 4 and the aches and pains have only just left me:lol:, Spinning classes are pretty much like riding an exercise bike but instead of the back wheel moving the front wheel moves..You also have a button that controls the resistance of the bike (making it harder or easier to peddle)..Basically the man/woman controlling the class will sit on a platform on a bike and join in..Shout commands at you..and you pretty much peddle like crazy in time to the music!..For us it was like dance music (even if there was a good dose of black sabbeth thrown in there for good measure!)..And you pretty simulate a bike ride..up hills, sprints..jumps..Anything goes pretty much!

I had a very nice old man as my instructor and he was really sweet and offered me lots of encouragement and said for a noob i did amazing:)

Ive already lost 4lb of my baby weight from walking and spinning..So im going to kick it up this week and introduce zumba to my fitness regime!..I will be 9 stone again one day!:lol:
Hey all, sorry I haven't been on this thread for ages but it's lovely to catch up and read what all your babies are up to, they are all doing so well. It's also lovely to see you back Deedee, your little lady is scrummy :)

Thankfully Max seems to coming out of his grumpy phase and seems to suddenly be very grown up and is into everything. He tries to climb anything and everything (can now climb all the way up the stairs) and happily cruises around the furniture so I don't think it'll be too much longer until he's attempting to take his 1st steps. He's also finally started clapping, which made me so happy as I've been clapping at him for months. he now claps everything. He's also gotten really chatty and you can see he's trying to form words which is very cute.

Here's a couple of pics of my little monkey, the 1st is looking very grown up on his ride on car and the 2nd scoffing daddy's icecream cone after stealing it early this afternoon :)

PS. Well done on the weightloss and exercise SebbiesMum xxx


Sebbiesmum - sounds painful haha, but also seems to be working! Well done on the weight loss!! I started weight watchers 3 weeks ago and have lost just over a stone...started doing the 30 day squat challenge too...was a right killer on the first day, had to come downstairs on my bum as my legs hurt so much :lol: but its got easier thankfully!!

Taffyrose - Your little man is so so cute :D cant believe how grown up all our babies are looking...and they will all be having their 1st birthdays very soon eeek!! Bless em!!

Elexis has learnt something new too...its had everyone in stitches, when gangnam style comes on she semi does the dance, such a shame you cant post videos on here but i did put it on my facebook, its hilarious! Also when she does something good and i say "clever" to her she claps! Properly cute! And we have had 2 good nights sleep out of her as well, i managed to sleep 10:30 - 5:30 Sunday night and 10 - 4:30 last night :yay:

Hi girls! I've been neglecting posting in here for ages!
Hope everyone's well - so nice to see you back Deedee x

Loving my little man at the moment he's just so scrummy!

This is him getting ready for holiday! He loves putting things away and taking them out again - he's a dream for loading up the washing machine lol!
Awwwwww. TaffyRose and MrsT, your little boys are adorable xxx
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Hi everyone! Sorry iv not posted for a while. Keep checking in to see how your all doing though. Glad your all doing well and all the little ones are well!

Meri hasn't been well for a couple of days. She's had her first ever temperature and hasn't been herself at all. Poor little thing.

I have I say I'm loving this age she's just like a little sponge! She keeps coming out with words when we least expect her to and she's just such a little cheeky monkey I love it. She says 'hiya' all the time even to strangers in the supermarket. Ha ha. So funny.

We have been really busy getting the house sorted ready for it to go on the market in a couple of weeks. All getting a bit real now! Very exciting though. Just hope it sells as its pretty slow right now round here!

Anyway I hope your all ok! Loads of love to you all x

Ps - this made me laugh today. Before and after nurofen.

Yes DeeDee, it felt like my muscles we're going to pop through my skin everytime i walked:roll:

Had my first Zumba class tonight, and to be honest it was great! :D..I was expecting it to be a ball ache!..The dance routines we're fun!:dance:..A lot of ass shaking was involved..And even the old darlings we're getting into it!:lol:..Might stay the extra half an hour for the toning session next time as that looks interesting :D

I have a feeling my scales are deceiving me :(..According to them ive lost 10lb in under a week..:fib:..Thats not really doable..I dont think! heh!
Ugh Sebbiesmum spinning is like torture! I did it recently and could barely walk for a week!

Well done though hun! And your scales might be correct! You can lose a lot in your first week of diet and exercise. I lost 8lb in my first week. Not much since mind but still! Ha ha. Well done you x
Well, ill recheck tomorrow..I was a bit naughty and weighed myself during my tidying session..And i was like 'No, way!!'..I weighed myself once in the living room and that told me I was nearly 13 stone and i went through into the kitchen and weighed myself again and got 12 stone exactly..Which would take my grand total of weight loss to 14lb! :errm:..We have really uneven floors in our house so im going to have to re-check tomorrow and see what i get since the floors in the kitchen are about the only even floors in the house :lol:

On topic...Seb will be 1 in 2 weeks :|, its crazy how time goes..Im so ready for another baby but convincing OH is quite hard work at the moment :(, and Seb has had awful constipation for the past 2 days..He's always had trouble with pooping so if prune juice or water doesn't help him then we're off to the doctors about it as he gets so upset..Goes bright red and screams :(..Hate seeing him like that =\
Well Meri has been really poorly this week. Not herself at all. She went to bed at 6:30 last night. Woke up at 5, had a bottle and has only just woken up now! 15 hours sleep! She's woken up so much better thank goodness. Can't stand it when she's poorly!
Slightly O/T..But just wanted to share this picture as its remarkable! lol..Size 18 jeans are finally loose on me..I never thought id see the day!:lol:

Aww poor meri, hope the epic sleep has done her a world of good and shes feeling tonnes better!

Wow sebbiesmum - i cant wait until i pull on some trousers and notice they are loose! I've already lost an inch on my hips but ive been opting for elasticated waisted jeans lately, so much more comfier so think it may take some time before i notice a different! My old winter coat isnt as tight as it used to be anyway, theres some give around the tummy area for once :yay:

Elexis has been funny as lately! A few days ago i got her to walk to me and said "clever" and she started clapping, now everything she does she claps at herself...and her dancing is coming on lovely haha!

hey girls! sorry not been in for a while, havent really had a minute to myself. moving house tomoz! and dexter has recently decided that he doesnt like to nap anymore. refuses to go down during the day, but is a nightmare, so have been packing the flat, and taking him on hour long walks til he eventually konks out! hes went from doing 2 naps a day in his cot, to one a day in his pram if we're lucky! hoping its just a phase hes going though due to all thats happening around him. OH starts his new job on tuesday, so im left to unpack the new house, and with dexter refusing to sleep its just not gunna happen! aaaah!
anyways, just wanted to pop in and say sorry for not keeping up to date with all you guys. wont have the internet at first, but as soon as i do il be back online and reading all your updates!
much love,
yvonne and dex! x
Good luck with the move honey. Look forward to hearing how your getting on xx
aww good luck with the move! Maybe dexter might help you unpack ;) in his own messy way hehe!!

Hi ladies. So sorry I've been AWOL... just catching up with you all now and glad to hear your news. Hoping all the babies are well/getting better. Good luck with your move, Yvonne! Look forward to having you back online.

Well, things aren't amazing here... I wrote this on NavyLouise's 'foot turn' thread, but I'll repeat it here. I noticed yesterday that Tilly's thigh creases don't match up and that her left leg seems shorter than her right - both indicators that she might have a problem with her hips. I am shitting bricks about it, as treatment at T's age is often surgery followed by a plaster cast (called a spica cast) that covers LO from chest to the knees or even the ankles, and they are in plaster for 3-6 months. I am going to see the GP tomorrow for a referral for an x-ray. I've been crying on and off at the prospect of it since last night and can't shake the feeling that it will be bad news. I can't imagine my energetic, bright little monkey being all bound up and unable to do what she wants. It would break my heart to see her development hindered in this way. I know I'd cope, and that I would make up for the lack of physical development by helping her learn in other ways, but it's still an awful prospect... Sorry to be so pessimistic, I know we've not had a scan yet and am trying to keep my chin up. It's just that when I watch her trying to crawl around or cruising the windowsill, which is her favourite activity right now, I can feel my heart breaking a little bit that she might not be able to do that for months if we get bad news. I am just praying that there's nothing wrong, although my instincts keep telling me there is.

OK. Moan over. She's absolutely brilliant at the moment - if I sing 'If you're happy and you know it...' she'll clap her hands before I get to that line. If I pick the tune out on the piano with no words, she'll turn to me and start clapping too. She also does it for a different song that involves clapping hands too and it is MAGICAL to see that the little so-and-so has actually been paying attention to me all this time despite all appearances to the contrary. I just hope her language and music skills keep coming along like this - I'm so proud of her, even though the lazy bum still doesn't crawl!

Hope you are all well. Sorry for the moan... but I'll keep you updated
Hi ladies. So sorry I've been AWOL... just catching up with you all now and glad to hear your news. Hoping all the babies are well/getting better. Good luck with your move, Yvonne! Look forward to having you back online.

Well, things aren't amazing here... I wrote this on NavyLouise's 'foot turn' thread, but I'll repeat it here. I noticed yesterday that Tilly's thigh creases don't match up and that her left leg seems shorter than her right - both indicators that she might have a problem with her hips. I am shitting bricks about it, as treatment at T's age is often surgery followed by a plaster cast (called a spica cast) that covers LO from chest to the knees or even the ankles, and they are in plaster for 3-6 months. I am going to see the GP tomorrow for a referral for an x-ray. I've been crying on and off at the prospect of it since last night and can't shake the feeling that it will be bad news. I can't imagine my energetic, bright little monkey being all bound up and unable to do what she wants. It would break my heart to see her development hindered in this way. I know I'd cope, and that I would make up for the lack of physical development by helping her learn in other ways, but it's still an awful prospect... Sorry to be so pessimistic, I know we've not had a scan yet and am trying to keep my chin up. It's just that when I watch her trying to crawl around or cruising the windowsill, which is her favourite activity right now, I can feel my heart breaking a little bit that she might not be able to do that for months if we get bad news. I am just praying that there's nothing wrong, although my instincts keep telling me there is.

OK. Moan over. She's absolutely brilliant at the moment - if I sing 'If you're happy and you know it...' she'll clap her hands before I get to that line. If I pick the tune out on the piano with no words, she'll turn to me and start clapping too. She also does it for a different song that involves clapping hands too and it is MAGICAL to see that the little so-and-so has actually been paying attention to me all this time despite all appearances to the contrary. I just hope her language and music skills keep coming along like this - I'm so proud of her, even though the lazy bum still doesn't crawl!

Hope you are all well. Sorry for the moan... but I'll keep you updated

Aww Karen sorry to hear that, I know exactly how you feel, Harry has something completely different but it was his thigh creases that led me to find out about his syndrome. The prospect of surgery etc is scary but once you've seen a specialist etc I promise it will help put your mind at rest. These LOs are sent to try us, ive spent the last 10 months going out of my mind with worry, every cough and cold panics me! Big hugs xxx
Karen I really hope it turns out all ok. I'll tell you not to worry but I know I would be so I'm sending you hugs and keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Well, tomorrows the big day for Seb'..He has his year review (even though hes not 1 until June)..To be honest im really quite nervous about it!, incase they think he's behind or he's slow at particular things..He's not walking or trying to cruise yet, wont crawl..Well won't do anything that involves effort (bit like his mother :lol: ) and he isn't even bothered about feeding himself just yet :|..

We have the HV at 1.30pm..I dont think im going to sleep much at all tonight, ill be too nervous! :(..I know my mum always says to ignore them but i just cant help but take everything they say to heart at times :\..I guess im just so over sensitive!
Well, tomorrows the big day for Seb'..He has his year review (even though hes not 1 until June)..To be honest im really quite nervous about it!, incase they think he's behind or he's slow at particular things..He's not walking or trying to cruise yet, wont crawl..Well won't do anything that involves effort (bit like his mother :lol: ) and he isn't even bothered about feeding himself just yet :|..

We have the HV at 1.30pm..I dont think im going to sleep much at all tonight, ill be too nervous! :(..I know my mum always says to ignore them but i just cant help but take everything they say to heart at times :\..I guess im just so over sensitive!

Harry has his 6-12 month review this morning and he doesn't move around either! I don't think it's a very thorough check in our area so we will probably be out within 10 minutes! Hope Seb's goes well Hun x

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